Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1956: Let's Go Back For Now

Chapter 1956: Let's Go Back For Now

Tang Wulin offered no response to this.

If they were only facing the soul beast army, then the human race would stand a chance. After all, there were many powerful beings in the human race, and even though the soul beast army included Da Ming and Er Ming, it certainly wasn't invincible.

However, now that Gu Yuena had taken control over so many powerful beings of the human race, it was completely hopeless!

Gu Yuena declared, "It'll only take around three to five more days before all of the Soul Masters under my control arrive here; I'll give you five days to decide whether you want to surrender or die."

"My Lord, you can't let him go! That Tang Wulin has created too many miracles, and not only is he the leader of Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect, he's closely connected to both the planar ruler and the core of life; if he managed to awaken those two beings, then the tables could be turned," Di Tian said in an urgent manner.

"You dare to question me?" Gu Yuena turned to Di Tian with a cold expression, and the entire world seemed to crash down upon him in an instant as fearsome divine sense erupted forth in full force.

Even with Di Tian's powers, he was forced onto the ground amid a muffled groan.

It was only for an instant, but the aura that Gu Yuena had just released had been extraordinarily powerful. Tang Wulin could clearly sense that the divine sense that Gu Yuena had just released was definitely above his own. In fact, it was even comparable to that of the Holy Lord.

Gu Yuena closed her eyes, and declared, "Five days; that's all the time you have."

She then vanished amid a flash of silver light, and all of the flowers on the ground below quickly wilted.

All of the powerful beings under her control departed after her, while the soul beasts returned to the Myriad Beast Plane that was hovering in the sky.

Prior to his departure, Da Ming took one final look at Tang Wulin before giving a forlorn sigh.

Tang Wulin's face was quite pale as he looked at the wilted flowers down below. His fists were tightly clenched, and never did he expect something like this to happen.

"Wulin." A hand appeared on his shoulder, and he turned to discover Cao Dezhi standing beside him.

"Let's go back for now," Cao Dezhi Dezhi said, to which Tang Wulin nodded in response.

Thus, he and the four Limit Douluos began to fly back toward the Eternal Sky City.

During their flight, one figure after another passed them by, all of whom were flying toward the Spirit Pagoda like mindless zombies.

The Eternal Sky City was still teeming with life, but everyone was bogged down by a sense of dread.

Tang Wulin seemed to have already regained his composure, but his aura seemed a little cold and forbidding.

Standing before him was a controlled Soul Master whom he had captured on the way back, and he was currently assessing the Soul Master's condition with golden light shimmering in his eyes.

Aside from the four Limit Douluos, the seven old demons were also present, and they naturally hadn't been affected.

Only after a full half-hour did the golden light slowly recede from Tang Wulin's eyes, and Long Yeyue asked in an urgent voice, "Is there a way to undo the control?"

Tang Wulin shook his head in response. "A seed seems to have been planted in his mind, and it's very special in that it's completely fused as one with his mind. It doesn't seem to have any substantial form, but it can't be erased unless its host perishes. Gu Yue is most likely using the Dragon God's core to release powerful divine sense in order to control these Soul Master using these seeds. This is most likely a secret technique of the dragon clan, and there's no way to undo thids control unless one of us possesses divine sense exceeding that of the Dragon God's core."

Everyone's expressions immediately darkened upon hearing this.

The Dragon God was a godking; even if the Dragon God's core were of an inferior caliber, it had to at least possess the power of a first-rank god.

In addition to that, it was being controlled by Gu Yuena. Under these circumstances, even the planar ruler's divine sense could very well be inferior to it, let alone Tang Wulin's.

Tang Wulin wore a grim expression as he crossed his arms, and a contemplative look appeared in his eyes. Looking at their current situation, they had no chances at all.

Right at this moment, the soul communicator on his wrist suddenly began to ring, and Tang Wulin's brows furrowed tightly at the sight of the caller's name on the screen.

He answered the call, and an urgent voice immediately rang out from the other side. "How are things going on your end, Wulin? I'm struggling to control the situation here. Many media outlets have broadcast your proposal through satellite images, so it's impossible to keep this matter a secret."

The caller was none other than President Mo Lan, and it had been a very long time since Tang Wulin had heard her speak in such an urgent tone.

Even during the invasion of the abyssal plane, Mo Lan had been able to remain calm and unite the general public to support the soldiers on the front lines.

Tang Wulin knew that the situation definitely wasn't a positive one, but he didn't anticipate the reaction to be so quick.

"What are things like on your end, Sister Mo Lan?" Tang Wulin asked.

Mo Lan seemed to have calmed down slightly, and she replied, "Things are going very badly here. Due to the abyssal plane invasion, the emotions of the general public are still very raw, and it would be very easy for panic to set in in the wake of such a turn of events. Many of the military's high-ranking officers have left their posts without any reason, and it's clear that they've been controlled and are heading toward the Spirit Pagoda headquarters. Close to 60% of all of the Soul Masters in the military at or above the Soul Ancestor level are traveling toward the Spirit Pagoda, leaving the military sorely lacking in leadership.

"To make matters even worse, the Battle God Hall is currently virtually empty, and even the Sky Crossing Douluo seems to have been controlled. At the moment, there are still some people unaware of the situation, but the news is rapidly spreading, and there's nothing we can do. The public is on the verge of flying into a panic, and due to the sudden absence of so many important military figures, it's become impossible to maintain law and order in many cities."

Tang Wulin took a deep breath. The situation was even worse than he had anticipated.

Mo Lan sighed, "The abyssal plane invasion is a calamity from the outside, but this disaster really was brought on by the human race itself. We've been causing so much damage to this world for so many years, and this world has finally lashed out in retaliation; I just didn't think that this day would come so quickly. You have to keep your resolve, Wulin; you are now the only hope of the human race."

A hint of sorrow flashed through Tang Wulin's eyes, and it was naturally impossible for him to become completely calm in this situation, but due to all of the hardships that he had encountered in the past, he had learned how to force himself to maintain a certain degree of calmness.

"Do your best to control the military, Sister Mo Lan. I'm sure that there are still some military officials outside of Gu Yue's control; deploy them to quell as much of the unrest in the cities as possible. In this situation, we can't afford to fall apart from the inside. Gu Yue has given me five days; please maintain control over the situation during these five days, and I'll do my best to devise a solution."

"Alright, Wulin, I'll do everything in my power. Make sure to keep yourself calm at all times. I'll be announcing to the public that you have a way to resolve the situation in order to assuage their concerns; if you need anything from me, just give me a call and I'll do my best to provide what you require. I'll be traveling to Shrek City as soon as possible, and if worse comes to worst, I'll negotiate with them on behalf of the human race. After all, they don't wish to destroy the entire Douluo Continent like the abyssal plane did, so there's still a chance for a peaceful resolution."

Tang Wulin nodded in response.

The fact that Gu Yuena had given him five days was a clear sign that she was open to negotiation. Just as Mo Lan said, the soul beasts didn't want to destroy the Douluo Continent. Instead, they wanted to seize control over this world, so the situation was definitely better than the abyssal plane invasion.

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