Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1957: Kill Her?

Chapter 1957: Kill Her?

The call was ended, and all of the Limit Douluos stood in silence, having also heard the contents of the call.

This situation was different from when they were facing the abyssal plane.

At the very least, they were able to unite everyone in the battle against the abyssal plane, but on this occasion, their greatest enemy could very well be themselves.

As long as the soul beasts weren't complete fools, they would definitely manipulate the Soul Masters under their control to lead the charge in the battle against the human race. What were they supposed to do then? Kill those controlled human Soul Masters?

Long Yeyue turned to Old Demon Greed, and asked, "Is there anything you can do, Senior Greed? You're a spiritual entity; do you have a way to help undo the control over these Soul Masters?"

A wry smile appeared on Old Demon Greed's face. "You think far too highly of us. We may be spiritual entities, but we still rely on life energy for sustenance. The divine sense of the Dragon God is far more powerful than ours, but there is a solution to all of this."

Everyone immediately turned their attention toward Old Demon Greed upon hearing this.

Old Demon Greed continued, "It's clear that the Dragon God's core is within Gu Yuena's control, which means that only she is able to control the Soul Masters; the only solution would be to make it so that she's unable to continue to exert her control. Essentially, if we kill her, then this crisis will be averted. At the very least, the controlled Soul Masters will return to their senses, and we'll be able to oppose the soul beast army."

Tang Wulin shuddered upon hearing this.

Killing Gu Yuena was the only way?

Setting aside the fact that he didn't even know if he could defeat her or not, just the thought of striking down the woman he loved so dearly was unbearable to him.

Everyone else also fell silent upon hearing this.

At a time like this, no one else could help him. Just as Mo Lan had said, he was the only hope of the human race.


Bright City.

Everyone out on the streets was in a state of panic. Just as Mo Lan had feared, news of the unfolding situation had spread extremely quickly, and some furious voices had begun to arise, all of which were critical toward Soul Masters.

If it weren't for their excessive slaughter of soul beasts, the crisis that the human race was currently facing wouldn't even exist.

However, was there any point in arguing about these points at a time like this? The most important thing to think about was how to weather this storm.


As expected of the exceptional leader that she was, as soon as Mo Lan ended her call with Tang Wulin, she immediately got to work. Firstly, she made her way to the Central Legion and took control over the legion.

Over half of the Central Legion's military officials had vanished, having no doubt set off for the Spirit Pagoda headquarters, but thankfully, there were still some left.

Due to the destruction of the three naval fleets, the Central Legion was now the most powerful military force for the human race.

Mo Lan had deployed the Central Legion toward Shrek City via soul train, and they were ordered to arrive at their destination within five days.

Thankfully, the departed military officials hadn't engaged in any destructive activity prior to their departure. After two days of effort, the military was temporarily stabilized, and order was returned to the cities, but there was still a massive shadow looming over the entire continent.

More and more Soul Masters were gathering around the Spirit Pagoda headquarters, and within the short span of just two days, over 2,000 powerful Soul Masters had already arrived.

Even Guan Yue and the Battle Gods were among these powerful beings, lending their power to the soul beast army.


"My Lord, may I ask why you didn't strike down Tang Wulin and the others there and then two days ago?" Di Tian was doing his best to speak in the most respectful tone possible in order to avoid irking Gu Yuena again.

Following her declaration, Gu Yuena had returned to the Spirit Pagoda and secluded herself in her room, refusing to meet anyone.

All of the Great Beasts were naturally extremely pleased by her actions. After so many years of preparation, they were finally going to reclaim the continent that had rightfully been theirs.

Within the span of just two days, a huge number of controlled Soul Masters had already arrived at the Spirit Pagoda, and under the powerful control of the Dragon God's core, all of these Soul Masters had become mindless puppets that followed their orders with absolute obedience.

To Di Tian's surprise, Gu Yuena remained quite calm in the face of his question. During her two days in seclusion, she seemed to have become a lot calmer and more placid, as if she hadn't just done something that had stunned the entire continent.

"Let me ask you this: what is the ideal outcome you want to see arise from this situation?" Gu Yuena asked.

Di Tian faltered slightly upon hearing this before replying, "Of course the ideal outcome would be for us to return to the era in the distant past where soul beasts reigned supreme over the entire continent. Under your leadership, us soul beasts will be sure to return to our former glory."

A hint of disappointment appeared in Gu Yuena's eyes upon hearing this, and she sighed, "Is that really what you think?"

Di Tian was rather taken aback by this question, and he suddenly calmed down a little. He had lived for hundreds of thousands of years in this world, and with the intelligence that he had accrued over the span of so many years, he immediately realized what the problem was.

"Are you concerned that the planar ruler and the Eternal Tree will awaken?"

Gu Yuena shook her head in response. "It's not that simple. I had the same mindset as you do now when I first awakened from my slumber. I wanted to integrate myself into human society in order to understand them, then destroy them and reinstate the soul beasts as the rulers of this world. For all these years, we've been striving toward this goal, learning about the human race, studying their knowledge, and I've even obtained a suit of battle armor. However, the more I understood about the human race, the more my opinion about them changed.

"Of course, humans are selfish and greedy and will resort to anything for personal benefit, even going as far as destroying our habitats. However, we have to admit that they also have many redeeming features. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to develop to the point that they have today; even the Douluo Divine Realm is ruled over by humans, and even in other Divine Realms."

A contemplative look appeared on Di Tian's face upon hearing this.

In the past, Di Tian would've definitely suspected that Gu Yuena was only saying this as an excuse to placate him, but seeing as their plan had already been set into motion and Gu Yuena had even cut her ties with Tang Wulin, her words were undoubtedly genuine and therefore worthy of consideration.

Gu Yuena continued, "Humans have many redeeming features, including wisdom, determination, integrity, and most importantly, they possess creative ability that we do not have."

"Creative ability?" Di Tian repeated with a surprised expression.

Gu Yuena nodded in response. "That's right. Think about it: how long did we rule over this continent before the rise of the human race? Did we ever invent any soul technology? To put it in more extreme terms, even if we wanted to destroy this planet, we wouldn't know where to start."

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