Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 268

268 Chapter 268: Treasure chest rewards

With the ice revenant dead, silence filled the room for several seconds before loud unrestrained laughter echoed throughout.

“Hahahahaha we did it, Lola, Frost we did it! We god damn fucking did it hahaahahaha!” Sam roared at the top of his lungs as he lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. A tear dripped down his cheek as his emotions overwhelmed him. This fight was unbelievably risky, yet they succeeded and succeeded perfectly. The ice revenant’s core was safely kept and undamaged. With it they’ll be able to save Lola’s father. This was without a doubt the most personal and important quest the couple had ever undertaken and now it was over.

The tears continued to stream down Sam’s face as all the bottled up pressure finally found release, a fitting end too a long and arduous career. Lola was no different, as Sam’s word’s of victory rang in her ears her eyes grew red and misty before a veritable waterfall of tears fell from her face. Her headache and exhaustion was ignored as a joyful smile adorned her face. Images of her father flashed before her eyes; her hope rekindled. They could save him, and no one died because of it.

Frost was recuperating well; the mid-level health potion had gotten to work almost immediately. Whereas Sam and Lola’s bodies were in great pain his was more itchy and uncomfortable as the potion stitched together his body and provided new skin and bone. He too grew emotional from Sam’s words, though he didn’t cry like his two teachers he did smile and clench his fists hard as the feeling of victory filled his heart.

“Wife did you see what I did, I cleaved the revenant in twain with my mighty great sword ahaahahhahaah!” Sam continued to roar out loud, singing his praises. His darling wife not one to reign on his parade didn’t chide or admonish him but stroked his ego.

“Yes dear I saw it, you were very handsome.” She spoke the truth. The image of her husband facing off against the ice revenant, dashing through its last ditch spell and using his mighty weapon skill was very attractive. That was her man, hers and she was damn proud.

“hahahahahaahah” Sam chuckled full of pride as he received his wife’s praises, feeling giddy and warm. Lola let her husband have his little moment, giving him around 20 seconds before reigning on his parade.

“Remember to drink a health potion otherwise I’ll be forced to make you.” A gentle threat was hidden in her tone and her joyful smile showed signs of evil intent.

Sam shivered in response, his face warping in disgust. His victory high instantly being shattered.


“Hahahahahahaha” Frost couldn’t help but laugh at his teacher’s expense without restraint, nearly pulling a stitch. This was karma. Lola chuckled in concert causing Sam to blush in embarrassment.

After 10 minutes or so the group were back in tip top shape or near enough. Sam didn’t need his wife’s ‘assistance’ in taking a potion. He grumbled a little but sucked it up and downed the thing in a single gulp, he refused to let a disgusting potion get him down after such a triumphant battle. His wife’s coaxing certainly helped, both were full of emotion, their love boundless. Frost with his sharp hearing unfortunately overheard a lot of their sweet nothings as well some more graphic promises. A bright red blush covered his face and neck as the heat filled his body and a certain area reacted as his imagination ran wild.

He shook his head and covered his ears to prevent himself falling victim to the married couples antics. Sam and Lola laughed at his actions, finding the young man really cute. But they were adults and knew about time, place, and occasion. Acting on their desires here and now would not be wise, especially with company. The two lovebirds needed to calm themselves down and wait for a more secluded opportunity to engage in such activities, thankfully their home was nearby. They could hold off in the meantime. However, though they wouldn’t engage in more intimate activities, kissing was all above board.

While the husband and wife were deep in their professing of love, Frost moved away from them, towards the end of the boss room. Right in front of the gateway to the monster lair’s core room was a treasures chest. Similar to one summoned after he defeated the lesser yuki-onna but more intricate, clearly it was of a high quality.

Frost moved close and decided to inspect the contents, a worthwhile distraction from the lovebirds. As he did he couldn’t help but be filled with excitement and curiosity.

‘For defeating the lesser yuki-onna I got a potion as well as frigid tourmaline, I wonder what a C-rank ice revenant will be worth?’ A greedy looked filtered past Frost’s eyes as he lifted the chest’s lid. Of course, the contents would need to be split between the three of them but even so it should be impressive.

A slight glow erupted from the chest as Frost opened it before fading out and revealing the contents. Three items lay within the chest, a pair of leather boots, a single flower and finally a runic box. Frost removed each item carefully examining each one with a frown on his face.

The leather boots were probably equivalent to 3 stars, a quality reward and given their blue colour they likely had some natural resistance to the cold. And appearance wise they were quite beautiful, shame however that they were quite small, clearly designed for a woman.

Frost couldn’t identify the flower but could feel that it contained a fair amount of energy, indicative of a high ranking herb.

For the runic box, there were enchantments covering the entire thing as well as a small recess for magic crystals. This was clearly a magic device, but its purpose, Frost had no idea, he’d have to test it or have it examined by a professional.

He tilted his head to the side, trying to work out whether or not these three rewards were good or not in comparison to what they had to kill. Frost was kind of hoping for something a bit more practical like weapons or better yet another magic skill book but after being taught by Lola and Sam for the past 3 days he knew that that was incredibly rare.

As he was deliberating whether or not to test out the magic device here a sweet smelling fragrance drifted from behind his shoulder.

“What’d we get?” Lola had appeared suddenly behind him giving him a start, he was so engrossed that he didn’t even notice her coming towards him.

“A pair a woman’s leather boots, probably equivalent to 3 star quality, they look quite nice and would likely match your robes.” Frost turned his neck to face Lola, he looked her up and down as though judging how she’d look with the blue boots before nodding. He was quite confident in regards to fashion or rather what he liked to see on woman. He passed the boots over to her to try on which she gladly accepted with a bright smile. Her face right now was a little blushed and her lips quite luscious given the intimate kissing she just performed with her husband, she looked quite sexy. A slight blush reappeared on Frost’s face, as he was slightly captivated by her appearance. He averted his eyes, which made Lola giggle and stroked her ego. Of course, she only had eyes for her husband but knowing that a young man like Frost found her attractive gave a great confidence boost. She decide to tease the young man a little, her lust evoked by her husband’s tender care. Sam was currently trying to calm his body down after their little romance.

With a provocative smile she looked at Frost “Frost would you be a dear and hold my current boots, I want to try them on.” Then without waiting for his answer, Lola turned around and bent over, accentuating her very large butt, she even purposely made it bounce as she removed her boots. Frost’s eyes were instinctively drawn to the large peach in front of him, mesmerised by its size and shape. Unable to turn away whenever it bounced, his throat grew parched. He didn’t even notice when Lola had turned back around with her old boots, outstretched for him to take.

Her smile grew more and more teasing, ‘God I just want to eat him up.’

“Frost my boots” waving them in front of his face, Frost finally regained focus. He nervously took them from her, his eyes however were clearly struggling to not stare at her ample backside. This time however the blush grow on Lola’s face, as she wondered if she’d gone to far. Frost was amazing to tease but he was still a young man after all, she was playing with fire. Thankfully someone else came and put a stop to this little charade.

“Ok it think that’s enough Lola.” Sam ran over and placed himself between Frost and his wife. His back faced Frost, blocking his wife from view. He gave him a strong look with clear meaning, Frost awkwardly looked to the side, knowing that he had taken a few liberties. Lola however was blushing even more, finally coming to terms with her actions but more so the affect her movements had not on Frost but her husband. A certain part of him was standing tall and at attention and was currently poking sharply into her abdomen.

She looked up nervously at her husband who had a very rare, irritated look on his face, he’d just calmed the thing down when his wife was bending over and shaking her ass in front of young Frost. He was quite annoyed by her actions and planned to discipline her. Taking her old boots from Frost he guided her over to the other side of the room leaving Frost with a rather awkward look on his face. He scratched the back of his neck before turning around and examining the magic device, pretending that the situation never happened.

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