Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 269

269 Chapter 269: Treasure chest rewards (2)

Sam gave his wife a lecture on her teasing all with a rather irritated tone. He also had her deal with his issue that was threatening to poke a hole in his trousers. Frost wisely covered his ears and did his best to ignore their ‘discussion’.

He placed the flower to one side; he was not a botanist by any degree like Sam but could tell that it was likely some sort of rose. The petals were large, beautiful, and white with highlights of pale blue and was cold to the touch. There was a slight fragrance being emitted from the rosehip, mild and soothing. He’d have Sam identify it once he was done discipling his wife.

The third item, the runic box or rather the magic device what quite interesting. The entire thing was silver in colour with blue runes, a small recess could be seen in the centre, where a magic crystal could be placed to provide power. He didn’t recognise the runic enchantments and had no knowledge in the workings of magic devices, best to just give it a whirl and see what happens.

With a curious glow in his eyes Frost removed a D-rank magic crystal that he obtained from one of his many kills and placed it within the recess. Once in place the entire box glowed and hummed with power. The blue runes shined bright as it absorbed the energy from within the crystal. Within a moment the entire thing was drained, fragmenting into dust, an entire D-rank magic crystal siphoned instantly. That was some appetite.

A moment later the box buzzed before the runes left the box and rapidly expended outwards, establishing a large sphere around the device, roughly 3 metres in diameter. Frost and the device were encapsulated within this sphere or rather barrier. The thing was mainly transparent except for the enlarged runes that could occasionally be seen rotating around.

Within the barrier it was silent, Frost could no longer hear Sam and Lola in the distance. He was in an isolated space. walking up to the edge of the barrier Frost placed his hands against it, it was solid. He let loose a light jab but couldn’t puncture the barrier in the slightest, his fist was stopped dead, the runes glowed slightly in response but that was all.

“This is a barrier magic device, and one of high quality, no wonder it devoured the D-rank magic crystal so quickly.” Barrier magic devices were defensive devices that required great amounts of energy to create shields or barriers, very useful and expensive. The town of Furano had several of these dotted along the walls to be used during the monster stampedes. The soldiers would funnels dozens of magic crystals into the things to establish massive barriers preventing access to the town. They were some of the most energy sucking magic devices in existence and highly desired by any town or city that could put up with the cost.

Frost really wanted this magic device; it would help to provide him with another method to protect his dungeon and unlike most adventurers he wouldn’t’ have to worry about the energy costs. He didn’t know the limits of this device but even with the current 3metre diameter sphere it was already something he could use.

Frost stayed within the sphere for a few minutes, enjoying the silence as he examined the magic device, trying to learn all he could. When he deactivated the barrier Sam and Lola were waiting. Sam had a happy smile on his face and looked quite refreshed as did Lola, though she had a rather guilty look in her eyes as she looked a Frost. Clearly feeling that she went a bit too far with her teasing.


“Are the two of you finished?” Frost asked tentatively as he did his best to keep a straight face.

“Yes, and sorry about earlier.” Sam was referring both to his and Lola’s public display of affection as well as the cruel teasing he did in regards to the health potion.

Frost had almost forgot about that incident but now that Sam was apologising his mood quickly turned, his eyes full of accusation. “Hmph!” Frost hmphed clearly not so keen to forgive.

“What you’re still mad, hell I didn’t even do it in the end yet just a few minutes ago you were staring at my wife with those perverted eyes of yours.” Sam let loose a deep breath from his nose and arched out his chest as though ready for a fight. His wife was certainly taking her teasing a bit too far, but Frost didn’t have to stare with such blatant desire.

“Eh! a....bu.....a....fair point.” Frost was dumbstruck and speechless, he had no argument, he could only imagine what kind of expression he had on his face as he ogled Lola. But could he really be blamed, nearly every encounter he’s had with woman they’ve teased him, he was a young man in the prime of his life who’d as of yet not been able to partake in such pleasures. He had his limits, he was no saint, Sam should just be happy that he didn’t lose his mind. Who asked his wife to have such a well-rounded butt.

Frost sighed before he shrugged, “Even?” He asked if this made them square. Sam continued to put on his angry fa?ade for a moment before smiling, “even.” The two men then shook hands while smiling at one another, a hidden conversation was being relayed between their eyes, one which Lola wasn’t privy too. She simply followed her husband’s lead, after giving a quick apology to Frost the three of them put it behind them.

“The barrier that you erected, was it from a magic device?” Lola asked with an inquisitive tone. She was currently wearing the new blue leather boots, Sam helped her put them on and placed her old ones in their spatial ring. Frost was right they really did suit her and were almost a perfect fit.

“Yeah, I placed a D-rank magic crystal within the recess and a barrier sphere of 3metres was created, it’s pretty sturdy too.” Frost happily explained his finding in regards to the magic device. He looked like a kid in a candy store and Sam and Lola being parents they could understand his feelings. It was obvious to them that Frost really wanted the magic device, his eyes sparkled as he showed it off to them. The husband and wife shared a look and nod, they didn’t care too much about the treasures. They only needed the ice revenant’s core all else they’d be willing to hand over to Frost. The remnants of the ice revenant’s runic armour for example was currently in Frost’s spatial ring under their insistence. Even though it was quite damaged the raw material was good stuff.

“What else is there?” Sam asked as he saw Frost fiddling with what appeared to be a flower earlier and he being a green thumbed botanist was quite interested.

“Glad you asked, the third item was this flower. I can’t identify what it is but I’m guessing its some kind of rose. Given your fondness for plants maybe you know what it is.” Frost picked up the blue and white rose and delicately presented it to Sam, curious to know its origin.

“.......”Sam was silent as he stared hard at the rose, his eyes opened wide and his lips started twitching, he was in shock. “T..tt..tthat’s a wintermorn rose!” He almost screeched the name.

Frost and Lola looked at him in shock, they didn’t expect such a reaction from him. The two looked at one another, neither of them recognised the name. Lola suddenly felt a bit guilty, given that she spent the majority of her time with her husband she really should know more about his hobbies.

Seeing as the impact of such a name was lost on the two Neanderthals, Sam enlightened them.

“The wintermorn rose is a high ranking herb found normally within the deeper inner regions of the Glacial mountains. It is said that it takes half a century for it bloom and is always guarded by powerful monsters. It’s a very rare flower that when ingested by monsters can help them evolve while for sapients it can be used as the main ingredient in the mana development potion. Improving the quality of one’s mana veins, the scent alone is enough to bring one into a calming state.” Sam gave an ample explanation full of excitement, his expression was very similar to Frost’s when he was explaining the magic device.

Frost and Lola were blown away, they looked down at this unassuming rose with fresh eyes. Each and every item from the chest was incredibly valuable, far more than what one would regularly receive after defeating the final boss. An increased reward for increased difficulty.

Frost now knowing the value of the flower found it very appealing, but he had little need for such a thing. His mana veins were already the best you could get and in regards to evolving monsters the dungeon system made it just a matter of experience accumulation. Besides he wouldn’t really know what to do with such a precious flower, there was someone far more deserving of it.

“Sam why don’t you take the flower, Lola the boots and me the magic device. One each so it’s fair.” The magic device was still Frost’s most highly desired item.

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