Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 275

275 Chapter 275: Frost’s future ambitions

Kranor had grown in regards to population a little too quickly and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. If you take out the looming food issue the place was practically a haven, full of joy and excitement. With the promise of a happy and safe life people are more likely to bring children into the world. Thus, Kranor’s strong economic growth has ironically also lead it down a dangerous path. They quickly needed to find ways to increase their own food production while their reserves were still sufficient. Adventurers could always be given tasks to hunt edible monsters but that was but a drop in a bucket, they needed mass amounts of food not low amounts of high quality.

Lola’s father had estimated that they’d be able to continue down their current path for another year before things become really dire. For the first time in decades Kranor’s residents may die from starvation.

Lola continued to talk about her home telling Frost all about their struggles as well as their triumphs, treating him as one of their own. Technically what she was talking about were state secrets, but she didn’t care. Frost was her and Sam’s student as well as her father’s saviour, so she treated him as kin.

Frost felt very touched by Lola’s openness, bringing a smile to his face as he continued to listen with rapt attention. Sam also took over talking after his wife’s throat grew hoarse. He spoke more about the tradesman living within Kranor, singing their praises, and how honoured he was to be counted among them even though his botany was just a hobby. His hidden intentions were to glorify his home in counter to Lola’s honesty. If Frost found the place was to his liking he may decide to live there which would bring a great boon to the territory. Frost was someone who had the potential to reach far higher than C-rank, with him at their side they could be ranked far higher in terms of aggregate power. Unfortunately Frost quickly nipped this suggestion in the bud, not willing to lead his teacher on.

“Sorry Sam, I’m grateful for the offer and I’m sure Kranor is lovely, but I’ve already started to establish my own home and don’t plan to leave it.” Frost spoke with such an assured tone that Sam was left momentarily speechless, not expecting such a definite answer. But he wasn’t put down, just finding it a shame, a loss for Kranor. It didn’t mean they couldn’t’ still be friends and visit one another occasionally. In fact, Frost’s answer sparked his own curiosity, he and Lola really didn’t know much about their young protégé.

“It just dawned on me that we’ve been talking endlessly about Kranor for the past hour or so, but we’ve never asked about you. Would you care to enlighten us Frost, we’ve still got quite a ways to go, and our throats could do with a rest.” Sam cupped his chin as he spoke, a glint of apology in his eyes for he and Lola dominating the conversation. Frost smiled warmly in response; he was wondering when they’d get around to asking some more in depth personal questions.

During their time in the monster lair, their talks were all lessons given their cramped schedule. Sam and Lola weren’t ones to pry into another’s secrets. Only when they decided to regale Frost about their own life did they grow more interested in the personal details of their student. Frost had thought long and hard about what he would tell his teachers and until now had kept a lot of things close to his chest but now that Sam asked he was ready.

“It’s a bit of a complicated story but if you’re willing to listen I guess I can talk about it.” Frost spoke with a far off look in his eyes, adding dramatic effect. Sam and Lola looked at one another, excitement and curiosity building within their eyes. With their attention sufficiently grabbed Frost started regaling an altered storyline of his life.

“Back in my childhood home the ruler who is my father sent all the younger generation including me and my siblings out into the world to find our own place within it. We were to grow and experience the grand world that was Nova. Meeting with people, becoming friends or even enemies with the purpose of growth. I began to establish myself near the Furano viscounty of the Northrend empire. Meeting a great many people that I now call my friends. I even got to meet with the current viscount and his family after helping them deal with a personal issue.” Frost spoke with fond nostalgia in his eyes as he remembered the days he spent in Furano. The fun he had with his friends, the people he encountered, the meals and most of all the glorious battle he got to experience that rewarded him so.


“My partner Maya and I even took charge of a couple young kids, Nanna and Loki after rescuing them from an illegal enslavement. I won’t go into the details but they’re now safely under mine and Maya’s care and couldn’t been happier. We brought them back home where they’re currently staying, it’s a small place in the Glacial mountains.” Once Frost brought up the name of a woman both Lola and Sam smiled wryly with a teasing look in their eyes but as Frost spoke of Nanna and Loki that look became filled with anger, hatred, and pity. The two of them were parents and could never imagine a child being forced into enslavement. Thankfully Frost didn’t go into too many details otherwise the two may have started balling their eyes out.

“This woman Maya, is she your girlfriend, wife?” Lola asked

“Not yet but she is definitely my partner, without her I really wouldn’t be where I am today.” A sort of lovelorn look filled Frost’s eyes which Lola immediately understood, choosing to not inquire anymore though she was desperate to hear about young love.

“I met up with many of siblings a few weeks ago as well as my father who was interested in our experiences. Many of us had differing ideas in regards to what he meant by finding our place in Nova, but I know that my elder brother Terra, created a camp similar to the one outside the [beginner’s ice magic] monster lair. Attracting no small number of people with filled coffers to his territory. Such an idea greatly inspired me, convincing me to follow down a similar path. After speaking with the Furano family and learning all about their territory I grew quite interested in such a prospect but didn’t really know how to start but after seeing the camps in the Glacial mountains as well as my elder brother’s actions I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring.” Sam and Lola looked at one another in confusion not fully understanding what Frost was saying.

‘Does he want to create his own village or enclave?’ Is what the husband and wife thought. Such a task was incredibly daunting and needed not only power, money, and time but it required people.

“The reason that I can’t move to Kranor is because I’m planning to build my own place, along with a bunch people from where I’m currently residing. Together we’ll establish a camp outside a newly established monster lair before anyone else gets there first. I’ll make it into a strong and prosperous territory that Maya, I and the kids can call home.” Frost spoke with steely determination, his hand crossed over his chest as his eyes looked into the future. What he said was very close to the truth and what he wished to do. He’d seen the camps in the glacial mountains, the town of Furano and heard about Terra’s camp establishment and truly believed that this was the path forward to carving his place within Nova.

He would become a ruler of a mighty nation built with the backing of his dungeon. Far greater than even the Northrend empire and strong enough to protect him from the church of light and anyone else that wished to cause him or his family harm. It would be a long and arduous process but the only true way forward. Killing intruders for DP wasn’t sustainable in the higher levels, he needed long term income and a camp like the one they just left was the first step. And thankfully due to the nearing monster stampede he’d have a long time to build and plan without the interference of people.

Frost turned to his awestruck teachers, feeling a little embarrassed about his grand ambitious as slight blush grew on his cheeks. Sam and Lola snapped out of their daze a few seconds later but their mouths were still wide open.

“That’s...ambitious I’ll give you that hahahahahaha. Perfect absolutely perfect hahahahahahah.” Sam let out a loud roar of laughter while patting Frost’s shoulders with great force, completely blown away by Frost’s grand ambitions. His dreams were far higher than he or Lola could imagine. While they originally wished to become strong adventurers at his age, Frost wished to start building his own territory.

Lola wasn’t loud and zealous like her husband but was just as impressed, nodding her head in agreement. This was a glorious dream and a very profitable one if realised correctly. The amount of money one man could hold could never be compared to the income of an entire town or country and establishing territory would certainly allow one’s name to be revered for centuries to come.

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