Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 276

276 Chapter 276: Reaching Kranor

“Thanks for the support,” Frost rubbed the back of his head while showing a bashful smile. It was the first time he’d spoken out loud about his ambitions to those that weren’t part of his family. It was uplifting to say the least, as though his vision became a little bit clearer after he spoke. With a camp then a village, town, and beyond he’d be able to rake in such vast amounts of DP which could then be used to expand and grow his dungeon as well as his forces. This was a race between his siblings to establish the greatest DP raking system as well as to prepare them for dungeon wars and invasions from others such as the church of light. Yami the most powerful of the dungeon cores had already ran into a couple low ranking members of the church. He said that they were mad, insane and gave off a disgusting aura. It took his guardian everything he had not to tear them limb from limb, relying upon the restriction placed by Dark to curb his raging emotions. Each of the dungeon cores had an inherent fear of the church of light and wished to shore up their defences for when they made their moves.

Frost as well was fearful of such a day, mainly because he too had some dealing with the church of light though indirectly. Someone linked with them must have facilitated the slave tattoos on Nanna and Loki’s bodies. Given that he rescued them and absconded away with them he may have drawn their ire. He felt a strong need to not only grow his dungeon’s defence but also his own capabilities, that’s why he was out here training. Taking risks in a dangerous environment instead of going slow and steady, training in the safety of his home. He surmised that this was likely the reason Yami and Aqua were leagues beyond the rest of them in terms of strength. Yami was placed in the largest and most hostile central continent and had already had to face down the church of light while Aqua was faced with the unrivalled power of the oceanic kingdoms. Both their opponents were leagues beyond what Frost had to face on a daily basis.

Frost didn’t know too much about the oceanic kingdoms and empires other than a few tid bits in his purchased books as well as information he got from Aqua. But one things for sure they were very, very powerful. Where the land kingdoms have degraded somewhat thanks to the massive wars centuries ago. The oceanic kingdoms have continued to grow and expand. The only reasons the land kingdoms even still exist is because the oceanic kingdoms have no interest in land, staying with the water, only engaging in occasional trade with coastal empires. But if Frost wished to experience the vast amount of things in Nova he’d need to enter the oceanic kingdoms one day, and he’d need to be strong to ensure his safety.

“Hahahahha you’re going to need far more than just our empty words for support. What you’re embarking on is filled with pitfalls and will be a long and arduous journey.” Sam held Frost’s shoulder and spoke with a serious tone. He wasn’t wrong, Frost would be ladled with massive costs and pressure if he wished to establish his own territory.

“Though Kranor is having its own difficulties and would struggle to lend any aid in your endeavour I can at least council you a little in governance, as could my father once he regains his strength.” Lola nodded her head as she offered to further educate Frost in terms of governance as well as adventuring. In fact, she was really supportive of Frost’s idea. By establishing his own territory, he shouldn’t be drawn into the upcoming conflict between the order of the ice shield and their backers. If he even manages to create something akin to an enclave, Kranor would likely have an ally within the glacial mountains, something quite rare for an enclave to have.

“Thank you Lola, I’ll definitely take you up on that.” Frost was eager to learn more and more about governance as it would certainly help him in establishing his own territory.

The three continued their journey, talking more about one another as they did. Occasionally monsters barred their path, but it was nothing to three C-rank fighters. Those that didn’t back off were quickly silenced. The journey was thankfully uneventful and as estimated they made it to the entrance of Kranor in 4 hours.

The former monster lair was embedded within a large mountain, similar to that of the one Frost’s dungeon resided though far smaller. Before them was not an open gateway that was normally found no since this was now an enclave a large wall over ten metres in height barricaded the surroundings several hundred metres around. The large walls were made of a mixture of ice and pykrete, incredibly sturdy, hard to scale and most of all easy to repair.

There was but one entrance to this massive ice wall, a large reinforced wooden door, protected by an ice portcullis was fitted within the centre of the three sided wall. At least a dozen men could be seen patrolling on top the wall, armed with long spears and thick leather armour, they watched the white expanse for any sign of activity. Fire pits could be seen every 15 metres of the wall, allowing wayward souls to see the bastion from a distance. The same red fog that Frost spied in the Beta camp could also be seen lightly in the air, encouraging monsters to stay away. This was the defensive set up of Kranor, the long standing enclave.


Behind the walls were garrisons of soldiers and adventurers, vehemently protecting the realm that lay within the mountain. Hidden beyond the walls were a regiments of 300 souls, they were the first defence in case of an attack of which there were quite a lot of. Unlike the official camps, most of their people resided within the mountains and their soldiers weren’t strong enough or plentiful enough to generate a deterring aura. Monsters tended to be attracted to manmade walls for some reason, but since Kranor held civilians it couldn’t not have a defensive wall to protect them. The monster repelling fog also couldn’t be used constantly as it wasn’t free thus the need for a strong and thick wall. This mighty barricade had stood its ground for over a century, protecting the vulnerable and young within without fail.

Frost was in awe of its presence, though it wasn’t as heavily outfitted with war machines as Furano was, it felt very imposing given that it was all to protect as small entrance no bigger then several metres in height and breadth. But then again it needed to be, monsters were powerful and abundant within the area. Without such a barricade the former monster lair would have likely been overrun.

The men and woman patrolling along the walls were wrapped up tight in leather and fur to protect them from the cold during their patrols. Frost couldn’t see their faces due it to being covered but their movements were steady and powerful, and signs of joy could be gleamed in their eyes. None of them seemed to bemoan the fact that they had to patrol out in such harsh weather for hours on end.

Sam saw the interest in his eyes and leaned over to explain a little.

“Most of the soldiers you see on the wall are all young men and woman who have dreamed of becoming able bodied adventurers. To get some training in before they come of age most sign up for external guard duty. It allows them to get used to the harsh environment as well as learn how to fight.”

As group walked up close to the gate, the on duty gate guard noticed them and spoke up loudly.

“Halt! This is the enclave Kranor, can I ask what your business here is?” His tone was neither aggressive nor servile. Kranor wouldn’t turn people away, but they must let their intentions known and submit to their rules while in the enclave.

“God are you blind little Timothy, who else could have such a fine figure than Lola!” Sam roared in protest to the failing eyes of this young guardsmen who failed to recognised his wife’s beauty.

Frost looked towards Sam with a questioning gaze. The weather made it hard to make out anyone at this distance and Lola was covered head to toe in fur, heavily obscuring even that large ass of hers. How was someone able to recognise her from that. His gaze then drifted toward Lola, who instead of admonishing her husband or blushing from embarrassment looked ahead while nodding in total agreement.

‘This damn couple really have no shame.’

The gatekeeper, Timothy immediately recognised Sam’s laugh and raucous voice and knew who was before him. “Lady Lola, my eyes must truly be frosted over, forgive for not recognising you immediately.” Timothy offered a short bow before giving out orders. “Open the gate, Lady Lola and Sir Sam have returned.” A moment later gears started to turn, and the large wooden gate slowly opened revealing what lay behind the massive ice walls.

“Come Frost, let me show you the wonder that is Kranor” Lola led the way, her arm interlocked with her husband’s. They were finally home

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