Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 281

281 Chapter 281: Lady Chia (2)

The grandma rabbit woman known as Chia entered the room with a graceful gait, a bright smile adorned her face as her three grandchildren ran towards her. Without the slightest amount of delicacy, the three kids bull rushed into her arms just like their mother. Chia didn’t even tremble as she endured the impact, gently rubbing their heads with a fond expression. Though she was long past her prime, Chia was an even greater fighter than her husband, specialising in physical strength. A bunch of young kids jumping at her was nothing to her even at her current age.

She lifted up Ren and placed the young boy on her shoulder, receiving many pecks on her cheek as a reward. Tulip and Jasmine looked up in jealously but gave way for their younger brother. When they were his age that was their spot. Chia would carry them around on her shoulders while walking around the enclave.

Chia was filled with bliss almost to the point that she didn’t even notice anyone else in the room. Her daughter Lola looked at her mother with red eyes resisting the urge to throw herself into her mother’s arms just like her kids.

“Ok, ok I think that’s enough children, down you go.” After a few kisses and hugs Chia regained her noble atmosphere, placing Ren back down on the ground.

“Kay!” The three children responded as such before dashing off to their father, keeping out the way. When their grandmother used such a tone they couldn’t continue to act spoiled otherwise they’d be punished. Jasmine the little troublemaker knew more than most about their grandmothers punishments as she was usually on the receiving end. One time her little bottom expanded so much it rivalled her mother’s in size, she couldn’t sit right for nearly a week.

Chia then turned to look at her daughter and son in law, a gentle expression and one filled with hope was in her eyes. She rushed over here the moment Saras informed her, desperate to confirm the good news. The pressure of ruling the enclave had fallen upon her shoulders while Lola and Sam were off trying to get ingredients for her husband’s medicine. She wasn’t cut out for being a leader but did her best to support her husband, never complaining in the slightest, bravely taking on the charge. But now hopefully it was over, and she could relax, much longer and the strong woman may have reached a breaking point. In fact, the moment before she received the good news from Saras she was neck deep in paperwork while also listening to the reports of the agricultural department. She was almost at the point of flipping over her desk and setting fire to all the documents before her. Thankfully Lola and Sam arrived in time otherwise, her aides would have had to restrain the old woman. Not something they wanted to do nor would find easy, even now she was still considered the strongest or at least one of the physically strongest people within the enclave. Even a mad bull wouldn’t have as much strength.

In response to her mother’s hopeful looks, Lola simply nodded her head, while a small tear dripped down her cheek. Chia moved forward silently with large steps before pulling her daughter into her chest, patting her head as she did in praise. Lola broke down at this moment, a veritable waterfall of tears fell from her eyes, soaking her mother’s dress. Before her parents she was not the strong wife and mother to Sam and her kids, nor was she the talented mage that mastered both ice and fire magic no she was but a young girl that craved her parent’s affection. Chia then looked towards Sam who nodded his head in greeting before she rested her eyes on her ailing husband who was standing there out of bed with a loving look on his face. She frowned at this, irritation building in her heart.

“What the hell are you doing out of bed! Get back in there this instant!” She suddenly roared at her man, truly angered by his actions. Yarrow shivered in response; his loving look suddenly replaced by a slightly fearful one before letting out a small sigh. He knew that his wife was only berating him out of love but still they were in front of company as well as their grandchildren, couldn’t she leave him a little bit of face.

However, if Chia didn’t act like this and pinch any sign of activity in the bud the man would be drawn towards work, further exasperating his condition. She’d caught him a few times sneaking into his office to look over her work instead of recuperating in bed. At one point she even threatened to tie him up in restraints until Lola and Sam returned.


“.....But Lola’s back now, I don’t need to be so restricted.” Yarrow mumbled in protest under his wife’s glare. Now that Lola had returned with the last piece for the medicine what did it matter if he was up and about. Even without waiting for the [icy veins] illness to kill him he’d likely die of boredom if his wife had her way. The grandkids were not only there to keep him company and joyous but as supervisors to make sure he didn’t do anything too strenuous, same with all the staff in the building. They answer to Chia not him.

Chia’s gaze only grew more infuriated by her husband’s response. ‘How dare he try to argue about his health with me.’

“Just because she’s returned doesn’t mean you can get up and about, you decrepit old man. You’re still ill and until you’ve taken your medicine and have a clean bill of health you are not to be out of bed am I clear!” Her voice went up a few decibels and a strong aura emanated from the old woman and Frost finally felt this old woman’s true strength.

‘Damn she’s stronger than Sam and Lola put together.’

“Ughhhhh” Yarrow could only grumble in protest but dared not meet his wife’s eyes. His freedom would have to wait until after he’s had his medicine.

If his wife wasn’t annoyed enough Lola suddenly added oil to the fire. “Mom, Dad called me fat.” She looked up at her mother as though she’d been bullied before swiftly turning to her grumbling father with her tongue stuck out. Seeing a perfect opportunity for revenge how could she resist plus who gave her father the courage to argue with her mom and even grumble in protest.

Chia looked down at her daughter, her mind going blank as she heard her most hated word before turning back towards her husband. Her eyes were no longer enflamed with anger and irritation but were stone cold and filled with killing intent. The room dropped several degrees in an instant, the men in room felt a shiver down their spines as fear washed over them. Yarrow was of course the worst off, he looked towards his daughter in shock before nervously gazing at his wife. His lips quivered and he subconsciously took a step backwards, cold sweat dripped down his neck and spine. His wife’s fury was nothing compared to his daughter’s.

Chia continued to glare at her reeling husband, her anger only growing, she absolutely loathed that word. She and her daughter were thicc not fat. The last person that called her fat she broke his nose and two arms, so what would she do to her husband.

“Lola, Sam take the kids and leave the room for a few minutes, I need to have a word with your father.” Chia spoke gently to her daughter and son in law, but the tone was ice cold and full of barbs.

Lola nodded her head, an evil smile on her face. She went over to Sam who at this point was sweating buckets.

“Come let’s go,” she grabbed Frost’s and the kids’ hands dragging them out of the room, while Sam looked towards his father in law with pity.....no it was a farewell. The mayor of Kranor will not die of illness but from the beating of his wife, yet not a single person would stick up for him given what he said.

Yarrow’s whole body trembled as the image of his loving and gentle wife was replaced with that of a demon out for his blood, fear filled his eyes as he ran towards his bed.

“I’m a sick person, confined to his bed, you can’t hurt me!”


As soon as the door to his bedroom closed, leaving only the husband and wife within, Chia vanished in an instant, before arriving at her husband’s side.

“So now you’re willing to be confined in bed.....well how about I make that a little more permanent!”


For close to ten minutes the mother, father, three kids, Frost as well as the nearby servants quietly waited outside of the room, listening to the screams from the old man who was known as the mayor of Kranor and supposed head of the household. The sounds coming from the room were akin to those at a slaughterhouse, yet everyone bar Frost had calm looks on their faces, as if such things were standard.

Frost thought to himself as he listened ‘aren’t they worried that the old man would die from his wounds?’ Though Yarrow could walk and do some less strenuous activities, 40% of his body was ice cold, making his current state far from ideal.

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