Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 282

282 Chapter 282: Lady Chia (3)

20 minutes later (10 minutes of beating and 10 minutes of lecture and recuperation) Chia left the room alone, Yarrow was left in bed, his current status unknown.

“Haaaaaaa the old man really never learns.” Chia sighed and shook her head as though justice was on her side for her every action. This was mirrored by her daughter and granddaughters. While Sam held his youngest son with slightly trembling hands. The servants as though used to such situations ushered passed Chia to check on the old mayor.

Chia had a refreshed expression on her face after sighing as though she was in dire need of a physical outlet and unfortunately her husband paid the price. She was now calm enough to notice the young elf like man standing next to her son in law.

“Oh, who’s this fine looking gentleman?” Chia instantly sported an adoring look similar to one Lola showed when she first laid eyes upon him. Frost a little unnerved by the sudden change in disposition was speechless for a few seconds before eventually introducing himself.

“Frost ma’am,” Frost held his hand over his chest and elegantly replied, throwing the previous exchange out of his mind. Before him was not only a senior and his teacher’s mother but also a powerful person. Frost respected her strength.

“No no no can’t have that, call me Chia handsome young man, ma’am is so old and informal.” Chia shook her head with gusto before walking right up to Frost for closer examination.

“Mmm mmm you’re even cuter up close haaaaaaa if I was only a little younger, I’d bag you in a second.” Chia lamented her choices in spouse for a second, imagining the idea of choosing someone like Frost instead of her rough and idiotic looking husband. Yarrow who was convulsing in pain on the bed while his servants examined him couldn’t help but shiver as he overhead his wife.

‘A little younger haaaaaaa in your dreams you old crow.’ As if she could hear her husband’s thoughts Chia while still in awe of Frost’s impressive appearance tossed what appeared to be a small book behind her. Her aim was true, not a moment later the groans of pain could be heard from the room as a result of the old man being struck in the forehead. A large red welt started to grow, adding to his injuries.

Frost saw all this and couldn’t help his lips from twitching. Lola too was a little in shock from her mother’s response.


‘Geez mom it’s alright for me to tease him given I’m only half a generation older but you’re a bit much no?’ Her gaze was filled with a mixture of pity, scorn as well as arrogance. At least when she fawned over Frost and brought herself within such proximity to his body there was a physical reaction.

Chia turned to her daughter, her eyes filled with an eery coldness, that sent shivers down her spine and stopping her insulting thoughts. Instinctively she fled like a rabbit, hiding behind her husband, afraid to suffer her mother’s wrath.

Frost’s lip twitched awkwardly as he looked towards the older woman examining his features so closely and without the slightest amount of shame, even openly saying that she would pursue him if she was a little younger. Already used to being on the receiving end of such blunt women Frost didn’t blush as he used to instead he showed a beautiful smile as he spoke.

“And it would be my honour to be pursued by such a beautiful woman, miss Chia. Such a shame that you’re already spoken for.” Though he looked like some kind of elegant scholar at the moment, saying such pleasing words, internally however he was fist pumping the air at finally being able to counterattack such flirtatious remarks, he didn’t even blush out of embarrassment.

In response to his attractive smile the room was silent, even the servants stopped what they were doing, completely blown away by the words of the young elf.

Chia looked at the young man with a dazed look on her face, completely taken by surprise by his words. Lola too was seriously taken aback not expecting Frost to deal out such an offensive. While Sam silently gave his student as thumbs up for his skills.

Tulip blushed like a ripe tomato, hiding her face with her hands while Jasmine and Ren tilted their heads to the sides struggling to find anything wrong with Frost’s statement. While Yarrow for a second truly believed that he may lose his wife to this young man. Not only is he young, handsome, and full of potential he’s a real smooth talker...a dangerous opponent.

After a few seconds of silence and allowing Frost’s words and earth shattering smile to sink in, Chia finally regained her composure. She looked at Frost with deadly seriousness as though facing a powerful adversary.

“....Frost you really need to be more careful with your words and expressions...such an attack is really devasting so much that even I such a devoted and loving wife was almost swept up. I’ve heard of a femme fatale, but you sir are an even more devasting male equivalent. Haaaaaaaa I’m sure that in the future you’ll break a great many hearts with such an appearance.” Chia spoke with deadly seriousness and stern expression all to hide her fluttering heart palpitations, she who only wanted to do a little teasing and admire beauty was moved by a single counterattack. Only thanks to her experience and strong love for Yarrow was she able to endure, others however may not have been so lucky. Her gaze drifted round the room quickly inspecting everyone present.

Like her Lola resisted Frost’s charm thanks to her love for Sam as well as already being used to Frost’s appearance however Tulip and likely a couple female servants were done for. Frost likely cemented his place as the perfect man in their hearts unlikely to be shifted anytime soon. Thankfully Jasmine was too young to understand and feel the power of his charm as was Ren. Chia was sure that even men would likely be captivated by Frost if he spoke such pleasurable lines.

Frost really wasn’t expecting such a situation from his counterattack, a little speechlessness and maybe a blush or two but not a serious warning from the older rabbit woman. All he could do was bow his head and apologise though he still didn’t understand why.

To remove the awkwardness of the situation Lola and Sam regaled their meeting with Frost as well as their taking him under wing as a student to Chia. She nodded her head from time to time and occasionally gave Frost a look over while she listened.

“I see so he’s your student as well as your father’s saviour.” Chia cupped her chin as she understood now who Frost was and why he was here. She once again moved in front of Frost. Grabbing his hand, she bowed her head and upper body.

“Thank you Frost for your aid. Without your assistance I’d likely have become a widow within the coming month.” Chia spoke with reddened eyes; she loved her husband dearly and really couldn’t bear to lose him. The two of them were still young enough to enjoy life and retirement. To lose her loved one would be devasting. Though she joked and teased, she like Lola was a very committed one man gal. Of course, if Yarrow did pass and she became a widow she’d be free to pursue another charming man such as the handsome young elf before her, but she’d never actually do it. She loved Yarrow with all her heart and would never accept another, no matter how tempting and delicious they appeared to be.

“You’ve saved my husband’s life and for that you must be rewarded.” She was in the same mindset as her husband, their benefactor must be rewarded with something substantial otherwise it may poison the relationship down the line. What that reward would be however she had no idea; she’d leave that to her husband to decide.

The group had moved to a reception room wherein the servants provided a tasty breakfast as well as tea and coffee while they waited for the alchemist/doctor Mira to arrive. Only she could prepare the medicine required by Yarrow who at this point was still confined to his bed. Even his breakfast was brought up, he had to depressingly eat alone while his wife, daughter and granddaughters were in company of the great threat that was Frost. He swore internally that when his illness was removed he’d shower his lovely wife with so much love there wouldn’t be a single chance of her being stolen in future. It’d been a long time since the mayor of Kranor had felt so threatened. Frost in a way was more dangerous than a dragon.

Mira arrived shortly after they finished eating breakfast. She was an old woman clearly over 75, with long grey hair and a hunched back. She walked in with white oak cane for support, yet her steps weren’t shaky, and her eyes were filled with youthful light despite her advanced age. This was Mira the enclave’s foremost alchemist and doctor. Behind her a young man followed dressed in a robe that smelled strongly of medicine. He carried several bags around his body that gave off different smells. Though their ages were far apart their appearances showed a slight resemblance, they were related.

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