Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 286

286 Chapter 286: Secret hobby (2)

“Jackpot!” Sam exclaimed with a triumphant smile when he saw the high quality cigars hidden within the book. On a very rare occasion Sam would join Yarrow in his little hobby, a little father and son in law time but after he became ill the two never had the chance.

Sam removed two of the cigars with nervous anticipation, he’d grown quite fond of the flavour after Yarrow introduced the hobby to him. He desperately wanted to smoke another cigar over the past couple months but felt that not having someone to share it with ruined the flavour. His wife was most definitely not a possibility as she shared the same distaste for the things as her mother. Lute was always busy and couldn’t partake in such strong smelling hobbies so as to preserve his delicate senses. And several of his other friends weren’t fond of the flavour plus he could only really get his hands on the prime cigars through Yarrow. Now however he found someone he could try and introduce to the hobby, like how Yarrow did for him.

Sam handed one of the cigars to Frost while reaching underneath the large work desk. He removed an open bottle of whiskey as well as two crystal glasses and placed them on the coffee table.

“Do you smoke? Drink?” He asked politely while first filling up his own glass. Two fingers worth, the perfect amount for whiskey.

“I’m quite fond of wine and sake but I’ve never smoked before.” Frost answered honestly and his curiosity was piqued as he felt the cigar within his hand.

“It’s either a love it or hate it passion, more popular with men. Yarrow introduced me to the stuff, and I’ve loved it ever since and goes great with the whiskey here, care for a glass?” Sam asked while sniffing the cigar and jostling his glass, sinking into the atmosphere.

“isn’t it a little early plus wouldn’t Yarrow take offence to us drinking his stash?” Frost showed a mischievous smirk while nodding his head.

“Whiskey is not dependant on the time, you don’t drink it to get drunk.” Sam enlightened Frost while pouring another glass and handing it over. He then removed a pair of wooden matches so as to light the cigar. “Magic doesn’t have the same touch as an old fashioned flame.” Sam summoned a small chakra blade and clipped off the end of his cigar before striking the match, going slow to show Frost how its done. Frost copied his movements, using ice to shave of the end before taking a match and lighting his own.

“Suck on the cigar to help it light well and don’t inhale the smoke, keep it in your mouth and enjoy the taste. After ten seconds or so release it and take a drink of whiskey.” Sam moved like an experienced master, keeping the flame from directly touching the cigar before take in his first breath of smoke. Joy flashed in his eyes as the thick earthy taste swirled around his tongue.


‘Ah I’ve missed this.’ He then as stated let it out and took a large swig of whiskey, causing a fierce battle of flavour in his mouth and a shiver down his spine. His father in law certainly had good stuff, just the whiskey alone was high grade C-rank.

Frost followed Sam’s action and took his first puff of cigar smoke being careful not to inhale it. He allowed the smoke to settle within his mouth, flow along his tongue and gums before releasing it and taking a swig of whiskey just like Sam.

The two men sat in silence for several seconds as they absorbed the feeling.

“Well, what’d you think? Not bad right?” Sam kept the cigar in his mouth as he spoke making him look quite dapper.

Frost silently looked down at the glass of whiskey and the lit cigar in his hand with a conflicted look.

“To be honest I’m not really a fan. I certainly don’t hate it, but the earthy taste of the cigar is a bit much and the whiskey gives a rather dry feeling without the sweetness of wine.” Frost didn’t sugar coat it, giving his honest opinion. It wasn’t for him at least not now. He wasn’t too fond of alcohol at the start, but it quickly grew on him, perhaps smoking will too.

“Haaaaaaaaaa oh well, worth a try at least, thanks for your honesty.” Sam took another large breath of smoke as though to eliminate his disappointment. He enjoyed the taste the very first time he tried it. Though he coughed due to inhaling he was never adverse to the flavour.

‘Looks like I’ve only got Yarrow to keep me company in this hobby.’ He sighed internally at his misfortune, but another swig of whiskey helped change his mood. It didn’t matter if Frost enjoyed it or not, he was here with him and that was enough.

The two men sat in the room resting against the leather sofas, one enjoyed the cigar and whiskey while the other did his best, not willing waste it. They talked only briefly about rather generic stuff, waiting for the hour to pass. It was a nice experience for the two of them, their bond as student and teacher grew closer.

After close to an hour the two of them returned to the bedroom to wait on Mira and Lute, she should be finished soon.

When they came back they were met with happy smiles. The group were no longer tightly packed on the bed, only Chia and Yarrow who had clearly made up after the close knit family time. The elderly rabbit woman lay her head on her husband’s shoulder as she massaged his right leg, where the [icy veins] first started. It didn’t stop progression, but it helped with the pain. Lola was overseeing the actions of Tulip, Jasmine and Ren who were playing a board game together as they waited for Mira and Lute to finish.

Once Frost and Sam drew close, the lingering odour of the cigars alerted those in the room causing Lola and Chia to wrinkle their noses in slight disgust. They really didn’t appreciate the smell. Yarrow however craned his neck around slowly, his lips twitched, and his anger started to boil.

“You little .... -he prevented himself from cursing due to the presence of children- you two went into my stash didn’t you!” A vein started to throb on top of his still swollen head. He’d been stuck in recovery and forced to drink bitter medicines for the past several months, not being able to enjoy his favourite pastime. And now his stash had been looted while he wasn’t looking and by his own son in law of all people.

“I should have never introduced you into the art hmph!” No one wanted a smoke more than Yarrow, but he was forbidden.

Sam and Frost looked at one another with a wry smile but didn’t feel too guilty, they didn’t clean him out and since Yarrow couldn’t use them they might as well have. Not seeing a shred of remorse on the two men’s faces Yarrow felt like fainting. His wife Chia learning of what happened sent a thumbs up towards Sam and Frost out of sight from her husband. Though she didn’t like the act of smoking nor the drinking of whiskey at such an hour if it meant Yarrow couldn’t then it was a good thing. After contracting [icy veins] she’d be far more on top his physical health in future. She planned to make sure her old goat of a husband lived a long life by her side.

Just before Yarrow was about to blow a fuse, Mira and Lute walked in. Mira looked the same as ever apart from her bloodshot eyes, but Lute looked as though he ran a marathon in record time. His hands and legs were shaking from exhaustion, but his eyes revealed a highly passionate light. They had succeeded and the proof was held within Mira’s hands.

A large bottom flask filled with a thick blue liquid and streams of silver light; this was the antidote medicine for the [icy veins] illness. Made from the core of a C-rank monster along with over a dozen other medicinal ingredients. Once Yarrow drinks it, his illness should quickly dissipate, returning the man to his previous fit self.

Mira walked in slowly, protecting the flask from any rapid movement and chance of dropping. It’d be a real waste to have come this far and have her drop the medicine on the floor. Her steps momentarily froze when she caught sight of Yarrow’s still rather swollen face.

“Even when you’re ill you’re still misbehaving I see.....you haven’t changed, still the same little brat.” Mira chuckled lightly as she remembered the naughty rascal that was Yarrow all those years ago.

Yarrow’s lips twitched and his face warped as he held back the urge to argue. Mira was roughly in the same generation as his mother and father, he couldn’t show her any disrespect, especially considering she held his life in the palm of her hands. Chia however smiled proudly, arching her chest forward as though she’d just been praised.

Mira simply shook her head before walking up to Yarrow’s bed, thankfully his swollen injuries wouldn’t impede the medicinal strength of the potion.

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