Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 287

287 Chapter 287: A secret revealed

Mira took a seat next to Yarrow’s bed, entering full doctor mode. Chia gave her husband a peck on the cheek and gripped his hand firmly before moving out of the way.

“Once you drink this your illness will be cured and as long as you’re within the external regions of the glacial mountains you’ll never contract [icy veins] again.” Mira spoke with a stern tone. “However, the process will be anything but pleasant. The moment the potion enters your body you’ll suffer from intense coldness far more potent than what [icy veins] has been causing.....the pain will be quite high, and you must remain conscious throughout the entire process.” Mira warned Yarrow before removing the seal on the potion.

Yarrow’s eyes shook slightly from Mira’s warning, but it wasn’t anything he didn’t know already. He was prepared, determination shining in his eyes.

“That’s a good look....hopefully you keep it.” As Yarrow nodded his head to show he was ready, Mira brought the flask to his lips, cradling his head as she poured. Not a single drop can be wasted.

His family and Frost watched silently at the side. Some had clenched fists and teeth while others grasped tightly onto another family member.

As the last drop of liquid entered Yarrow’s body and Mira withdrew the flask the reaction started.

“Urgh!” Yarrow groaned instinctively as intense levels of cold flushed throughout his veins. His entire body rapidly changed colour, becoming ice blue. Frost even started developing on his extremities from the rapid decrease in temperature, his residual sweat froze making him appear like an ice man.

Chia gripped her daughter’s arm hard as she watched, her strong and confident persona near crumbling as she watched her husband fight for his life. Yarrow needed to overcome this flash freeze and embrace the effects of the potion and not succumb to the cold. No one could assist in this endeavour otherwise Lola would have already casted some support fire spells. The potion worked to enhance one’s own innate ice resistance, outside aid would prove counterintuitive. Though Yarrow’s body was pretty much encased in ice, his eyes still showed that determined resolve, refusing to give up.

About 5 minutes later, the ice began to recede, his internal body temperature began to acclimate to the freezing temperature becoming less and less affected, a good sign.


After 10 minutes all the frost and ice had melted and after 15 minutes, his ice blue body started to return to its natural pink hue, slowly but surely he was returning to normal. The 60% of his body that hadn’t been affected by [icy veins] yet returned to normal first while the remaining 40% was slower, especially his feet which were the first areas to succumb to the illness. It took another 10 minutes for them to return to normal, Yarrow had succeeded. The potion had increased his natural resistance to ice allowing him to overcome the [icy veins] illness.

Once the last of the blue had receded, Yarrow let out an ice cold breath before panting as though he hadn’t breathed the entire time the potion was in effect. He was thoroughly exhausted and starving.

At the moment he started panting Chia rushed to her husband’s side, hugging him emotionally as hot tears flowed down her cheeks. Lola wished to do the same, but her mother was faster, instead she reached out towards her own husband, burying her head in his wide chest. Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren hugged one another full of happiness, their grandfather was better, and their elders were no longer carrying around a grieving atmosphere. Though the adults didn’t tell them the full details of what was going on, kids were quite perceptive when it came to emotions, they knew something was wrong just not what.

Mira let out a small sigh before getting off her seat and moving to examine Yarrow, being careful not to get in Chia’s way.

“The mayor brat will be fine, the potion worked perfectly rebuilding his innate ice resistance. All he needs is some rest, food, and a warm bath to eliminate any remaining ice particles.” Mira examined Yarrow’s pulse, listened to his breathing, and checked the temperature in different areas of his body. After being happy with the results she gave her instructions.

Chia wiped her eyes and stopped crying before turning to face Mira. “Thank you doctor Mira,” she gave a light bow full of gratitude before moving to pick up her exhausted husband like he was weightless. She cradled him like a princess, gently and lovingly as she walked out the room towards their large washroom. She couldn’t help earlier but making sure his entire body was thoroughly heated up and clean was something she could. As she walked with her husband in her arms she ordered servants to prepare the large bath, leaving everyone else in the room speechless.

“.....Thank you doctor Mira; we’ll be sure to follow your instructions. Please join us for a drink while my father recovers.” Lola blinked rapidly as she watched her mother carry her father towards the washroom like he was a child before turning to face Mira, taking over the role as master of the household.

“That would be lovely little Lola, Lute and I could certainly use something to recover our strengths.” Mira happily agreed to the offer, the drinks served by the mayor household were sure to be of high quality. “You should prepare lots of meat for Yarrow when he gets back, I for one prefer something more sweet.” Without waiting for a response, Mira walked out of the bedroom towards the main reception room, a bright smile adorning her lips as she walked. She also cared about the little brat that used cause mischief when he was a boy. Given her age she wouldn’t get much more saves like this one.

“Of course, I’ll make sure we prepare a most glorious selection of cakes.” Lola joyfully replied before ordering servants to prepare a lavish meal.

Lute followed after his grandmother as did Frost, leaving the family alone to celebrate.

“Frost was it?” Mira asked as she walked into the reception room.

“Yes ma’am” Frost nodded his head as he replied, he had a lot of respect for this old woman. She was the first alchemist and doctor that he had the pleasure of being acquainted with.

“Hmmmm... well then Frost, who? Or rather what are you?” Mira turned her head around, looking at Frost with intense curiosity. She could no longer hold back her desire for knowledge once Yarrow had been saved and they were separated from Sam and Lola.

Frost visibly trembled as he endured her inquisitive look, he felt as though a major secret about his body had been revealed. A burst of killing intent sprung forth within him, the desire to eliminate the old lady that somehow noticed something she shouldn’t. Maya and his father had made it very clear that his identity as a dungeon core must be kept secret.

In response to Frost’s killing intent Lute was filled with fear but even so he moved to protect his grandmother. If Frost wished to kill Mira he’d need to go through him first.

“Hahahahah no need for that kid if you don’t want to speak about it that’s fine. Just pretend that I never said anything.” Mira laughed lightly while placing her hand on her grandson’s shoulder. She knew Frost’s killing intent was just an instinctive reaction to someone realising a deep secret. She and her grandson weren’t in any true danger at least when the secret still hadn’t been revealed. She was actually a mixture of angry and touched however by her grandson’s actions. Happy that he was so caring towards her, willing to put his life on the line but angry for the exact same reason.

‘What good would it do for you to die instead of old me.’ She flicked Lute’s ear sharply as punishment causing him to turn back and look at her in confusion. Mira’s words and actions diffused Frost sudden killing intent; he drew in his killing intent returning back to his natural scholar like atmosphere.

“Sorry I was a little surprised.” Frost apologised sincerely.

“From your reply I’m assuming you’re not willing to talk?”

“If I did I really would have to kill you.” Frost smiled mischievously but spoke with a serious tone.

“Fair enough, everyone has their secrets but just answer me one thing.” Mira suddenly emitted a powerful aura full of threat. It wasn’t formed due to her personal strength but from her experience and age, similar to the aura that a noble could emit. “Do you intend to bring harm to this enclave or the mayor’s family?” She spoke with a serious tone demanding an honest answer.

Frost felt similar to the time he was questioned by Sebastian about his intentions in regards to Nanna and Loki. As though if he lied something bad would happen.

“...No, I have no intention in bringing harm to Kranor or its people, however if they try to harm me I will respond in kind.”

“Good enough, thank you for playing along with my questions.”

“No problem.....by the way can you tell how you noticed my peculiarity?” Frost used vague language not willing to give any information.

Mira blinked before answering, weighing her options. Frost may still decide that she needed to be eliminated. Her dying was fine but her grandson.

“I tried to use a skill called [identify] which allows me to gleam information about a target however when I went to use it on you there was a fog obscuring you which in itself isn’t uncommon. Anyone of sufficient strength, with camouflage skills or special items would be obscured by a fog, hiding them from such skills but you.” Mira’s eyes showed a little bit of fear when she remembered the intense pressure that loomed over her body when she tried to investigate the young man before her.

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