Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 289

289 Chapter 289: Wait for me

Frost’s ears perked up the moment a reward was mentioned and hearing that it was a monster steed his heart couldn’t help but grow excited. Monster steeds/mounts were the dream of many strong adventurers but were quite difficult to get a hold of if one didn’t have the required connections and or money. Plus, those that they could get would likely be of low rank for example frost mares were considered the lowest level of mount within the northern reaches of Yangmir. Slightly surpassing regular bred horses in both speed and stamina but otherwise lacked battle capability. Next up you would have things such as frost wolves or dire wolves, fast and capable of aiding their rider in battle but a hell of a lot harder to raise and tame than a mere frost mare. Above that would be things such as polar bears that the war ursa battalion are famed for riding into battle. Further beyond that would be the ice ursas, coeurls and in some very rare cases monsters with dragon blood. There was a legend of a mighty warrior long ago who had a wind dragon as his mount, allowing him to fight against mighty s-rank monsters solo however most believe that it was a fake story made up just to inspire people.

None the less people still hold onto hope that one day they could be catapulted into greatness like the man from the legend. If one successfully contracts with a powerful beast even if their initial talent and strength were mediocre they could rely on their beast to reach the peak. Tamers were a very powerful profession if one had a great talent for it. The tamer may only have D-rank strength but his or her contracted monster could be B-rank or even higher. Not all monsters simply rely upon strength as a determining factor in rank. If someone raises a monster from the time of its birth and treats it well then even when it reaches a level far beyond that of its owner why would it feel the need to betray them. Findlay would be a good example of this though with him there are other circumstances in play.

To make a monster one’s mount, a contract similar to that of the one between tamers and their monsters must be established- though usually not as stringent. The onus in accepting such a contract is entirely on the monster to be made into a mount and it has varying degrees of success. The higher the success rate the more compatible the monster and rider will be. Those who barely meet the cut would struggle to control the monster in the way they wish and in some cases the monster may even betray the rider.

Frost hadn’t thought of the idea of having a mount, at least not yet but the idea did interest him. As a possible reward it was far more unique and meaningful than money or a regular treasure. However, Yarrow wasn’t simply giving him a monster mount but the chance to contract with their best one. Such an opportunity was likely reserved for the higher ups within the enclave. Frost was but a stranger and the man already offered him one of his enclave’s prized possessions. Frost couldn’t help but be a little moved by his treatment.

“Thank you for such generosity lord Yarrow.” Frost thanked him genuinely, eagerly anticipating the moment he contracted with a fine monster steed.

“Pshaaaa no need for thanks young man, you helped save my life and are the student of my daughter and son in law. You’re practically family, it’d be rude to not offer such a chance to a member of my own kin but remember it’s just a chance. Whether that arrogant cub will submit is out of my hands, you’ll need to subdue it with your own ability.....if you fail well I’ll think of something else hahahaha.” Yarrow shot down Frost’s thanks saying it was unneeded. Though he felt an instinctive danger as a man with a beautiful wife he was truly grateful towards Frost and had already accepted him as part of the family given his status as Sam and Lola’s student. Hell, even he may take him on as a student if he showed promise in terms of governance. If he could rope in such a young man with great potential it would be a great boon for Kranor...but he can’t have my Chia. Yarrow would have likely proposed engagement between Frost and Tulip if their ages were closer together- of course only if Tulip agreed- but he would never let him have Chia she was his.

Hearing Yarrow’s reply Frost felt a warmth in his heart and a gentle smile adorned his lips, he felt happy. He’d come across a large amount of less than savoury people, but he’d also come across just as many good and great people, willing to show him kindness even though they barely knew him. He felt grateful for being born into this world and gaining the chance to experience such relationships. It did however also make him feel a longing, for those he considered his kin....Maya and the kids. Their faces floated passed his mind as he wondered how they were doing without him. If Nanna and Loki were eating right, if they managed to finish all their lessons on time or if Maya was bored without him there to tease all day.

Frost appearance towards everyone in the room appeared gentle and nostalgic. Tulip blushed as she gazed at Frost’s handsome face while Sam and Lola had a look of understanding. Frost had told them an altered version of his history. When Yarrow called him family and kin they believed Frost was feeling a little homesick, picturing the faces of his family.

The group continued to enjoy their meals and chat like one big family. Once they were done, Mira and Lute said their goodbyes after leaving Yarrow a few instructions in regards to his health over the next week or so. This caused him to yell in protest and once again get bashed in the side by his darling wife. He was forbidden from drinking and smoking for an entire week, pouring a bucket of ice water on his celebration plans. He even believed that this was just a lie that Mira cooked up with his wife to put a stop to his hobbies, but he didn’t have the guts to call them on it. Mira and Lute would receive a generous payment for their services and Sam even offered to hand over some of his prized herbs later in the week to which Mira couldn’t help but have a glow in her eyes. There was very little she was envious of at her age, but Sam’s garden was one of them. His garden was very impressive, overshadowing her own in many regards, a professional alchemist and doctor wasn’t even as good as an adventurer who raised herbs as a hobby. When she first saw it she wanted to smash her head on a block of tofu out of shame but when she spoke with Sam and understood his passion all she felt was respect. It was shame he had little interest in becoming an alchemist or doctor otherwise she’d have two capable students under her wing.


Once Mira and Lute had left “Sam if you could take Frost on small tour of the enclave on your way to Druakai’s that would kill two birds with one stone. Lola I’ll need to speak with in regards to running Kranor now that you’re ready to take up the mantle. Chia if you wouldn’t mind helping me with that, you know far more about the goings on over the past few months than I do.” Yarrow gave his instructions, he was healed now and wanted to waste no time getting back to work. Initially Chia and Lola would be against him doing any work so soon after being cured but since he said it was to groom Lola for his position they let it slide. If anything, doing such a thing would be stress relieving, he finally had someone sacrificing themselves to take over his position and it was done willingly.

“Ummmm what should we do?” Tulip asked nervously, only the kids weren’t mentioned and usually that resulted in something boring like playing in the manor which they grew tired of years ago. They knew every nook and cranny of this place from their many games of hide and seek.

“You...” Yarrow cupped his chin in thought knowing that usually he’d be keeping them company at this time or before he became really sick they’d be in school or playing with their friends back on the fourth floor. “How about you join your father and Frost on the tour, you can help point out all the good things about Kranor to our new friend and I’m sure Druakai would let you play with baby cubs if you ask nicely.” Yarrow spoke in a joyful grandfatherly tone as he coaxed the three of them.

“Yayyyyyyy!” All three of them jumped in excitement, thankful that they wouldn’t be remanded to the manor for the next several hours with bog all to do.

Without even giving Sam or Lola a chance to disagree the three children each grabbed onto Frost and started leading him out of the manor. Tulip grabbed his left hand, Jasmine his right and little Ren did his best to push from the back, eager to leave and explore.

Sam could only chuckle before following after them, “wait for me.”

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