Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 288

288 Chapter 288: Monster mount

Frost was frowning as he listened to Mira’s explanation.

“Your fog didn’t just obscure you from my skill it was ready to attack, to smite the one that tried to pierce through it, crushing them out of existence...I’ve seen a great many people and trained my [identify] skill to quite a high level but I’ve never encountered something like that. Therefore, I assumed that there must be something very important about you since your power isn’t even at B-rank.”

“...I see, thank you for telling me.” Frost sighed lightly as he tried to think what could be the cause.

‘If it’s not from my own power then its either something father placed on my body as a form of protection or....’ Frost’s eyes opened up wide as he thought of the answer, ‘divine energy’.

Divine energy or divine mana was the realm of the Gods. Only Gods could feel and manipulate such power. Mortals and even S-rank monsters couldn’t even begin to understand the majesty of such power. Dungeon cores were effectively demi gods because they indirectly utilise divine energy through the use of their cores. And though not under Frost’s control it was present within his body. When Mira used her [identify] skill to examine his body she could have been shown a glimpse of divine energy, something she wouldn’t be able to understand and something that shouldn’t be experienced by a mortal. If she had continued with her skill she may have really been smited.

This however was good news in a way, Frost didn’t have to fear being investigated by random curious onlookers. Only those with true ability would be able to gleam information from his body and thankfully he hadn’t encountered anyone with such capabilities yet and he didn’t plan to.

“You’re welcome,” Mira smiled happily before walking over to a nearby sofa to take a seat, her curiosity had been mildly satiated, so she was happy. Lute was still a little wary of Frost but under his grandmother’s urging he sat down next to her as they waited for Lola and the rest to join them.

Around 15 minutes later while Mira, Frost and Lute were enjoying a nice cup of tea prepared by some servants Lola and her family arrived, each showing beaming expressions. Yarrow was dressed in a formal noble suit; his face was a healthy pink and his steps were no longer a struggle. Chia had her arms wrapped round his, she too was dressed in much nicer dress instead of her office attire. An indirect symbol of her job as interim mayor being over.

Yarrow was about to thank Mira for her treatment, but his mayoral dignity was ruined by his stomach loudly groaning in protest. Everyone chuckled in response, including Yarrow. Thankfully the servants brought out lots of meat filled dishes to curb his appetite. But they didn’t forget about everyone else, cakes, pastries and other delights were placed on the large table and high quality tea and juice was brought in. No alcohol considering the time and reason for celebration despite Yarrow’s protests.


Yarrow, though in recovery had quite the appetite, devouring nearly 3 men’s worth of dishes and still feeling hungry. It was to be expected, forcefully altering one’s innate chemistry was an exhaustive treatment. Chia helped cut up the steaks into bitesize pieces while Lola encouraged her father to eat slowly, the food wasn’t going anywhere.

“Burp....sorry, brilliant as always Ramsey, your food always hits the spot.” Yarrow burped and licked his lips in appreciation before thanking Ramsey the head chef who was currently bringing in another set of lighter dishes. Yarrow’s voracious eating made the rest rather hungry even though they just had breakfast not long ago, the lighter dishes were for them.

“It’s my pleasure lord Yarrow.” Ramsey was a tall man with short blonde hair, an aroma of spices could be subtly smelled from his body proving that he was a man that spent most of his life in the kitchen. After giving his thanks to Yarrow he gave an imperceptible smile towards Sam before returning to the kitchen.

Sam smiled in response, Ramsey the head chef of the manor was previously a famous chef within Kranor, having several restaurants under his name before retiring and taking his current job. Sam had spent a fair amount of time learning knifework and other cooking skills from the man, he even interned under him when he was younger. Ramsey was his respected teacher and one of the main reasons he wished to open up his own restaurant. He wanted to make him proud, to show that he was capable of being a true chef. Ramsey was a rather stoic and silent individual, rarely speaking. A simple friendly smile between the two contained a vast array of emotion.

“We really got lucky when he hired him. If a man can’t have love in his life then he should at least have good food.” Yarrow then turned to his loving wife. “luckily I’m blessed with both ahahahaha.” He gave her a deep kiss full of love and passion bringing a red blush to her beautiful face, but she didn’t fight against it, truly loving Yarrow’s tender affection.

“Ewwwwwwwwww” Jasmine and Ren both covered their eyes and stuck out their little tongues finding their grandma and grandpa’s kissing gross. Lola wasn’t quite as dramatic, but she too found her mother and father’s blatant expressions of love rather distasteful. The irony was lost on her considering she was just as bad if not more so. Only Tulip looked at her grandparents with a slight longing, her gaze subtly shifted towards the handsome elf sitting nearby before quickly turning back with a blush on her cheeks.

“Bah when you’re older and have met your soulmate you’ll understand.” Yarrow wasn’t even the slightest bit ashamed, planting another kiss on his wife’s delicate lips. Going so far as to even make an exaggerated kissing noise.

“Urgh!” This however was too much for the older rabbit woman, she wasn’t quite as shameless as her husband. Giving him a quick bash in the side with her fist, knocking the wind out of him.

“Haaaaaaaaa never a moment’s peace whenever I come here.” Mira shook her head while sighing, used to the antics of the mayor’s family. Lute giggled at the side; a look of envy hidden deep within his eyes. Given his hard ass of a teacher he never had time for romance and despite her age Chia was still a very attractive woman.

When she was younger she even won the contest for the most beautiful woman in Kranor three years in a row. Lola only reached the semi-finals, once, a little triumph that she occasionally lords over her daughter. A great amount of animosity was directed towards Yarrow from the majority of males and even a great deal of woman in Kranor when he finally bagged this fine woman. He certainly hit above his weight class in terms of romance.

With Mira’s statement everyone in the room started to giggle, finally the happy atmosphere that was common within their household was back. The mayor Yarrow Anock was back and ready to once again lead the enclave of Kranor. With his wife and capable daughter by his side ready to take on the task of being an heir what problems could possibly stand in his way. Yarrow’s dignified, stubborn, and determined air that so attracted Chia returned to him once more. This was the man that she fell for all those years ago. He felt filled with power allowing him to tackle the problems of the enclave head on and no longer worry and stress about it alone in his office. When there’s a will there’s a way.

“Sam I’ve thought of a good reward for Frost in regards to his role in saving my life.” Yarrow turned towards his son in law. “Take him to see Druakai, perhaps his pride and joy would accept a contract with our young friend here.” Yarrow then turned to Frost and showed him a bright and friendly smile. He felt very grateful towards the young man before him and thought long and hard about what to give him as a reward. But instinctively he still felt a little wary remembering his beautiful wife’s words when the two flirted with another innocently. His arm subconsciously wrapped tighter around her lithe waist as if to show possession, a move which Chia found rather cute. This male bravado was just a minor thing and certainly wouldn’t affect Frost’s reward in any way.

Sam’s eyes opened up wide in understanding and a mischievous smile adorned his lips. Druakai was the enclave’s star monster breeder, in charge of monster steeds that were not only supplied to the army but also sold to powerful adventures and visitors. One may be able to purchase powerful weapons, armour or magic devices with money or gain them through raiding monster lairs or secret realms. But getting access to a good steed however was far more difficult. Very few merchants could sell high quality monster steeds given the difficulty in taming and caring for them and those that do generally have sufficient backing. For example, Sebastian the merchant guild leader in Furano had a business of raising frost wolves and even dire wolves as steeds solely for the Northrend military, the frost wolf battalion in particular. Not everyone would be granted the right to purchase a monster steed, similar to high level potions they were usually restricted by the ruling government.

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