Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 206: Zombie Army in the Young Tree Forest

Chapter 206: Zombie Army in the Young Tree Forest

When I send them all through the warp gate, the players in Fast Town cheer.

Young Girl Master!

Who's the Master! When did I rank up! I don't have time to talk about it.

I summon Hix and everyone is surprised.


I'll ride with Setia on Hix.

Riding with an elf!?

They're so annoying!

"I'm going to check on the situation in the Young Tree Forest"

"Understood. Screenshot, please"

"All right. Let's go, Hix!"


I instructed Hix to head for the Young Tree Forest.

We soon arrived at the Young Tree Forest, but from the air we could easily see that something was wrong.

"It's terrible...the forest used to be so beautiful..."

The trees in the forest were dying one by one.

Thanks to this place, Lily and I have become stronger. Thanks to this place, I was able to meet Ion, Setia, Gray and the others. And now you've taken that precious place and turned it into this!

Anyway, I found a zombie and identified it.

Rotten Zombie Lv8

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

I found a zombie, but it's not a big army!? The dead forest is filled with zombies. And I'm pretty sure their path leads to Fast Town!

As I'm scrubbing for evidence, Ix reacts.

"Warning. Many enemies, approaching"

What!? I look down and see something flying out of the dead forest.

Skull Bat Lv3

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

Skull Owl Lv3

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

Did the monsters that were in the Young Tree Forest turned undead!? Or rather, they're appearing from all over the dead forest and they're coming for us!?

They're small fries but this is impossible! There are too many of them!

"Warp Gate!"

I panic and run away.

"Welcome back. How'd it go? Did you clear it all by yourself?"

Ruin-san asks me, but I answer clearly.

"I can't! Zombies all over the forest! Here's the proof"

Everyone looks at the screenshot and is speechless. Ruin-san asks me.

"...Are we going to fight this?"

"Looks like it. Ah, the monsters in the Young Tree Forest also turned undead and attacked us"


It's going to happen. And then the info comes on.

Emergency Quest Evacuate the townspeople of Fast has occurred

This event will result in a battle in the town

Emergency Quest Evacuate the townspeople of Fast: Difficulty C-

Reward: Varies depending on results

Evacuate all of Fast's townspeople from the zombie attack.

Evacuate all the townspeople!?

"H, Hey...wait a minute"

"You can't do that..."

Everyone is in a panic, but Ruin-san speaks up.

"It's not impossible! Anyway, we should split up and evacuate the townspeople!"

Y, Yes!

"I'm going to Mocchi-san's store!"

"All right. We'll go around to the NPCs we were friends with!"

I return Hix and take everyone to Mocchi-san's store. But there was no store there before, there was a magnificent store...hey hey.

"Takuto. This was the place, right?"

"This is it...anyway, we don't have much time. Let's go inside"


We all went inside and were welcomed by a handsome waiter. The inside of the restaurant had also changed.

"Welcome, sir. Are there five of you?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not a customer. Is Mocchi-san there?"

"I'm sorry. If you're not a guest, please leave"

Aaah! Damn it! I'm so annoyed!

I sent a text to Mocchi-san.

I'm in front of your restaurant. If you don't come soon, I'll raise the price of the food by 10%

Then Mocchi-san starts to panic.

"Zee...Zee...Takuto-kun, welcome! You're not going to raise the price, right?"

"No, I won't. It's just that the waiter didn't call me. It's an emergency, so I apologize for being so pushy"

"Emergency? Lily-chan! It's been too long! You've become a great dragonewt! Are you getting along with Takuto-kun?"

"Lily is always good friends with Takuto!"

That's embarrassing.

"Master, emergency?"

"Yes, it is. I would love to be reunited with you, but now is not the time!"

"? What's wrong?"

I explained what's going on, but Mocchi-san didn't want to believe me, so I show her the image.

"...Is it true that those things are heading for this town?"

"It's true, that's why I'm panicking!"

When I said that, Mocchi-san finally understood the situation.

"Th, That's true! But how can we evacuate?"

"Isn't there a carriage from the Adventurer's Guild?"

"Yes, but...if you want to go to another country, you have to go through formalities. It would be illegal entry. Besides, do you think the carriage will arrive in time?"

Certainly...that? That would make them illegal immigrants, wouldn't it?"

According to Mocchi-san, if you are an adventurer, you should be fine as long as you apply for it at the guild later. That was a close call. If you were a knight of Freetia, it would be a problem.

Anyway, we don't have time to wait for the carriages. Then there are three ways.

The first is to flee on foot to the capital of Wantwork. This way, we can evacuate right now. The problem is that they might catch up with us.

The second way is for me to evacuate them through the warp gate. It's probably the fastest and safest way to evacuate. The only problem is the time required for the procedure.

The third way is to go to another country on foot after the procedure. This is impossible.

"How far is it on foot from here to Wantwork?"

"If you walk all the way, you can get there in about two days..."

There's no way we can keep protecting the people of this town for that long...if all the players had special undead weapons, it would still be possible, but we probably wouldn't be able to fight most of them.

I guess the warp gate is the only way.

"Anyway, let's go explain it to the guild"

"I understand"

When we arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, it was crowded. When I talk to the players, it seems they don't believe me.

Not at a time like this!

"Detecting response. Many enemies are coming from the sky. Master"

!!? It's definitely those guys from earlier. What should we do...we can't go on like this.

The more I think about it, the more damage it will do. Screams could be heard throughout the town. The staff of the Adventurer's Guild hears it and recognizes the situation. But the sudden monster attack has left them in a state of desperation.

I cut off the noise around me to prevent further damage and continue thinking.

"Takuto...what are we going to do?"

"Master is thinking of the best course of action"

"Ix-sama is right. Let's trust Takuto-sama and wait. Lily-oneesama"


Thanks to the three of you believing in me, I've got my thoughts together.

"Come! Wako!"


"Wako I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to perform an exorcism"

"Leave it to me"

Alright, I'll give instructions to Lily and others.

"Bran, use provocation to draw the enemy to us"

"I understand. My Lord"

People are screaming, but I don't care. The opponents are small fish. If it's an exorcism where you pray to purify the undead within attack range around you...

Skull Bats and Skull Owls flock together, but the moment they enter the attack range, they become light and disappear.



The players and even NPCs are standing around.

"Anyone with provocation skills, get over here!"

"Un, Understood!"

"I can do it!"

"I, I can do it too!"

The players gather, use their provocations at once and the enemies rush in.

"Mocchi-san, it's not safe here, can you evacuate to the guild? And while you're at it, please evacuate those who can't fight. For now, go inside the building"

"I, I understand! Everyone! We'll be in the way if we stay here! We'll evacuate into the building"

Y, Yes!

The NPCs also evacuated. It's okay for now.

"We'll keep the monsters here and everyone else should split up to help evacuate and treat the injured"

"Th, That's right! Okay, I'm on it!"

The players who had gathered here began to disperse. Then, I noticed something unusual and Freetia gathered.

After all it was the work of Takuto (san, kun)

What do you mean with, after all!

"Warning. I've detected an entity approaching rapidly from the sky"

It's clearly different from the others...and then I catch the enemy.

Skeleton Rider Lv15

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

It was a skeletal knight riding a bird of bone. It came at me with a shield and a long spear. The enemy is strong, so the exorcism is ineffective.


The players who were using provocation saw this and canceled their provocation.

"As long as you have a shield, don't be afraid! Continue the provocation! The quest will fail!"

Y, Yes!

It's Mangetsu-san with a bunch of heavy warriors. Then I'll do my part.

"Setia, Ix! Take it down"


"Yes, Master"

Setia's sacred magic arrows and Ix's energy gun are blocked by the shield. I wish it would have killed it. If it doesn't, it's no use.

"Lily, it's time for the hammer. Show him the difference"

"I'm on it, Takuto!"

Lily equips her hammer and intercepts the Skeleton Rider.


The hammer and the long spear collide, but the long spear breaks into pieces and the hammer goes straight for the skeleton. He quickly held his shield up, but the shield shattered and the skeleton became an out-of-field home run. In addition, the bone bird crashed into the ground with the hammer and disappeared into the light.

"S, Strong..."

"That's what Lily-sama is capable of..."

"I'm glad I'm still in this town"

This is no time to be talking like that! I thought, but according to Ix's report, we were able to wipe them out for now. But the quest is still going on.


Author note:

The quest is still ongoing, so I'll be seeking to level up next time.

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