Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 208: Freetia Zombie Countermeasures Conference

Chapter 208: Freetia Zombie Countermeasures Conference

We managed to get back to Freetia. Once again, I thought to myself, this event is on the level of an admin event.

The players in Fast Town cheered as the event cleared and were impressed by their first glimpse of Freetia.

"Well, we managed for now, but there are still a lot of problems..."

Tristan-san said and the atmosphere around us became gloomy. Yoichi-san asked Ruin-san.

"The problem is that there are no weapons against the undead. Do you have any idea, Ruin-san?"

"Unfortunately not, but there's a chance we can use the light-based stones from the event...do you have any idea, Takuto-kun?"

All of them were staring at me. Even if they look like that, nothing will come out.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. I do have an idea of a fire attribute material"

"That's right...but if there's any possibility, it's in a new area. Have you ever seen silver in the Iji Mine?"

Ah~, silver certainly has the image of a weapon for the undead. But I haven't explored it much, have I?

"I haven't so far. But I haven't explored it at all, so maybe I'll find some when I do"

That could also be said for the Yellow Ossa Mountains. Then, the carbuncle comes to me with a plate.


Yes, yes, the promised meal. Do you have any requests?

"It like sweets and meat"

Then I'll give it grilled rabbit meat in honey.

"What about Lily and the others?"

You ate in the morning...but you did your best.

"At the store"

Everyone is happy. In the meantime, Carbuncle had finished its meat and was ready to feast. That's very clever.

After that, it climbed up on the paper fan older brother's head and smacked him upside the head. What was that?

"I, I know. I'll give it to you, so calm down"

The paper fan older brother took a citrine out of the inventory and gave it to Carbuncle, who snatched it and ate the citrine.

"Emm...this is?"

"It's the price I mentioned earlier...a carbuncle has the ability to release the power of the jewels in its body. However, when it is released, the jewel in its body will disappear and it will beg for a jewel"

After all, there is a price to pay for powerful techniques, right? That's when Tyrol couldn't take it anymore.

"E, Emm! Can I touch it?"

"I don't mind...but I don't think it's for free"

"That's not the case. Come here~"

When Tyrol approaches while saying so, carbuncle puffs its face and reaches out to Tyrol. It's telling her not to move in.

Tyrol freezes for a moment, but it seems that Tyrol has a strategy. Tyrol takes out a brush.

"Here~ I'll give you a brushing~"

But Carbuncle appeals to her not to give him anything. Apparently, jewelry is better than brushing.

At this point, Tyrol's plan to make Carbuncle fluffy failed.

While she was doing this, I got a text message. It's Princess Sarah. She wants to talk to me with communication. I guess it's about zombies. I explain it to everyone and then use communication.

"Here is Takuto"

I'm sorry for the suddenness. I heard about the situation from the alchemist. We'll take care of the refugees. Since it's an emergency situation, could Takuto please speak to me directly at the royal castle?

"I understand. Do you mind if my fellow adventurers join us?"

I can't allow too many, but I'll leave it to your judgment, Takuto-sama

Oou...that's a lot of responsibility. Now I can't take people I don't know at all with me.

And please bring Aura-san's attendant as well

The paper fan older brother was confirmed as Aura-san's attendant.

"I understand. I'll be right there"


So I, Ruin-san, Mel, Tristan-san, Mangetsu-san, Yoichi-san and the paper fan older brother will come to the royal castle together.

Risa and the other players who weren't involved complained, but now that they've been nailed down, there's nothing I can do about it. This is what happens when you have a small and trustworthy group.

After showing my guild card to the gatekeeper, we entered the royal castle and were guided by a maid. Surprisingly, this was the first time for anyone other than my girls to appear.

The room we were led to was filled with royalty, dukes, marquises, counts and knights of the imperial guards. Of course, Garou-san and Brass-san were also there. Princess Sarah speaks on behalf of them.

"Thank you for coming. I don't have much time, so I'll greet you later. First of all, adventurers, please tell us about the zombies in the Fast Forest"

We all talk about the identity of the enemy, its size, how to deal with it and what to expect in the future.

"Are you certain that they will come to this country..."

"I can't be sure, but I'm almost certain. I've been warned by Nebiros. If they only want me, I will leave the country, but I don't think it will be that easy"

Brass-san adds to my words.

"I'm sure. Zombies are basically unintelligent beings. They will only attack creatures that are nearby. And Fast Town is a major transportation hub for the Five Nations. In terms of proximity, it would be Wantwork first, followed by Reich and Freetia. If Wantwork is targeted, then Vainreef and Gonesse will be next"

Hearing this, Princess Sarah made a decision.

"What we need now is information. Now that the information network has been destroyed, we have no choice but to actually go there and check it out. Airtis, please send the Lesser Griffon unit to Fast Town immediately. We will not engage in combat, but strictly gather information"

"Haa! I'll arrange it immediately!"

Airtis leaves the room. That guy was a pretty good guy. The image of the battle against Ribina is stuck in my mind.

"Is it the effect of mana to say that the information network was cut off?"

"Yes... we have these items for emergencies"

Sarah-sama took out a red ball. I'm going to appraise it.

Communication Ball: ?

? ? ?

Oh no, I can't appraise it. From the name, I'm guessing it's a long-distance communication ball. Then I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

Ah! Mou! Zombies, zombies are annoying! You need to gather beautiful girls like Lily-chan and the others! Take a lesson from Takuto-kun!

Only Aura-san would say something like this.

"You're looking well"

Ah, it's coming from the communications ball. Princess Sarah, are you alright over there?

"There is no enemy attack at this time. Are you still unable to come to our aid?"

I can't... the devil Nebiros has blocked my magic and sorcery, as well as my return items...so I'm fighting with my bare hands!

What is she doing? I'm a summoner too, but I'm using a sword and fighting, so maybe there's not much difference...

"What's that cat doing?"

Grandmaster is fighting a horde of skull dragons and zombie dragons with his bare hands

Is that guy an incarnation of Beowulf or Hercules or something?

"I see. Aura-san, I called for Oskar-san"

Paper fan older brother, his name is Oskar.

Oskar! You're to organize the Beastmaster's Guild in Freetia! That's Grandmasters order

"Haa...I understand"

He looks really uncomfortable.

And Takuto-kun, are you there?"

"Im here"

Please! Let me hear the girlss voices

Oskar cut off the communication.

"Its an item that cant be used when the magic power is gone, so its a savings. And this is because Aura-san goes out of control. This is the best"

If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it...then, Ruin-san asked Princess Sarah and the others.

"If a rotten zombie arrives in this country, is it possible to deal with it?"

"...It's not easy. The weapons of our knights are made of silver, so they are effective against the undead. However, they are ineffective against corruption"

Ah, you have a problem with corrosion? That's tough.

"Where can we get some silver?"

Ruin-san, you're going too fast. But since this is a matter of fact, Princess Sarah will tell us.

"We get our silver from Vainreef. I heard that there is a silver mine in the mountains some distance from Vainreef. However, I've heard that the silver mines are quite difficult. I heard that it's so difficult that Duergar, Vainreef's top blacksmith, can barely make it back with full equipment"

What~. If Duergar is the final evolution of the dwarf, it would be completely out of our level range. Next, Mel asks a question.

"Is there anything else that is effective against the undead? For example, holy water?"

"There is holy water, but...in a way, it's more difficult than silver"

Hmm? What does that mean?

"The only people who can make holy water are clergymen above the rank of archbishop. And all the clergy above the Archbishop are in Gonesse"

That's out. There's no way they'll listen to us. I heard that they hate sub-races, summoned beasts and tame monsters with all their hearts. And then Mangetsu-san asks the core question.

"What will happen to this place if we have a siege?"

Garou-san answered.

"The walls here are extra thick and sturdy, so I don't think the zombies will be able to breach them. The problem is food...we have a stockpile, but I don't know how long it will last to feed all the people"

That's what usually happens. In addition, a siege is a strategy that targets reinforcements and opponents when they run out of food. I don't think it's a very effective method.

"Are there any reinforcements?"

"I've sent requests for reinforcements to our friendly nations of Wizard Orb, the Land of Magic and Elixir Lapis, the Land of Alchemy, but their replies are pending"

There're new countries. Wizard Orb is the treasure of mages. Elixir Lapis comes from alchemy's Elixir of Immortality and the Philosopher's Stone.

I heard that they have also asked for help from other places such as the dwarf village, the elven forest, the lizardman's dwelling, the hawkman's village and the cerian beast village, but they haven't responded.

So King Gran and Garou-san talk.

"Wizard Orb and Elixir Lapis won't make a move because if they want to send reinforcements, they'll send them to Reich"

"I'm sure...we're poor, they're rich and have a treasure trove of the latest weapons"


Princess Sarah scolds him, but when we learn about such a situation, everyone gets dark. If we could at least get some food and not be disturbed by the zombies, we could have some hope even if we are in a siege. Such a way...no, there is.

"About the food, we might be able to manage that"

Everyone turned to look at me when I said that. No, I don't want to be seen like that, but...

"What do you mean? You mean there's a safe way to get food from here?"

"I don't think it's safe, but there is a way"

I show the transition stone of the old island.


Ruin-san and the others notice it. Yes, there is a lot of food on the uninhabited island.

"This transfer stone can take you to a deserted island where there is plenty of food. The zombies won't be able to come to a deserted island in the middle of nowhere"

Garou-san and Brass-san said cheerfully.

"You've got a good transfer stone! But if that's the case, we can alleviate the food problem for now"

"The only thing that saves us is that we don't have to worry about being holed up. Now we just need a way to fight off the zombies. Do you have any ideas?"

Don't all look at me with expectant eyes! I'm not some cat-shaped robot that comes out with useful items when you put your hand in my pocket!

But now that they're expecting something from me, I'll give it some thought.

"...Can I ask you a few questions?"

"We'll answer whatever questions we can"

"I've heard that the Yellow Ossa Mountains are a sacred place. Are there any good items there?"

"I'm sorry. That place is ruled by the Nine Tails and we don't know what's there"

Not good...but if they don't know, then there's a chance that there might be. I would like to collect ore from the Iji Mine, but it might be better to proceed to the Yellow Ossa Mountains.

"Then, you said that the walls of this country are sturdy, but how much is it? Specifically, can they withstand a major flood?"

"That's more than enough!"

"I see...that's what you're saying?"

Garou-san said that while Brass-san saw through my thoughts. It seems that he noticed it because he knew it. Brass-san explains.

"Takuto-dono is going to use the wave technique that Ion-dono used for me to flush the zombies together. If it doesn't make sense to defeat them, you can flush them far away"

"The ideal is the sea, but didn't Blumen have walls in their port town?"

"Yes. They are facing the sea, so they have perfect flood prevention"

Then, let's have the zombies turn into seaweed waste for the time being. I'm sure the dragonized Ion can handle that. No matter how many zombies there are, they won't be able to swim. Even if they drowned and died and came back to life, it would be an endless loop underwater.

If they are still alive, we can use sacred magic to erase them after everything is taken care of.

"It's a terrible plan, but I think it can be pulled off. King, Princess"

"Yes. I'm going to adopt your plan. Okay? Sarah"

"Of course. Father. We're going to start working on the mission. We'll be submitting a formal request to the Adventurer's Guild later, but we'd appreciate your help as well. Also, I'd like to share some information with you"

Everyone registered as friends with Princess Sarah. After that, I was stopped by Princess Henri.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this busy time. However I've been asked to meet and talk with Takuto-sama"

"To whom?"

"The person I respect the most...the first princess of this country, my older sister Sylphy Freetia"

Ii!? Isn't that the princess of this country who is suffering from a disease? This is how I ended up meeting the princess who is called the treasure of this country.

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