Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 295 Run



Having Andromeda volunteer to do this, made Xu Fang gladder than ever.

What none of them knew he had a date call with his Jamaican lover in a few minutes and he did not want to be disturbed.

However, what he also did not know was that Andromeda took hold of the opportunity to search for Liu Xueyi.

Leaning back against his chair, Xu Fang crossed his arms with his eyes closed, a simple signal to the ladies not to disturb him.

Getting his cue, everyone took their leave and granted him his very much-needed rest.

Once he was sure they had gone, Xu Fang opened an eye and winked at their retreating figure with a smug smile beautifully adorning his lips.

'Yes, Dolly, soon we would be out and conversing.'


Not knowing where to search, to begin with, Andromeda made her way to place her orders. She was sure the guys would love a drink as well.

And while she did that, her eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every artwork design used to decorate the aesthetic eatery and environment.

Subconsciously, her mind drifted off into admiration for the artistic view rather than her search for her darling Liu Xueyi.

On the other hand, the moment Liu Xueyi left, he headed in the direction of the hotel but decided to stop to get a drink first before going for a change in disguise.

However, what he did not count on was the fact that he was going to meet the wonderous beauty that captured his heart in the first place there.

The second he spotted Andromeda, Liu Xueyi's eyes widened, and immediately halted in his tracks.

Now he had a problem.

He was still dressed and disguised as Ye Yuan which to be on the safer side wasn't nice.

And should he pick leaving now, it would be the best choice. Although not one Andromeda would stand for.

Rather than choosing the best course of action, Liu Xueyi got mesmerized by her beauty while she admired the artistic design of the place.

At that point, he was glad he brought her here.

Had he been a paparazzi, taking shots of her would have been the best possible thing to do as she did justice to it.

While Andromeda waited, she felt stares on her body and trailed the direction as she turned her head to look.

The second her eyes caught sight of him, Liu Xueyi snapped his head in the opposite direction and was about to leave when she called out to him.


She was careful not to make too much noise or draw too much attention to him, considering he was a celebrity.

Having been caught, Liu Xueyi halted in his tracks and turned just in time to see her walking over to him.

In no time Andromeda stood face to face with the dashing celebrity with a striking resemblance somewhat to Liu Xueyi.

Although he did well with his disguise, that body gave her the chills as to how alike they were.

"Ye Yuan."

"Hello, Andromeda Kai. Nice to meet you once more."

Her smile grew as her warm eyes settled on his face. At the very least meeting him again seemed like a good thing to her and she was glad.

"Pleasure. Although," Andromeda began while narrowing her eyes at him. "Seems to me you were about to run away from me just now. And had I not called your name, you would have."

Having been caught a light chuckle tore through his lips as he lifted his hands into his hair ad scratched at the sides. "Umm sorry."

"Ahan!" She half exclaimed. "I caught you."

"I never denied it in the first place," Ye Yuan corrected.

"But you ran, why? You did not want to see me?" Andromeda questioned.

"That's not it," Ye Yuan denied.

He knew he had to find a good enough reason to explain himself else she would take this the wrong way.

Much worse, a part of him still feared the fact that she was mad at him up till that moment. As such he was exceptionally careful not to make a mistake.

"Then if it is not, can you explain it well to me? I want to understand and that is why I am asking."

"I understand you. Okay, you very much know what my identity almost caused or ruined last time we met. I d not want anything like that. Which was why I was going to leave."

"But as you can see, no one here knows who you truly her," Andromeda stated as a matter of fact while spreading her hands at her side.

Just to emphasize, she peeled her eyes off him and checked her surrounding. The moment she did, she paused and regretted why she had done so.

Several stares were soon sent in their direction as their gaze landed more on Ye Yuan than herself.

"Oh my... God." Andromeda muttered slowly.

Following her line of sight, Ye Yuan heaved out an exasperated sigh and adjusted his glasses properly.

Even with the shades, he was putting on, it did little to hide who he was from the public who already knew him.

Right now all he could think of was how stupid he was to believe he could sneak in and out without being seen.

"The very thing I was trying to avoid," Ye

Yuan informed her as he brought his eyes slowly to her face.

No sooner had those words left his lips than they heard the sound of a crashing glass against the floor.

As if on cue, everyone turned their head to the source of the crash, only to find a young richly dressed girl with a tray and a broken tumbler on the floor close to her feet.

Her eyes and mouth went wide as she stared in Ye Yuan's direction completely dazed.

"My goo-on-ness."

Keeping his gaze firm on the young girl, Ye Yuan asked Andromeda, "What say you? We run?"

"Hmm mm."

"On my signal," Ye Yuan informed her and took a step backward.


"Y-Ye Yuan!"


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