Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 296 Crazy Fans



Before Andromeda got the chance to make a turn and run, Ye Yuan latched onto her hand and dragged her away with him.

At the same time, the girl who had earlier screamed, pointed at them as her eyes widened more.

"They are running away! Ye Yuan! Come back!"

Like spellbound souls, some of the people there had their eyes lit up and immediately they went on a chase.

It was as though her presence there and her yelling had broken the spell in their eyes that led them to chase the couple.

Taking the lead, Ye Yuan led Andromeda through a different part and hid at the back of one of the tents, just in time for the fans to run past them.

Tired, Andromeda placed a hand on her chest as her eyes dropped to a close briefly.

Her chest rose and fell with each successive deep breath she took. Even though he had warned her beforehand she was least expecting things to be like this.

And running only made her heart leap into her throat.

She watched from the side how his face shimmered from the rays of the sun while he protected her from being seen by anyone.

Something she was sure she should have been the one doing, considering he was the celebrity.

Having checked ahead and seen they all ran away from them, Ye Yuan heaved out a sigh and brought his attention back to Andromeda.

"I am so sorry for that. "Come, the coast is clear," he assured her with a smile and took a step out.

Nodding her head, Andromeda did not have any misgivings and did as she was told.

They had only just stepped foot out in the open road and turned to face the opposite direction where they had come out from.

"Hehhee… Going somewhere?"

Both Andromeda and Ye Yuan took a step back as they gazed at their new enemy with a face full of shock.

Never were they expecting the main threat to be left behind while the others ran away chasing after a mirage.

Just looking at the weird smile on her face, Andromeda gulped visibly as she took a step back and tugged Ye Yuan's hand.

But having a close look at her, Ye Yuan could see the reason why she was left behind.

In her bid to chase after them, she must have tripped on the road and was left alone while the others chased them.

The way her hair was messed up, with a bit of dirt on it and a side of her forehead, he knew his theory was right.

However, now wasn't the time to be worried about what happened to her but the fact that her loud mouth would not let them be.

Her face lit up into a weird smile, creeping the living daylights out of Andromeda.

"Do not shout," Ye Yuan voiced quickly while raising both hands in front of his stomach.

"Why?" The young lady questioned, still retaining the weird smile on her face.



Her head tilted from side to side in a playful cranky manner as she advanced forward slowly.

"But I want to have you to myself all day. Do that and I won't scream."

"Hell no!" Andromeda retorted and took a step forward to block the young lady.

To be honest she did not know why she did that as well. All she knew she was tired of fans acting like crazy souls whenever they saw their idol.

And as much as she wasn't supposed to care, the fact that she was the one who made him get exposed in the first place weighed on her conscience.

It was just like the last time, because of rescuing her, he was chased and could not buy anything for his woman again, or so she thought though.

Unknown to her, things weren't as they seemed.

"And who are you to stop me?"

"A concerned friend. Besides, he has a girlfriend. Hanging out with you," her gaze raked the young lady from head to toe. "Would be bad should it be seen."

Although she had a good face, her mannerism and attitude right now gave Andromeda an irritated feeling.

"Oh, I see. Then what about being with you?" she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I…" the words went stuck in her throat the next moment.

She had voiced out those words without thinking of the backfiring effect.

"I thought as much," the girl smiled and folded her arms. "You have no right to stop me, Miss. For all I know you can be another crazy fan, pretending to be okay."

A light scoff fell off Andromeda's lips as she rolled her eyes at the girl and turned her head to the side a bit.

All the while, Ye Yuan watched how Andromeda defended him even though they weren't close.

And knowing her as his girlfriend, he knew she did this as a way to return the favour for him, helping her out in the first place.

"Take a look in the mirror, I am not you."

She blinked at Andromeda severally as though the words just uttered, she wasn't expecting it.

And honestly, she wasn't. She expected Andromeda to be speechless just like the last time but to her dismay, she fired back at her.

Gritting her teeth, the black-haired girl clenched her jaw tight and when she opened her mouth to speak, Andromeda had expected a comeback.

Little did she know she battled a sore loser who would do anything to win.

There was no form of warning for them. All they heard was a loud shriek as she yelled out.

"They are here!"

To Andromeda's dismay, she turned her head swiftly only to see the crowd that had chased away after a false image, stop dead in their tracks, look at them and bam.

They ran in their direction.

"Oopsie," a mischievous smile flashed in her eyes as she spread both hands to the side to block their path.

"Lunatic," Andromeda cursed and was immediately dragged away by Ye Yuan as their escape began once more.

"You're not escaping me!" the young lady yelled as she chased after them.

"Run," Ye Yuan urged Andromeda as they took one of the paths ahead.


From where they were running, Andromeda looked back only to see the young lady who was in front of the ground with her face buried in the sand.

A soft laugh escaped her lips as she gave the scene behind her a wry smile.

Unfortunately, she had least the time of day to smile or be worried as the next moment, the few people chasing them rounded the corner and wanted to help the lady up.

"Case after them! We must get Ye Yuan!" The young lady dished out her order.

Whipping her head back to the path ahead, Andromeda wasted no time in thinking about anything and ran with Ye Yuan.

She had just been pitying the young lady only for her to see the vicious smile on her face as she dished out her order like a captain in a pirate ship or a general in an army.

That singular act from her was the straw that broke the camel's back.

She threw away her pity and ran for her safety.

Angry or happy fans were the worst. Sadly, she got roped into this.

'I should have just gone to find my Xueyi like that.' Andromeda lamented inwardly.

A few minutes later though, those thoughts weren't the ones on her mind any more.

Instead, her face was filled with smiles as she watched the young actor enjoy himself as they ran.

Something she did not think would be possible with the way things were. She had expected that this was a result of the fact that he was used to this already.

However, when she asked, Andromeda was shocked that wasn't the case.

Apparently, Ye Yuan was used to keeping a low profile and wearing a deadpan serious look that kept people away from him once outside.

Also, it was hard to spot him out in the open as he usually took off his disguise and resumed his normal role in life.

And now, not only did he have his girlfriend defend him, he got to enjoy this life with her.

At that point, he no longer felt letting her into things was entirely a bad idea. There was hope.

"Hahhaa, I am glad you are having fun," Andromeda openly enunciated and laughed out as well.

For a minute there she completely forgot all her stress and played like he did, running like two young lovers basking in the glow of the sun while playing hide and seek.

Let's hide behind one of the sheds there and then we can rush into the zoo area," Ye Yuan informed her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I know a good hiding spot."

Taking his advice, they did as planned and when the fans had gone, he took her over to his hiding spot.

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