Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 307 Teased


CHAPTER 307 - Different Bolin

"Hello, Bolin. Long time," Liu Xueyi said with a wink.

It was not a new thing for any of the five of them to visit one another but when they came out like this, it was usually perceived as suspicious and noted that something was off.

And out of the five, Rong Bolin's house was least visited as the latter wasn't particularly always at his, further making for such impromptu visits, least expected.

"Hey, Bolin!" Xu Fang enunciated with glee written all over his face.

Out of the three of them, only Andromeda held a calmer approach while the guys let go with their friend.

They had a more shocking look on their faces than a happy one.

"Good afternoon, Bolin," Andromeda greeted.

Her simple sentence was the hammer that broke the iceberg of awkwardness in the room.

"Ah, Andromeda." He had smiles on his face at her greeting. Thanks to her, he got himself back.

"Yes, good afternoon. I never thought I would be seeing you in my humble abode so soon," he winked at her, earning a scroll from Liu Xueyi.

"Hey relax," Rong Bolin quickly blurted out as he lifted both hands in the air in surrender.

The last thing anyone wanted was a jealous Liu Xueyi.

"Good," Liu Xueyi nodded his head and placed a peck on Andromeda's cheeks.

Even though he could get possessive when jealous, Andromeda found all of his antiques to be unique and quite cute.

Instantly a light flush crept up her cheeks while she returned the gesture and pecked him as well.

"Okay, enough of the love birds play you guys," Xu Fang complained.

Out of everyone present, he was the only one not having his girlfriend with him.

And knowing Rong Bolin, he could be so shameless to the point of following in Liu Xueyi's footsteps only taunting Liu Xueyi.

In this case, Liu Xueyi would not be the time who would be suffering for it but he would.

Cutting it off before such happened was the best course of action and he happily took it.


"Hey love," Liu Xueyi complained as he pulled Andromeda's attention to him. With her eyes glued to his, Andromeda felt as though his piercing gaze stole into the depth of her soul.

"Do not apologize for a public display of affection. Never. Especially with me," he corrected, leaving her a blushing mess than she had been a minute ago.

"I see. Hmm, Andromeda, you must tell me what you have done to my friend here. I cannot believe Liu Xueyi would be shameless, displaying his affection for you publicly," Rong Bolin pointed out.

"I didn't do anything, Bolin."

"Yeah, besides, what you said is the definition of PDA. What's bad in protecting what I own."

"Who," Andromeda corrected as she chipped in and flicked her finger on his forehead. "I am not a thing."

"Sure. My bad. Forgive me."

"Good boy," she praised him and flicked his forehead once more.

Rather than getting a yell from him, all he did was smile mischievously at her with a burning desire in those eyes, as if to tell her how much of a devil's den she was entering with her unsafe zone play.

"Do that again and I would claim you."

She gulped visibly at his threat. With how their vacation went and his lifting her on his shoulder in the lobby, she was sure he was crazy enough to do anything.

"Got it."

"And here I am complaining just a few minutes ago," Xu Fang lamented out loud and walked past them.

"Hahhaa, sorry Fang. You should get yourself a girlfriend."

"He already has one," Liu Xueyi announced as he let Andromeda go before, he did something naughty.

"I see. How come I am not told."

Before he completed his words, Xu Fang turned to face him swiftly, letting his hands move at his side before pulling down his glasses a little to look at his friend.

"How come I did not know you had a hottie model for a girlfriend?"

Seeing as the direction had finally been brought at her foot, Eumeh tensed up and took a step back while fumbling with the hair net in her hands.

A proud smile danced along the corners of Rong Bolin's lips as he checked others out from the corners of his eyes.

"She's a keeper, right? A darling to behold," he praised.

"Yeah, so when were you planning on introducing her to us?" Xu Fang inquired.

He had no plans on letting his friend off the hook for this.

At the very least Liu Xueyi and Andromeda knew about his girlfriend. He, on the other hand, no one had an idea.

He heaved a deep sigh and stood close to Eumeh, as a proper gentleman would.

"Everyone, meet Eumeh. Duyi Eu-Meh, my girlfriend."

He took a pause, making sure they all got that right and admired her of course.

"Now, Eumeh, met my friends, Liu Xueyi, CEO of the Liu Corporation and his girlfriend, Andromeda Kai, the top fashion designer and Creative Director of Starlight Apparel."

"Nice to meet you," Liu Xueyi greeted.

"Pleasure meeting you, Eumeh," Andromeda smiled at her.

"It is an honour," Eumeh returned their greetings, keeping her smile simple and composed.

"And last but not least, this is Xu Fang, my naughty-minded partner and the Vice CEO of Liu Corporation. He takes care of Xueyi's lazy ass sometimes."

"Hey, I heard that," Liu Xueyi complained.

"I know," he chuckled before spreading his left hand to the side. "These are part of the five. Now all that remains are those two big heads, the Lawyer and Doctor for you to meet."

"Nice to make your acquaintance," Xu Fang said as he closed the gap to shake Eumeh's hand.

"My pleasure," she greeted and returned his hands shake.

"Great, please make yourselves at home."

"Like hell, I needed your permission for that," Xu Fang retorted and stuck out his tongue to frustrate his friend.

Following his offer, both Andromeda and Liu Xueyi moved over to seat on one of the couches in the big living room.

Unlike Liu Xueyi's taste, Bolin's had a majestic glow of black and brown designs outlining most of the furniture in his living room, save for the ceiling, tiles, part of the curtain and walls.

Once everyone had taken their seats, Eumeh informed Rong Bolin of her desire to continue in the kitchen while he tended to his guest but to everyone's shock, he refused and took her to take a seat.

"So, I heard you were cooking," Xu Fang voiced. "I thought my ears heard wrong but now I believe."

"Haha, sure. Since when did the almighty Rong Bolin become such a lady pleaser," Liu Xueyi teased.

"You are one to talk," Xu Fang revealed.

Even though Rong Bolin wished to hide his laughter, he could no longer do so. He let his laughter spill freely.

At this point, no one wanted to be in Liu Xueyi's shoes.

They could almost guess he did something similar in pleasing Andromeda, seeing how protective and possessive he was of her.

"And what are you laughing at Chef Bolin? I never knew your skills for your profession were used in the kitchen. I bet the master of the Rong family would be proud if he sees this."

"Hey, no word to that old man. I have business he is expecting me to look into and I haven't gotten back to him. Should he hear of this, I would be in his soup."

A mischievous glint flashed in Liu Xueyi's eyes. Without being told, Rong Boling could tell he was planning something stupid.

"Xueyi, do not try anything stupid."

"Well, I do not know. It depends on that mouth of yours," Liu Xueyi threatened silently.

"Hey, you need me."

"I know, but you are not the only male in the Rong family, are you? Your father Rong Jue, I bet he isn't master for nothing."

"You want me setting you up again?"

As soon as the words left his lips, Liu Xueyi's eyes darkened and so did the aura about him.

He may not have punished them severely as he ought to. However, that did not mean he could not do so as well.

At the very least, he gave Xu Fang a vacation that proved beneficial. He could make both of them suffer still if he wanted.

Sensing the icy glare coming from Liu Xueyi's direction, Eumeh cleared her throat and got up on her feet.

Quickly she walked over to where Rong Bolin stood, blocking Liu Xueyi's view of her boyfriend.

She was no fool to know what that stare meant. Although her boyfriend was the exact definition of the mafia and she had seen stared like that, with Liu Xueyi it felt different.

She felt shivers run down her spine from it.

And without needing a seer, she could tell there was a bad story to those words Rong Bolin stated.

"Bolin, relax. Why not go to the kitchen first, while I get drinks for everyone, hmm?" Eumeh asked.


"Yes. I think that's a good idea too," Xu Fang chipped in, hoping somehow the atmosphere would be eased.

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