Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 308 Needing His Help



Liu Xueyi watched his friend leave while flashes of the mistake of the past flashed before his eyes.

He hated anything that reminded him of that night. Not because he was not happy he got Andromeda, no.

He loved it.

However, both of them were fated to meet irrespective. He sought her out as a fashion designer and she sought him out for her revenge.

No one said they needed to be drugged before they met. At the very least she ran away from him but she came back.

He drew in a deep breath, trying his very best to rid his mind of such problems. It was better that way for everyone.

Suddenly he left soft palms on the back of his hand and his breathing ceased momentarily.

Anytime he was sad or tense, the feel of her body and her presence in general somehow always eased away his pain and discomfort.

"Hey, do not let it get to you, it's okay," Andromeda comforted. "It's in the past and I am sure he would never do such a thing again."

He nodded his head calmly at her. Yes, she was right and he knew that to be the truth.

Rong Bolin was pulling his legs as did he.

But he could not deny that he felt bad, almost hating himself as the flash of blood covered his vision.

"I am here. I am yours. I am not hurt because I have you," she reminded him.

To her surprise, Liu Xueyi turned his hand inside out and held her hand in his, pressing hard on her hands reassuringly.

"Noted. I have you and you have me."

"Yes." He lowered his head. He was ashamed she had to see him do that. Regardless, Andromeda did not want anything like that.

"Hey," she placed a finger underneath his chin and tilted his head up so his gaze met hers. "I love you."

"I love you more, baby."

"Love you most. Now, show me that charming smile of yours," she requested.

Her eyes held one of the sexiest looks he had seen in his life and he was glad she did that for only him. With such a darling face, how was he going to deny her?

"Thanks for everything."

She winked at him and pressed her lips in his for a quick kiss, before settling at his side and leaning her head on his shoulder.

Neither of them spoke, nor did Xu Fang complain and waited for the second set of lovers to do their thing.

It did take a longer time for Rong Bolin to return but a shorter time for Eumeh as she walked in with a tray holding two bottles of wine and five wine tumblers.

She had a smile on her face and from the corners of her eyes, Andromeda caught sight of a hickey on her neck.

She was sure when she left the hickey wasn't present and told her Liu Xueyi's friends were just as naughty as he was.

Still, she was glad Eumeh was a good drug to calm Bolin down.

By the time he finished cooking, he joined them in making small talk as they prepared the table for everyone to eat.

To Andromeda's surprise, both men kicked off once more as though the little trouble that had happened a while back did not happen.

For that she was grateful. This was why she preferred the male gender for close friends to the females.

Once everyone felt relieved and got invested in the discussion, Liu Xueyi cleared his throat, pulling their attention to him as he placed down his cutlery on his plate and thanked the couple for the meal.

"Thanks. It was delicious."

"Welcome," Eumeh and Bolin chorused at the same time.

"Aye. I know you must be surprised seeing the three of us here," Liu Xueyi began.

"I must say yes. I was but who knows."

"Hahaha, true. I wouldn't just pop in out of nowhere from work if something important was not up."

"Alright. Shoot. I am all ears."

"Thanks." He peeled his gaze from Rong Bolin and brought it over to Andromeda and Xu Fang.

From the look in their eyes, he knew he had their approval and support. He wasn't scared though, he needed to make sure he was doing the right thing.

"Xueyi, whatever it is, you know you have my support. Feel free to speak."

"Sure. First of all, I would like to apologize for what happened earlier."

"Hey man, I am not thinking about it so why apologize?"

"Let him, Bolin," Xu Fang interjected. He knew what Liu Xueyi was doing this, considering the topic of discussion that brought them here had everything to do with that.

"Okay. Apology accepted. I am sorry for speaking of it as well."

"No worries."

With that cleared up, Liu Xueyi had no problem dishing out what they came to him for.

However, before he kicked in properly, Eumeh rose to her feet and excused herself. "I think this is important and I should give you all some space. I would be in the room if you need me."

"I am sorry," Rong Bolin apologized.

"No. There would be no need for that," Liu Xueyi refused. "Feel free to stay."

"Are you sure/" Rong Bolin questioned.

Even though he trusted his girlfriend, he respected people's privacy and knew when not to mix business with pleasure for any just cause.


"Okay. I would be quiet," Eumeh let out a smile and sat back down.

"Bolin, I need your help to dig deep. I want to find out the secrets of Wu Bai, CEO of Divine pearl," he informed, hitting the nail on the head.

"By deep secrets, you mean dirty, right?"

"Yes. Because I have a feeling that a man of his calibre cannot do without such, he is cunning and terrible."

"Roger that. Nothing else? Any particular kind of dirty secret?" He inquired, making sure he got his client's request properly taken and noted down.

"I want to expose him fashion-wise. He has tampered with the Lion's tail. I need to teach him to know his place."

​ "How deep would you intend on going with this?"

"Very deep."

"Because of the court case?" Rong Bolin questioned.

The way he dished out his questions and noted the answers provided him, like a pro with a photographic memory left Andromeda awe-struck.

Eumeh on the other hand felt proud of his wits.  It was one of the many qualities she loved about him.

That and how he easily changed his expression and focus from playtime to work time.

Andromeda was shocked he knew about the court proceedings and then when she recalled what his field was, she took it back and nodded her head.

"Yes. I filed a case against them for theft."

"Oh boy," Eumeh chipped in, twisting her lips.

She knew what that meant. It was going to be bad for Wu Bai and the fact that they are here with her boyfriend spoke that their enemy was witty.

"Yes. Oh boy," Andromeda nodded at her. "His top fashion designer dared to break into my house and steal my designs. That is an effrontery I won't forgive."

"Finally," Rong Bolin added. "Finally, you are standing for your right. I must say, I am proud."

"Huh?" Everyone asked in shock. "Finally?"

"Yes. Just because I do not speak often about your personal affairs doesn't mean that I do not know what is going on in your life, Xueyi."

"I know."

"Good. So, it should not shock you that when Andromeda came into your life, I had her investigated and thoroughly."

Andromeda leaned back against her seat and folded her arms in front of her chest. It was one thing to be stalked and not know, but to be thoroughly investigated, she just did not know what to say.

"I am sorry about that. But so, you know, this is my friend and situations like this can happen given his position and company."

'Yeah. No offence. So, what did you find?"

"That he has been using you. I also noticed your designs had a similar look to Wu Bai's company's top fashion designer. And from asking around, we discovered the contract's flaw."

Andromeda had her eyes widened in shock.

Just how many people knew of what she did not know of? She felt both stupid and angry.

Not at anyone in particular but herself. Angry, she laid the ground floor to be used by that scoundrel.

"I am sorry to say, do not be so sad. Not only you have been trapped by his scheming ways with that bitch."

"I see. I knew nothing good would come out from such a thief," Xu Fang pointed out.

"Yes. And I think I have one probable witness that can help with your case should in case you want to speak about the wrong contract system he had and his mischievous ways."

Immediately Andromeda sat up straight and placed both hands in front of her on the table.

"I am all ears."

"Just like you, he had an ex. Unlike you, she found out the truth on time and never signed the document."

"You said?"

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