Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 309 Hard Choice



Andromeda opened her eyes once more as the news kept leaving her speechless and shocked.

Just how many stupid and wicked things could Wu Bai be involved in?

And was there no end to his evil ways? Andromeda wondered.

"Excuse me?" Andromeda asked once more.

"You heard me right, Miss Kai. There was one person who did not fall prey. Find her and we have one alibi."

"So, you mean he used her even though she did not sign the contract?"

"You can say something like that. I do not have the entire details about what happened as this was two years before Andromeda came into the picture."

Liu Xueyi heaved out an exasperated sigh. Right now, he needed more cogent evidence to use against his enemy.

And although this was promising, he needed more.

"I think she let him use her, but when she wished for her designs to be owned by her, that was where the bone of contention spiralled."

"Interesting. Then she showed her card, let me guess," Andromeda completed.

"Yes. But there is more," Rong Bolin added.

"I am guessing the cunning Wu Bai had other plans up his sleeve to shut her up," Eumeh added.

"Great. He did and now no one heard from her for a long time."

"You mean our useful lead has disappeared?" Andromeda questioned in a rather doubtful manner as exhaustion washed over her face.

She was disappointed.

Her hope had been lifted just now. Only to have it slammed back down.

Her eyes were glossy just having to think about all of these things. She wanted Wu Bai to pay. He needed to pay or he would never stop and then move to the next prey.

As much as it did not concern her, she swore to revenge and make them pay.

At the reminder in her mind, Andromeda's expression changed and she sat up on her seat with a much more determined look in her eyes.

"Now that look is more like it, Andromeda."

Liu Xueyi's brows rose just the same time Andromeda gave Rong Bolin a smile. When he looked in her direction, he understood what his friend meant.

"The good news, Miss Kai, my informants just recently informed me of her entering the city."

"You said?"

"I have news of her. I did not push for it much because there was no need to. But now that you have come to me, I think it is time we get her."

"That would be great," Andromeda said with relief laced in her tone.


"Thank you so much, Bolin," Liu Xueyi added. "Also, I would need you to dig further. I do not intend to just caution him. He had his chance to change but he remained headstrong."

"Okay. Then what exactly do you want? Tell me and it would enable me to dig the right way."

"I am ruining him. I want him to pay."

"As you wish."

"Now, I know Xu Fang and I have been silent mostly but if there is any way our help is needed, please do not hesitate to ask us. Isn't that right, Xu Fang?"

"Yeah. You got that princess."

He had just uttered those words before he realized what he had just said. And just as swiftly as they came, so did Rong Bolin's raised brow.

"My apologies. It was a slip of the tongue."

'It had better be," Rong Bolin said in a threatening manner.

"Sigh, you see ladies, two hot-headed lions surround me. Not fair," Xu Fang lamented out loud, earning the soft giggle of the ladies present.

Soon enough the guys cast a side glance at each other and within a matter of seconds, they were engulfed with their own laughter.


Now that they had a stable lead, Andromeda felt relieved and sure that things would go well.

They were lacking in time but she trusted the fact that with his expertise and his keen sense of observation, it would not be hard to get things done.

All she wished to do that evening was rest her mind as she spent the earlier parts of the day thinking about things of the past.

Thankfully she was with Liu Xueyi throughout; she had nothing much to worry about. Only the thought of a good massage sounded great to her ears.

Not even when Liu Xueyi's deep and sexy voice announcing their arrival could get Andromeda's blood pumping.

Noticing how tensed her shoulders were and down she looked, he smiled and followed her into the house.

Once they had put away everything, Andromeda went ahead to take her bath, leaving Liu Xueyi to himself.

Once done, she came out looking less stressed than earlier. However, what she saw before her left her speechless.

Seated on the glass table in his room was a pack of pizza, two pineapple juice boxes, a bottle of wine and two glass cups, a bowl of popcorn and a plate filled with roasted chicken and sauce.

One look at the treat before her made Andromeda's stomach grumble in response.

Although they had a nice meal at Rong's place, having this before her made her lick her lips.

Reluctantly, she averted her gaze from the delicacies before her to find the mastermind behind all of these.

Standing close to the curtain at the far end of the room, was a dashing and edible Liu Xueyi clothed in nothing more than a black pair of shorts and a black vintage button-down shirt.

To make matters worse, all the buttons of the shirt were left open, giving her a rich view of his perfect muscles and abs.

Trailing her gaze from the nice sculptured body of the man she had come to love, she noticed he placed his left foot against the wall with both hands tucked inside his shorts.

Slowly, she brought her gaze up only for her eyes to be met with his messy wet hair, covering a side of his face.

Right now, Andromeda could not tell which of the two options before her was more delicious.

While one was her endearing boyfriend, the other was a lovely meal that was adequately suited for a night in with the love of your life.

It felt as though she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If she was to choose, which would it be?

Skip the procedures to get the prize at the end and in this case, the gorgeous man she wanted so much to ravage.

As though he knew the thought racing through her brain, Liu Xueyi pulled out his hands and dropped his leg before taking a step forward.

All the while he kept his desire-filled gaze on her figure, licking his lower lip ever sexily like a predator admiring its fat prey.

At this point, Andromeda could tell. It wasn't only her who battled to make a decision. It was evident in his eyes he was regretting preparing the meal in the first place.

They could just skip everything and go straight to the main course of the evening.

Torn between the meal before her or her boyfriend, Andromeda let her hands drop to her side and placed a leg in front of her.

"So… When did you prepare this," Andromeda asked, tilting her head a bit at the preparation but ensuring her eyes remained on him.

"When you decided to soak in the bath for twenty minutes."

"Oh, I was in that long?" She licked her lips and smiled. "I didn't know."

"Of course. It is allowed, my baby was relaxing. So, I took it upon myself to do the needful."

"I see."

"Do you like it?" Liu Xueyi asked and took three more steps in her direction.

"What do you think?"

Her eyes washed over him in a rather delicious manner, allowing him to see how much she admired him and not the meal.

"If I knew better, I would say, you love the meal right in front of you as compared to the meal at your side that this meal," he looked at himself, "Prepared for you."

That pleased smile was on her lips again and her lips held a sense of humour.


He got her spot on and she had no intention nor desire to deny that.

"I think I would score you, 100%. You got an A, an excellent one."

"Well, Shifu, how do you plan on rewarding your student for his brilliant guess, hmm?"

He raised his brows severally at her in a more laughable manner and finally closed the gap between them, leaving just a foot between them.

"How do you think, I plan to?" Andromeda asked.

She decided to be a good flirt instead of giving him what he wanted right away. Not that she could escape him if she wanted to.

After all, she was a hand away from him.

"In a way that takes me to heaven."

"In that case, I suppose it is right to do this."

Saying that her hands went straight to her towel and before he could act, she pulled on the top where she had securely tied it to her chest.

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