Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 343 Karma Is A Bitch


CHAPTER 343 – Karma is a Bitch

With the judge's declaration, Beatrice was sure she was not going scot-free from her punishment. Neither was there going to be a reduction in her sentence.

At this point, she was doomed way before the trial began.

"Lawyer Chang, proceed."

"Thank you, your honour." Lawyer Chang thanked him and rose to his feet to speak.

With the evidence they had, it was only a matter of time before the culprits were sentenced.

"During the last hearing, my client's footage was tempered with and she could not show to the court here, what had transpired that day between her and Mr Wu here."

Lawyer Chang took a pause making sure Wu Bai listened carefully.

"Not only that, the blame for what happened was shifted to my client's boss, Mr Liu who came to her aid just before the harassment could exacerbate."

"Objection your honour," Attorney Longwei called out, hoping to thwart the big reveal before any proper damage could be done."

"Your Honour," she pressed on when s=did judge paid her no heed.

"Overruled. Continue."

Attorney Longwei bit down on her lower lips and lowered her butt back to her chair as she shut Wu Bai an apologetic look.

"I know you wish to say this matter has been heard, am I right, Attorney Longwei?"

"Exactly. I do not see a point in taking us back and forth. During the last hearing, all of these were handled."

"By a bribed judge!" Judge Junjie pointed to her hearing and that of everyone else.

Andromeda let out a soft scoff and remained calm with everything that was going on.

She, Lawyer Chang and the rest of the team had gone over everything the previous day and now all she needed was to stick to the plan.

"As I said, those involved in dubious ways shall be exposed. If it is related to today's case, we shall revisit it especially when it is related to the last hearing. Understood?"

"Yes, your honour," both Lawyers chorused.

"I have with me the videotape and this time, I can assure you it covered everything that happened, Your Honour. Starting from when Wu Bai met her and tried to forcefully kiss her before he got stopped by Mr Liu."

"He went ahead to hand over the tape to the judge and once it was inserted into the laptop and projected for everyone to see, Lawyer Chang kept his eyes on Wu Bai.

Up till that moment, he had not uttered a word of protest nor smiled. He remained serious as though everything happening had nothing to do with him.

"In that video, it is clear that my client was trying to make amends with his ex-fiancé as you and everyone can see," Attorney Longwei interjected.

She hoped that by saying that, the judge would see the matter differently.

"You may say that but my client begs to differ. She was clearly shaken by his actions."

"Even if you say so. I do not see how this relates to the case of theft, of which we were on first."

"It does," Lawyer Chang began. "From the last two hearings, your client, Ms. Beatrice Zhang openly stated that Mr Wu was the mastermind behind all of her actions toward Andromeda and her theft."

"It was ruled against when my client explained that she was frightened."

"By who?"

"You people. By Andromeda herself. The pressure was too much on her," Attorney Longwei explained.

"Hmm. I do not see how that pressure would make her call out an innocent man. Also, I have another piece of evidence that shows how much of a harasser he is. With your permission, your honour, I would like to show that too."

Wanting everything to come to light, the Judge gave a nod, and Lawyer Chang proceeded to show everyone the clip where Wu Bai tried to harass Andromeda after their wedding had been called off.

"Here, it clearly showed how he behaved even when my client acted in self-defence to run away. He kept on behaving in a manner not befitting his status. This leads me to ask. Is Mr Wu a lunatic or does he have anger issues when things do not go his way?"

"Objection my lord."


"Thank you, Your Honour. And I put the question to him, Mr Wu, please."

"Me?" Wu bai asked, pointing at his chest and speaking clearly for the first time that day.

"Yes. After losing Ms. Kai here as your fiancé and having her resignation which you clearly took so long in letting go, did your anger get the best of you and made you threaten Ms. Zhang into stealing my client's designs?"

"That is absurd!" Attorney Longwei cut in as she got up on her feet. "My client never did such. Do not try and frame an innocent man."

"One more interruption from you and it would lead to having you leave my court." The judge's warning came and she was forced to tone down her anger.

"Innocent man?"

She glared at lawyer Chang, knowing she could not speak her mind anymore.

What had been going their way had clearly taken a turn for the worse. Without being told, she knew something bad must have happened with their plans.

'Damn it! Why did we lose our judge? How did the sick one find his way back into this case?' she questioned inwardly as she turned her head to the side and cast a glare at Andromeda.

'Or did they find the truth about bribing the judge? And then they played our game on us. Hmm. I should have seen this coming and not let my guard done. So much can be done within a short while.'

She breathed out sharply and fixed her eyes back on Lawyer Chang.

On the other hand, Andromeda could not express her profound joy at the moment and how things were playing in their favour.

Who wouldn't give them listening ears, after finding out the other part was the reason why he was hospitalized in the first place?

"Really, karma is a bitch that bites you in the back when you are not looking," Andromeda muttered under her breath.

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