Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 344 In Her Favour 1


CHAPTER 344 – In Her Favour 1

Questioning Attorney Longwei's claims that Wu Bai was an innocent man, Lawyer Chang smiled at her.

"There is nothing innocent about your client, Attorney Longwei. Also, I would like Mr Wu to take a stand in the witness box to answer the following questions please."

After getting the necessary permission, Wu Bai did as he was told. After the swearing, they proceeded with the questions.

"Mr Wu, you swore to tell the truth. Please can you tell the court why you asked Ms. Zhang to get you the designs of Ms Kai?"

"I never asked her to steal anything."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. Ms. Zhang is right there. You can ask her yourself."

"You mean she did everything herself and to what gain? I find it absurd that the top fashion industry and designers would go ahead and steal a lower fashion designer's design. Is she indirectly trying to tell the world that all her designs are not up to par with my client's?"

"Nonsense. They are way better than hers," Beatrice snapped when he uttered such statements.

"Order in my court. You only speak when spoken to. One more interruption and you will face the same fate as Attorney Longwei if she messes things up again."

Having the judge issue, her a warning as well, Beatrice clenched her jaw and inhaled deeply.

"Yet you stole her designs for your fashion show. Now I am left to wonder if all the designs your top designer had used to lift your company to the top all these years have been her own or if she stole from other designers as well."

"Lawyer Chang are you out to slander and defame me?" Wu Bai questioned.

"I never did what you accused me of. But at this stage, you cannot say you have a top designer who you never knew had always stolen designs."

Beatrice Zhang was tempted to interrupt his questioning once more but having the judge's warning ring in her mind, she balled her hands into a fist under the table and tried to calm down.

"I do not know what you are talking about. Ms. Zhang's designs have always been legit."

"Is that the case? Or was your obsession with Andromeda and her want to help you forget, another reason why she stole my client's design to please you?"

"I know nothing about what you speak of, Lawyer Chang. All of Divine Apparel's clothing line is original and authentic. We do not steal from lower-class's designers."

At the mention of this, Lawyer Chang smiled at him and nodded.

"I am glad you feel that way. Because the next witness I have My Lord doesn't." He turned in the judge's direction and waited for him to agree.

"Allow me to call in my final witness to this case. Her testimonies would prove just how low Mr Wu Bai and his capable designer have gone with their business."

"Objection, your honour."


Her heart swelled when she heard the judge sustain her and she rose to her feet.

"I believe we do not need to see more witnesses concerning the private life of Mr. Wu and Ms. Zhang."

"It is important we see. Also, this client holds vital proof to this case."

He did not finish speaking before he saw Attorney Longwei's eyes twitch as she fought deep within not to scratch his eyes.

"Your honour," Attorney Longwei called out and turned her attention to him before lowering her head a note.

"The witness called was not recorded for today's hearing This is both bad and biased. She cannot come to court."

"Attorney Longwei, I have my reasons why she was kept hidden and did it have her name was put on the list. This was one for safety reasons."

"Whatever reasons, there are procedures in court. You have to obey them or they would be cancelled on your path," she reprimanded him.

"Why do you act as you care"

"Not to deviate. Your honour," he turned around to face the judge, ignoring his talkative partner.  "May I please bring her in?"


He lowered his head and signalled for her to be let in.

As soon as the doors to the courtroom opened, a young lady dressed in a black and white knee-length gown, cat-walked into the courtroom as she was escorted by one of the police me standing by the door.

Several eyes went wide as they watched the elegant-looking lady make her way down to the front.

"Your honour, I present before the court, Ms. Sarah Lee."

Her piercing eyes scanned the entire courtroom within a split second she found what she had been waiting for.

Her gaze held Wu Bai's loving the cold sweat that had broken out on his forehead upon laying eyes on her.

"This is not good," Beatrice muttered as she watched their doom begin.

Rather than speaking, the judge nodded his approval to have her brought before everyone and show her response.

​ Murmurs lasted almost instantly as everyone had a tale or two to tell.

Just like Wu Bai, he stepped down for her to enter the witness stand, ready for Questions.

"Ms. Sarah Lee was a one-time fashion designer in Mr Wu's company. I will begin with the questions."

Sarah nodded and waited for him to carry on. She was their trump card and she knew it.

"You began working in Mr Wu's company from?"

"From 2005 January until 20005 late March."

"How was your work there?"

"It was fine," she responded as calmly as possible.

He nodded his head and took a step closer. "If it was fine like you said, why then did you leave?"

"I found out his dubious ways and I had to leave."

"Dubious ways?" Lawyer Chang questioned with a raised brow. "Would you kindly explain to the court what you mean?"

"Yes. Dubious in which he tricked his fashion designers into signing the contract then he steals their work and lets his top fashion designer take credit for it."

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