Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 365 His Secret


CHAPTER 364 â€" His Secret

Andromeda remained on the floor waiting for her captors to make an entrance and at the very least remove her blindfold.

Nothing annoyed her more than the fact that she could not see and the discomfort she was made to feel with her hands tied behind her back.

Fumbling with the tight rope on her wrists she tugged on it but her fingers had gone numb from how they had them estranged.

'This is not good.' Andromeda noted inwardly.

She had barely let those thoughts go in her mind when she heard footsteps start to come close.

She held her breath without thinking and stilled as though a single movement would give her away.

With each step taken, Andromeda tried to use her sense to count and differentiate each step from the other.

In no time, she came to a conclusion about how many people there were.

'Four men. But what do they want from me?' Andromeda pondered.

Suddenly, she heard them stop moving and felt their presence in the room she was in.

"What do we do with her? What were the boss' orders," the first man inquired.

"You know we are not supposed to ask questions. He cancelled his plans. He said he would come the next morning to personally interrogate her," the second man, a man standing bold in the middle, responded.


"According to him, depending on her corporation, we would give her less trouble. If not, then he would leave torturing and extraction of information in our hands."

Andromeda heard several gasps as realization dawned on them all about what he said.

"I do love the sound of torturing her," the third man in their presence hissed while licking his lips.

"That is until the last resort, we would not do anything to further implicate us. That was his direct order. Do not flaunt it."

"Sigh! As you wish," his lips tugged down as he rolled his eyes at the other man.

Suddenly his face lit up and he turned to face the first man once more. "J."


"I do want to see the merchandise very well and know how cute she looks."

All he got as a response was a raised brow but, in the end, J gave a nod, permitting him to do as he had said.


Andromeda who remained still, on the other hand, could not believe she was referred to as merchandise.

It was the audacity with which the hooligans and whomever their boss was, thought they could capture and torture her without having to pay the consequences that angered her.

Soon she felt a hand wrap around her left arm and pulled her into a sitting position.

Regardless, she let her body drop lazily but the man was fast and the next thing she knew, a hot slap was sent straight to her cheek.

Her eyes flew open all of a sudden. Without any warning, the blindfold was yanked off her head, revealing her face to her kidnappers.

Instinctively, Andromeda ignored the sting of the light in her eyes and lifted her eyes to see the scoundrel who had hit her.

Sadly, he had a mask over his eyes and nose but that annoying smirk never went unnoticed.

"She's a beauty." Andromeda glared daggers at him.


She wished he could say that in front of Liu Xueyi and see if his tongue remains in his mouth when he is done.

"Feisty, I must say. Look at the way she glares," he pointed out and grabbed her jaw forcefully.

"Hey, J, he called out to the first man while pushing Andromeda's face in his direction to see for himself. "Aren't you wishing she would not cooperate? I know I would love to have a good time with this bitch."

"Shut it. We do nothing until the boss gives his go-ahead. If you are horny, wait till you find a whore on the street."

"Oh, stop being such a killjoy. Look," he let his free hand drop to her shoulders and slowly followed the trail down the side of her arm. "She's such a softie. Her skin looks appetizing."

"Yours wouldn't look so appetizing by the time I am done with you."

Everyone paused when the deep voice of a certain stranger that was all too familiar to Andromeda.

"Who's there?" The first man, J, questioned.

"Dead men shouldn't concern themselves with the affairs of the living," Liu Xueyi informed and rushed forward.

"Shit. Fool, I would teach you a lesson and make you regret spitting out bold words."

Ignoring his comment, the other three men charged at Liu Xueyi with several weapons in their hands.

At first, he was not interested in touching them except for the goat who touched Andromeda, but since they decided they wanted a beating, who was he not to give them that?

He sent a full kick to the first attacker and dodged the rod sent towards his head from the first.

Getting into a good stance, he threw a punch at the fourth man rushing at him.

Almost instantly, the other two men rounded him as several rods were flung in his direction.

Swiftly, Liu Xueyi dodged the first and kicked his wrist, forcing him to let go of the rod in his hand.

With no time to spare, he picked it up and swung it at the back of the third man.


"I'm just starting," he warned as his eyes turned bloody cold.

"All talk," the man who had assaulted Andromeda voiced and marched in front of Liu Xueyi.

"For you, my hands would do."

True to his words, he threw away the rod in his hand.

And when the man placed a leg forward, ready to send the big bat in his hand on Liu Xueyi's head, the latter bent down, evading the attack and sent a heavy blow to his ribs.

Not letting him get himself back, Liu Xueyi advanced, caught his hand holding the bat and impaled his elbow to his shoulder.


"The effrontery," he spat out before lifting his knee and pushing the man's head down at the same time.


His nose broke instantly, but the rage swirling in Liu Xueyi did not stop.

"I should start by snapping each finger you used to touch her one by one."

"No... Please..."

He ignored his cry, grabbed his right hand and yanked the index finger to the back.


At the same time, J, seeing how things had gotten, took the rod once more, to stop Liu Xueyi from killing his captive.

Ignoring him, Liu Xueyi waited first for him to get close and sent a kick to his groin as he turned around, allowing the rod to fall on the assaulter's face and punched the first man.

Andromeda watched as he took his time, keeping his promise to the man and broke every finger, allowing his screams to ring out.

Once done, he threw the man into the nearest wall and stormed towards, Andromeda.

"Who else touched you?"

As much as she had things to say, her words were instantly cut off as she gazed up at the man before her.

Confused by the look she gave him, Liu Xueyi thought she was scared.

He inhaled deeply and rushed towards her, kneeling in front of her as he asked,  "Andy, are you okay?"

Irrespectively the look in her eyes never left and the words he did not think she would say anytime soon, she uttered it.

"You're... Ye Yuan."

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