Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 366 Shocking Discovery


CHAPTER 366 – Shocking Discovery

As soon as Andromeda heard his voice, her eyes widened as her heart thumped loudly with joy in her chest.

Her only thoughts were how efficient he was and how quickly he came to her rescue.

And when he glared daggers at the men, she felt her heart skip a bit.

He was going to fight this out with four men. She never doubted his strength but she did not also trust who these men were.

For all she knew, they could harbour dangerous hidden weapons that could cost him his life.

Should that happen, Andromeda did not know if her heart could take such a shock.


She tried to warn him when she realized her lips were still tied.

She hugged, struggling with her bondage materials as she shifted on the ground.

Still, it felt as though she was the only one bothered by his actions and the rest weren't or Liu Xueyi himself.

But when he took closer steps in and walked into the light, she got a closer view of his person.

Her brows furrowed deeply, forming wrinkles on her forehead while her brain tried to make sense of what was going on.

She had barely gotten any chance to figure things out when the men rushed in and waved their rods at his head and body.

With all the hands throwing, butt-kicking and blows throwing, Andromeda focused her attention on what mattered most.

And when he attacked the most annoying of the bunch, her conviction was settled but how and why she did not understand.

Once he was done, he threw the man into the nearest wall and stormed towards, Andromeda. In a thundering voice, he demanded, "Who else touched you?"

Ignoring the several complaints she had to make, she instead let her eyes do the talking as she stared at him in shock.

"Andy, are you okay?" Liu Xueyi was forced to ask when he saw how petrified she was.

Quickly he pulled off the cloth used to tie her mouth and aided her in breathing properly.

Sadly, the first words that fell off of her lips were not the ones he had hoped to hear.

"You're... Ye Yuan."

Mentioning the name alone wasn't what she thought she would do considering she knew his voice and body anytime and day but that face, hair and eye colour.

There was no mistaking it.

At the mention of the name, Liu Xueyi finally understood the reason for her petrification earlier on.

He did not react too shocked. He knew this day would come. However, he had hoped that when it did, he would be able to explain things better.

He lowered his head, unable to look her deep in the eyes.

All of a sudden, the hot-headedness that he had charged in with suddenly quieted down like a hot flame quenched by a bucket of water.

"Xueyi, you're Ye Yuan?" Andromeda's doubtful voice pulled him out of his train of thought and he nodded.

She scoffed out a laugh and turned her head in a different direction.

Having him not deny it anymore, everything felt like a film show to her as she placed all the pieces together in her mind.

"I should have known."

"I am sorry for not telling you," he apologized.

Even if he had his rights and reason, he did not defend himself like she had hoped he would.

There was no use lying as well. Only he knew of her whereabouts at that particular point in time.

So, if Ye Yuan was present, there was no way he would have the time to bother someone who wasn't even in his close league of friends to go and save his woman.

No matter how Andromeda chose to look at it, he had no chance of lying his way out and the best thing was to come clean.

Her brows lifted up, watching him place a hand on his hair and within a few seconds, took off the wig he had used to hide his black hair.

Her jaw dropped but no words came out of her lips.

The next thing he did, he removed everything he had used for his disguise, taking his time to reveal his true self to his love.

Once he was done, Andromeda had forgotten about the discomfort in her hands and stared at him with disbelieving eyes.

"Xueyi…" Her voice broke and trailed off.

She did not know whether or not to cry or laugh at the turn of events.

One thing was sure after everything. It was the fact that she loved him and nothing else mattered.

"Forgive me," Liu Xueyi began and gazed into her starry blue eyes. "I am so sorry but you have no idea how hard it has been keeping this from you and…"

To his surprise, she pushed up on her knees and pressed her lips to his. Her eyes fluttered close, feeling him gasp and part his lips involuntarily.

He had least expected her to react by giving him a kiss as though she was happy for him.

Most individuals he knew would have gotten mad at him but here she was, kissing him instead.

His forehead wrinkled, as he contended with the thought of what she had done.

He gripped her arm a bit harder and pushed his head closer, taking leadership of the kiss.

Allowing his worries to go, Liu Xueyi snaked his free hand up her back to her neck as he tilted her head to the side to get a better angle and kissed her.

As for Andromeda, even though she felt angry with him for hiding the truth from her, she did not wish to fight.

To her, everyone had a reason and she prayed deep down it was a good one.

Liu Xueyi broke the kiss after some time and brought her up. His dark onyx eyes bore into her blue ones, searching deeply for any form of hurt or rage.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Now that you are here, I am. Thanks for coming."

"Forgive me for not finding you sooner. If I had, you wouldn't have been assaulted."

She chuckled weakly. There was no use crying over spilt milk now, was there?

"Do not worry. It's done. All I want is to go home and have you cuddle me so close, right now."

He mirrored the smile on her lips as he brought their faces closer once more, allowing his head for her to take over.

"I promise you," he said between kisses. "I'll protect you now and always."

"I never doubted that."

"Good. Let's get out of here."

He fumbled with the rope used in tying her, loosened and picked up his disguise, while placing them in his hands.

Having left nothing behind, he picked her up in his arms. Instinctively, Andromeda placed her right hand on his shoulder as he led them out of the warehouse but not before kicking her assaulter in the spine based on her request.

Immediately after they left, the silhouette of a man walked out from an adjoining room while turning his head in the direction they had passed.

The smile on his lips faded and his expression became ardent.

He had not expected someone to swoop in and save the day when Liu Xueyi did and took her with him.

A dark glint flashed in his eyes, taking a gulp as he clenched his fist so tightly his knuckles paled.

"Liu Xueyi…" His body shook where he stood.

"Fine. You got her today but I also have something of yours. I wonder what the world would say when the news is finally licked out."

He snickered as his brows relaxed before letting out a wicked laugh.

"This should be fun. I lose you lose. I win, you still lose. In the end, only the victor shall stand strong."

Once they arrived in his car, Liu Xueyi gently placed Andromeda on the passenger seat in front, closed the door and rounded the car to get to the driver seat before starting the car.

"Lean on me if you so desire. Or lean back and take a nap. I am here. I promise I won't let them hurt you."

She nodded. Thanks to his reassuring words the grip that held her heart suddenly loosened.

Just being in a car, the fear that had gripped her heart when the accident happened resurfaced and she shut her eyes tight.

Apparently, he sensed it and sighed.

The first was the near rape incident where he took her virginity, which left a bit of a traumatic event for the two of them.

Now, this?

He knew whoever was out to get her was someone they knew too well.

Tapping on his phone screen, he placed a call to Rong Bolin.

He may have dealt with those scoundrels but he was after the mastermind behind the case.

"Hello, Xueyi, have you seen her?"

"Yes. Thank you. I need a favour. Find out the mastermind behind her kidnapping. I need to return the favour."

"Sure. Already working on it."


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