Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 421 Gao Yuemi's Desperate Attempt

Chapter 421  Gao Yuemi's Desperate Attempt



Liu Xiao Xin knew trouble when she smelt one and Gao Yuemi was nothing more than trouble.

Placing her hand on her hips, she shrugged and waited for Gao Yuemi to speak and when she didn't, Xiao Xin remarked, "So?"

Gao Yuemi turned slowly, smiling sweetly as she did so, making sure not to miss a single detail of what lay beneath those long eyelashes that were currently lowered as they rested against her cheeks in a seductive manner.

"You are going then? You will be there with him right?" She asked in a soft voice that sounded innocent but the tone carried with it something very dangerous.

"I do not see how going to the fashion show is going to help me stop getting mad at Xie Tian. For what is worth, I am shoving Andromeda more and more into his face."


Liu Xiao Xin's brows knitted. Was she listening to herself now? What was wrong with her today?

Actually it made one wonder if there was ever any day where Gao Yuemi did not behave like something was wrong with her.

And specifically, Xiao Xin did not believe her.

"You need to prove to everyone how Andromeda who has a boyfriend is double timing and going after her boyfriend's sister's bf. Expose her for her real colours."

Liu Xiao Xin scoffed loudly and shook her head, astonishment written all over her face.

"You're kidding right?"


"Do you even hear yourself? At this rate I would lose my boyfriend and brother. And you know why? All because I listened to some selfish brat."

Gao Yuemi blinked back in surprise at the words coming out of Liu Xiao Xin's mouth before she smiled again—this time in amusement at the girl's reaction to the word 'selfish'.

She had been waiting patiently since the moment she entered the room until the point she decided she could no longer wait anymore, she needed to speak up or else her patience may run dry completely.

"I have heard about your relationship with Xie Tian from someone close. It seems that they are quite serious. Wouldn't it be a shame if he left you because he loves Andromeda?"

"Shut it. Andromeda was in his life way before I came in."

"That's the life you keep telling yourself little one?" Gao Yuemi smiled and shrugged.

"It is not a lie. He has feelings for me."

"Undefined feelings whereas when he sees Andromeda it is a completely different matter. For all you know he is using you to replace Andromeda and that's just sad for the princess of the Liu family. I wonder what daddy dearest would say when he finds out."

Xiao Xin gasped as Gao Yuemi continued speaking and when she did so, Gao Yuemi knew she hit home and took a step forward as if daring Xiao Xin to say something but when nothing came forth except silence and a look of shock —she stopped.

"Sweetie, do you think I am stupid?" Gao Yuemi questioned and reached forward to touch her face but Xiao Xin tilted her head back.


Her hand reached for her face one more time and Xiao Xin did not move again. "Good."

"You do know that all your plans against Andromeda had come to ruin yielding nothing but helping them get closer. All of that because you hate the fact that my brother loves her and not you, aren't you pathetic."

"Tut tut, oh dear, at least I am not used like a replacement. Liu Xueyi respects me enough not to do that but Xie Tian....nah not a shred of conscience."

"I do not need your approval for that. We both have feelings for each other and he is coming around. Not like you would know given the fact that you actually haven't let yourself have a relationship till now. Always hinged on my brother."

"You are right except for the part of slight error. You love him and he likes you. See, an unbalanced relationship."

"Just like your brain right?" Liu Xiao Xin fired back.

A triumphant smile stretched forth on her lips as she slapped Gao "Oh..." Gao Yuemi smiled dangerously and dropped her hand. "That's because I am not using people."

Yuemi's hand touching her chin.

"Oh..." Gao Yuemi smiled dangerously and dropped her hand. "That's because I am not using people."

"Is that the lie you tell yourself? If Xueyi comes now to you, even if it's to sleep with you, a one night thing, you will readily open your legs. Tut tut... Did you look at yourself in the mirror before you tried to turn me against my brother's girl?"

"I was mistaken about you. Andromeda has you wrapped around her fingers."

"No, Yuemi. Unlike you, she is sensible and just whom my brother needs."

"No silly, all you need to do is go there with Xie Tian to the fashion show and you'll see he would betray your trust and try to be with Andromeda. When that happens, you'll see I was right and Xueyi along with the rest of the world too would see Andromeda for the list that she is."

Xiao Xin shook her head slowly while Gao Yuemi watched her closely for any sign of weakness or change of heart—but none came forth as expected.

"You're bitter and all I can see in this delusional plan of yours is how I lose the man I ike and you get rid of Andromeda hoping to get Liu Xueyi for yourself. It's a win-win for you and every other party loses."

"No silly. I expose Andromeda for who she is and Xie Tian who doesn't deserve you. Liu Xueyi on the other hand is just bonus, you know like reaping from the spoils."

Disgust filled Liu Xiao Xin's eyes as she gazed down at Gao Yuemi. "You're sinister and selfish. Now I see why brother can never fall in love with you."


"Get out..." Liu Xiao Xin ordered through gritted teeth.

Gao Yuemi tried to speak but the daggers glaring at her made her swallow her words.

"Get out!"

"Calm down. I am just looking out for you."

She knew her well enough by this point so when no reaction came forth from Liu Xiao Xin after what Gao Yuemi had said; she sighed softly then turned around leaving without another word. She did not want to hear anything else coming from the girl's mouth.

When she reached the door, she paused and looked back.

"If you are going, make sure to bring a camera. You will need it to take pictures of Andromeda's true colours."

Xiao Xin glared and Gao Yuemi smiled sweetly before closing the door behind her.

'Conniving bitch! Does she think I would be her next target to get of use?! Urgh!' she lamented inwardly and then when she wa sure Gao Yuemi had gone, she took out her phone from her trouser pocket and placed a call to someone.


"Good day Ms. "

"Good day. I need you to do something for me," Xiao Xin spoke into the receiver as soon as Ma Yi answered with his usual greeting. "I have an assignment for you."

Ma Yi's eyebrows rose in surprise as he listened intently while Xiao Xin continued speaking:

"I want you every move of Gao Yuemi for the past 6 months."

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