Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 422 Meeting His Son

Chapter 422  Meeting His Son



Liu Xueyi understood the delicate nature of involving the Liu family in the matter at hand.

When children were involved, parents often became emotionally invested and may lose their objectivity due to feelings of anger, love, or a desire for revenge.

He recognized the potential for such emotions to cloud judgment and create unnecessary conflicts within the family.

Furthermore, Liu Xueyi considered the significance of Zheng Ying's son as the first great grandchild. This added another layer of importance to the situation.

The birth of a great grandchild is often a joyous occasion, bringing together multiple generations of a family.

But then the problem of such... It was from a woman he no longer loved and perhaps she really thought of the possibility to return now, knowing her son would be granted a part of the fortune of the Liu family.

Just thinking about it, he felt more weight on his shoulders. He was not the reckless one but his cousin and now the first grandchild was born out of wedlock.

He could already imagine the scolding he would get from his father and grandfather especially with Andromeda in view.

When he arrived at the meeting point, Zheng Ying was yet to arrive, leaving him with one choice—wait.

"Zheng Ying," his cold voice called out deeply from the phone.

"Xueyi! Are you there? Please wait up. Ling had a runny stomach before we left, so we had to go back to get him settled."

The thought of his son suffering extra illness made his heart clench and he nodded.

"Fine, tell me where you stay. I would come and meet you two. No need to bring him out here and get him uncomfortable."

"No!" His eyes narrowed suspiciously by her response.

"No? Can you hear yourself? He is sick. Fine. I would come pick you two up and we will head to the hospital."

"No need. I... Umm, I said so because I have given him drugs and we are already on our way. Just sit tight, we would soon be there."

She heard a sigh of relief coming from the other end of the line. "Good, good, that's fine. We can talk when he's feeling better then."

"No need. He is alright. We won't stay long so he can return and have a good rest."


He ended the call without another word as he looked at his watch—

9:00 am.

The more he interacted with her, the more she proved to be suspicious. Now he could not help wonder if it all was because of the money.

beside his mother with his head lowered.

"You're here."

When Zheng Ying and her son arrived, it was already 30 minutes from the time of the call.

Even though he had work to do, he was glad he saw them.

His eyes softened as he took on the sight of the small boy standing beside his mother with his head lowered.

"You're here."

"Yes. Ling, give your greetings to your father." She smiled gently while holding his hand tightly in hers.

"Hello father." The little one raised his head slowly but did not look directly into their faces but rather kept looking downwards in embarrassment or shyness.

Zheng Xueyi felt a pang in her chest seeing how much this child resembled her and her heart melted for a moment until her eyes met Liu Xueyi's and her heart hardened again.

"Hmm, should I feel jealous, he looks just like you?"

She gave a warm smile and urged the little one forward. "Do better and do not be shy."

"Yes mother."

Ling walked two steps forward, stopping between his mother and Liu Xueyi while fumbling with the hem of his shirt.

Warmth filled Liu Xueyi's face when he realized that both himself and his son where both shy.

He got on one knee to the boy's level, smiled and offered his hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you. How are you Zheng Ling?"

The young child looked up at him and nodded before taking his hand.


Liu Xueyi chuckled softly as he stood up. He knew the answer would be 'fine' since he was not the first person to ask him such question.

"You are cute, you know that?" Zheng Ling shook his head.

Just then Liu Xueyi pulled his left hand from behind him and handed a superman action figure to the young boy.

As soon as Zheng Ling's eyes landed on the gift, the widened in surprise then quickly turned back towards their faces with wide eyes. His mouth opened and closed several times and finally words came forth. "Thank...you..."

Zheng Ying smiled brightly while her son stared in awe.

"It is nothing. You can play with it as much as you want. He is yours now."

"Yes." The little one took it carefully and held it close against his chest.

"How old are you?"

"Liu Xueyi... What a way to bond. Shouldn't you ca..." She barely got to finish her interruption when Liu Xueyi extended both hands and picked up his son.

"Whoa! Look, you are a big boy and string too, huh. How do you like the view from up here?"

Having being ignored, she watched him do his best in making Zheng Ling comfortable.

"Look, the Ferris wheel!" Zheng Ling pointed at it.

"You want to ride that?" Liu Xueyi asked.

Once he got his answer, they headed there, walking away from her.

She could not help but smile at how happy the two were together—

a father with his child for once instead of chasing after women.

It made her feel warm inside knowing how lucky Zheng Ling was to have found someone who loved him so deeply.

"I am sorry about earlier," Zheng Ying said suddenly while looking downwards again as she caught up with them.


"I should have told you more and sooner.*

"Don't ruin his fun. You and I will discuss his health when he is resting."

She nodded happily and joined them for the fun. While Liu Xueyi went to pay for their ticket, Zheng Ying took out her phone and placed a call to Gao Yuemi.


"Zheng Ying. How is everything so far?"

"He is getting accustomed to it. Both of them are playing," she informed.

Gao Yuemi sighed softly. "Good. That's good. Keep it up. Oh, did you tell him anything yet?"

"No, nothing. He decided after Ling is resting before we speak further on his health."

"Okay. Keep me posted later."


She ended the call without another word then looked back at her son still holding on tightly to his superman action figure and smiled gently at the sight.

She had never seen such happiness in this boy since the day he was born until now. She felt blessed to be part of that joyous moment in time even if only by proxy through Zheng Ling.

When they reached the top of the Ferris wheel, Zheng Ying stood at the base, watching over both of them with pride as they enjoyed themselves together, laughing loudly every few seconds or so when one would point something interesting around them.

It was something she had dreamed about but now, there seemed to be hope.

"Andromeda soon we will be one big happy family."

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