Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 422: It Ends With Us

Chapter 422: It Ends With Us


Minutes later, he finally stopped running and took his own form.

He could think clearly again, and the sick disgust in his stomach was turning, galvanizing, becoming something else. Becoming resolve. Becoming determination. Becoming a plan.

Suhle, he sent, can you hear me?

Yes! Are you safe!

Yes, but no one else is. Not while my army is here. Not until they are… they are done. Can you get back to the City? Can you get another message to Reth?

There was a hesitant pause and he hated himself for pressing her into fear. But then she came back and her voice was strong.

Yes, I can, she said.

Okay, thank you. Thank you, my love. I'm so sorry to keep sending you into danger. I just… I don't trust anyone else.

You can trust me, Lerrin.

I know. He swallowed hard and blew out a breath. This ends now, Suhle. Today. I refuse to… I cannot lead a people who would do this. This is over whether Reth will work for me or not. I need you to do two things. First, tell Reth that the army is moving and he needs to make his presence known to the East or they may throw caution to the wind and come for the city.

Then, as soon as you've delivered that, you get out. You run. Stay West and north—do not look back. Get to the encampment and get Asta and the Council and tell them there has been a change of plans. The army is at the rendezvous point, and they are needed there. That we are walking into war and I need my generals. Can you do that, Suhle?

Yes, but—

It is bait, Suhle. When you get that message to Reth he'll call his army to places. Ours will not move without the advantage of surprise, and I'm about to remove it for them. But the horns must blow. Can you make certain of that?

I will make sure the message is… clear, she sent.

Thank you, Lerrin sighed. Thank you. You beautiful female. Now, when you are travelling, you must take great care. There are rogue factions here, Suhle. When you go to the encampment you must use all your skill to stay out from under the eyes and hands of anyone else at all. Even if you believe them to be someone who is safe. You cannot risk it. Do you understand? The lust of war is upon the fighters and they are losing their fight for discipline.

I will stay out of sight. It is easy to do in the forest. But, Lerrin, what about you?

Lerrin sighed and turned. The temptation was there to just walk to the City and allow himself to be taken. But he knew that would only martyr him in the eyes of the army. And if the fist leaders were instructing their males to…

I have a job to do, he said. I am Alpha. I am King of these people. It is up to me to cut the cancer out of them. Not Reth. So I am going to do that.

Oh, Lerrin. Please be safe.

I love you, Suhle, he sent without responding to her request, knowing there was no way he could promise it. But also knowing that for the first time he was certain of what he must do. Absolutely fucking certain.

I love you, Lerrin.

Suhle, if I don't return to you… know that my biggest regret is not being able to complete the bond. But… perhaps that is for the best. Please, never change. Please stay who you are. And if I live through this day, know that I will find you. I will take you as mine, proudly, before all of Anima. I will protect you if I can, and if I cannot, I will offer myself for you.

Lerrin, don't, she whispered in her mind.

I love you, Suhle. You have my soul. If I cannot hold you again, know that. Know it to your bones.

I do, she replied, sending images of his face, the way she saw his strength, his beauty, the way her heart surged with love at the sight of him. I love you, Lerrin. Come back to me. Please, come back.

I will do my best. But if I fail, be pleased with me, Suhle. I am not turning my back anymore. And I won't allow others to do it, either.

Thank you, Lerrin. Thank you.

Don't thank me yet.

There was a heavy pause between them. He could still feel her there, listening, waiting for him. And he was afraid to end the connection in case… in case it was the last he heard of her—or she from him.

But finally, she was braver than him.

I love you, Lerrin, she sent. He sense she shed tears that he couldn't see, but he could feel the clench in her chest.

I love you more, Suhle. Stay safe. Please. For me.

Then they both retreated before it was impossible to part.

Clearing his throat, Lerrin turned his head and caught the afternoon sun dappling the forest floor, shining on a leatherleaf at the base of the tree near where he walked.

Lerrin took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and with all his concentration, reached out, praying he'd hadn't gotten far enough away to be out of reach for Nhox.

Are you there?

Yes! The sending was faint, but clear. Lerrin heaved a sigh of relief.

Did you get safely off the mountain? Are you travelling, or still having to evade the scouts?

I haven't seen anyone in several minutes. Moving slowly, but moving.

Lerrin sent up a silen prayer of thanks, then, I can't find the pack mind, he sent to Nhox. Were you able to reach them?


Tell them that the cat is onto us. We have been chased from the mountain, some dead, some imprisoned. Tell them to continue to the rendezvous point. This isn't over. I will meet them there and we will see this finished!

Just then, the horns of the City rose over the WildWood,? high and mourning, and were answered by the Sentries around the City.

Lerrin's arms prickled with goosebumps. He felt the urge within Nhox to howl, but the male only sent that he would do so as quickly as he could, then they broke off the connection.

Lerrin looked around himself at the forest, benign and quiet, that was soon to become a battleground.

He prayed somehow this would not be the last day he would see it. But even if it was, he prayed that the Creator would strengthen and empower him to do this.

There would be no going home. No new strategies.

He was going to finish this.

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