Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 423: Look East

Chapter 423: Look East


Reth was at Aymora's cave, reviewing the notes he'd made with Behryn about positioning for attack, because Behryn was at the training field—a fact that Hollhye was steaming angry about. Reth had left them to it, but now found himself wishing he could find Behryn without finding his mate.

Then the message arrived that Suhle asked to see him. In the middle of this crisis, of everything else, she sought him out. Reth almost froze in place—she had to have heard something. Which meant she had to have used that bond. Which meant at least some of the wolves were close enough to the City for that to happen.

His stomach fizzed. He told them to bring her.

Sure enough, when the guards led her into Aymora's cave, her white hood pulled low to hide her face, her hands were shaking as she relayed the message that the fire was to the west, but small, and that Reth needed to make his presence known to the East to lower their appetite for a straight attack.

"Convenient," Reth growled after calling the guards to sound the horns and call everyone to their places for an assault.? "This all smells like strategy to me."

The fire to the west had already been identified and controlled. He wasn't concerned about it. But this? An all-out assault? Anima to Anima? He prayed they could avoid it somehow. Prayed even harder that it wasn't a ploy.

Suhle was beside herself, her face pale, jaw tight. "No, Reth, I was listening to the Security Council meeting where they discussed this. This was intended to be their triumph. They've thrown everyone who wasn't critical to their survival at it. Something has happened. Perhaps your scouts disrupted more than they know?"

The scouts had found eight Anima in the end—none of them Lerrin, or anyone high in the hierarchy of the wolves. And true to the orders the fighters had been given, all of them were dead because they hadn't surrendered, but had fought, tooth and nail.

"Reth—" Suhle sounded shakier than he'd ever heard her.

He made himself meet her eyes gently. "It's okay. I believe you that something has happened. The wolves were where we were told to find them. Exactly. Except Lerrin."

"He must have been moved when one of the others was attacked."

Reth shrugged. He doubted there'd been enough noise, but who knew? Perhaps the King—as he saw himself—positioned himself closer to the others than he was supposed to.

Once he'd assured her he would treat the information seriously and put the warriors on the eastern boundary, she relaxed but only a hair.

He told her to go to her place of safety and leave the rest with him, then nodded to the guards to take her but she raised a hand, "Wait!"

Reth held the guards off for a moment, one eyebrow levered up. Suhle was rarely demanding. "What is it?"

She swallowed and blinked. Then edged closer to Reth, keeping her voice low so Aymora and the others would hear unless they were paying attention.

"I must go," she whispered. "You must… you must trust me that it will work to the advantage of the Tree City if—"

"No." His voice was hard and flat, and broached no argument.

"Reth, please!"

"No, Suhle. You have just told me to blow the horns for war. I cannot have you running out there where the enemy prowls, looking for their way in."

"But, Reth, you don't understand!"

"I do, and I admire your dedication. But I am not covering this ground again. Please don't make me order the guards to force you out, Suhle. I don't want to ask them to lay hands on you."

Her eyes widened. "You are serious. You will not even consider it?"

"No," he said firmly. "And please don't give me reason to put guards on you and your home. I will do it if—"

"No, no," she said sadly. "Don't use your males that way. It won't be necessary."

Reth finally took a deep breath. "Thank you, Suhle, I really don't want to be worried about you while this is going on."

She looked up slowly, from beneath her hood, meeting Reth's eyes through her lashes.

"I can tell you that I have other things you can do, ways you can help. Once this battle is behind us, as soon as you feel ready, you let me know. I trust you, Suhle. I will let you choose your path."

"You will?"

"Yes. I know that your intentions are honorable. I will let you choose the way you would go."

"Thank you, Reth," she whispered.

"Thank you, Suhle, I suspect were it not for you, we would already have lost many to this fight. So, please, be safe. And return to me when you wish to consider a new focus."

She nodded and turned for the door. Then she hesitated and rushed back to him, throwing her arms around his middle. "Thank you… for believing me," she said into his chest.

Reth huffed and patted her back. "I've always believed you, Suhle," he said. "I only want to see you safe, that's all."

"I know," she whispered. "And I want you to know… I am… I have always been… I have admired and appreciated you, Reth, right from the beginning. If anything were to happen today, or tomorrow, and I haven't spoken to you… know that. Know that I wish there were more males like you in this world."

Coming from Suhle, that was as big a compliment as Reth had ever received. He shook his head and squeezed her. "Thank you," he said quietly.

"I pray the Creator keep you safe and blessed, under His hand of protection," she murmured. Then broke away from his grip and fled the cave, the guards he'd assigned to bring her, hovering at her side.

Sad that she was upset about his restrictions, but touched by her words, Reth smiled and watched her leave, praying blessings back on her.

Then he turned back to the notes he'd made with Behryn.

Their time was running short.

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