Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 429: Fighting for the Light

Chapter 429: Fighting for the Light


Minutes later, the wolves surrounding him in stunned silence, Lerrin was back in human form, panting, standing over the dead and cooling corpse of Craye. And suddenly everything had become clear.

There was only one way to end this. And he should have used it right in the beginning. His father should have used it. It was right and true. It was how the Anima avoided war.

And it would likely be the end of him.

Lerrin brought his eyes up to search for Suhle. He found her, still standing in front of the birds, her eyes wide with shock whenever she looked at Craye or Asta's bodies. But she did not flinch away from them.

When she caught Lerrin looking at her, she nodded to him and put a hand to her heart.

Thank you, he sent.

What are you thanking me for? You did this, Lerrin. You're being true. You're fulfilling your purpose. Clearing the wolves of the darkness within will benefit everyone. I admire you, my Mate.

His stomach twisted in a bittersweet pang of joy and grief at that word.

Say it again, he whispered in her mind.

Mate. My True Mate. You are mine, Lerrin, she replied, her eyes bright and insistent.

Lerrin was forced to look away from her for a moment, to acknowledge the celebrations that were beginning around him. But while he kept returning his eyes to her whenever he could, he turned to demonstrate to the crowd so they did not know his mind was elsewhere.

Taking a deep breath and accepting the salutes of those nearest him, he let her feel his weariness and grief.

I am so sorry my love, but I have another task for you. Only one final one, then you can rest.

Anything, she sent and he could feel her tears. She hoped. She prayed. And she feared. And he felt it all.

Swallowing the wave of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him, Lerrin continued to face his people who all gazed at him in variety of shock, disbelief, and excitement. He let himself feel the Alpha power. Let himself remember the utter certainty he had for his purpose. But as he acknowledged first one howl rising for the moon, then another, he showed Suhle his plan.

She howled with the others, but hers rose in a tangled mess of hope and fear.

Go back to the Tree City, he sent as the Fist Leaders pressed forward to make their salutes. Tell Reth I will meet him on the Hallowed Ground tomorrow at twilight. I have seen the way forward—should have seen it months ago. There is no need for Anima to fight Anima. I will challenge Reth for dominance. The winner will take the people as they always have. The winner will retain the people, and the City. As it should have been from the beginning. Tell him… tell him war will not be necessary. Tell him I prepare them. The good will follow. And those that don't… they are the cancer in our ranks that must be eradicated.

Something inside of Suhle broke and he suspected she had guessed his plan. But he would not discuss it with her. Would not give her a reason to hesitate in her purpose, or question herself.

I don't want to leave you, she sent. I want to be here for you while you prepare.

You will be, he replied. You are in my heart. You are in my mind. Send your message, then return to me so I can hold you before I go to the challenge.


Go, he sent urgently. Go while they are distracted. Go while it is not yet day so that we do not risk an attack tomorrow and you will have time to return. My appetite for blood is sated. I do not wish to see any true or honorable wolves dead—at my hand, or someone else's. So go… And know that I love you.

There was a pang from her through the link. Lerrin closed his eyes and raked a hand through his hair to hide the emotion it raised in him—the joy of her, the beauty, the admiration. But without another word, she slunk away. While the others pressed forward to celebrate their Alpha, he sent her memories, images of himself embracing her, kissing her, holding her close.

This is the life I would have wished for, Suhle, he sent over the images as she slipped into the dark forest and began to run, tears tracking down her cheeks. My only regret is not having you.

I love you, Lerrin. I love you.

I love you, too.

As she faded into the night, Lerrin turned his attention back to his people who closed in, ignoring the bodies, instead celebrating their Alpha—those that had honor, or those that wished to look like they did.

Lerrin was no longer blind. There were too many of his wolves that had given over this insidious infection. But he could make it harder for them to get away with their dark deeds until he was able to identify all of them.

Leaping onto a nearby boulder to put himself above the crowd, he stood in his power and let the scent of it wash over those nearby, who submitted.

"Hear me, Anima!" he shouted, and the entire camp barked and called in response. "The dawn will bring a new day for the Lupine! Your Alpha has found the way forward, and you will return to power with your heads high, with safety, and without bloodshed. Because tomorrow, your Alpha challenges the Cat. And your Alpha will lead you into the promise of truth, and light!"

They howled again, hearing what they wished to hear in his promise. Hearing him vow victory, where in truth, he vowed only rightness.

But they cared only to hear that the wolves would win. That the wolves would return to the Tree City. And that the wolves would do so with power.

He just prayed the darkness had not infected them so completely that they would reject the right power when it stepped forward to claim them.

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