Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 430: Returned

Chapter 430: Returned

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Reth stood in Security Building again, the council seated around the table, all of them grim, but focused.

The Scouts had left a few minutes earlier after briefing everyone. But in truth, there was nothing beyond the initial report of real note.

The wolves hadn't retreated back to the encampment. They had only regrouped nearby, and now held the Eastern border of the Tree City territory unless Reth sent in an outright attack to take it back.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then looked at Behryn.

"Morning, or evening?" he asked his friend. Do we give ourselves time to rest--but also give them time to plan? Or do we rush ahead and possibly miss some of our own preparations?

Behryn tapped his fingers on the table, and the large room was so quiet the noise bounced off the exposed rafters above.

"I think..." Behryn said, and his reluctance to speak told Reth what his answer would be. "I think you make the call to war at dawn," he finished. "Give them no more time."

They stared at each other, both their thoughts to turning to all that might be lost in the coming hours.

Forcing himself not to give in to the bone-deep fear and grief that wanted to steal his mind, Reth turned to the other members of the council. "Do you have any thoughts that might temper this—"

There was a disturbance outside the door. They all leaped to their feet as one of the guards cried, "Hold!"

Voices rose, then hushed and Behryn tipped his head at the other Equines and they rushed for the door to the building to see what was happening.

Reth's stomach sank. Were they too late? Had the attack already begun?

His mind turned back to Elia and Elreth and he sent up a silent prayer to the Creator that no matter what happened to him, they would remain safe and healthy. And that they could return to Anima safely.

It was a full minute before the door opened again.

Behryn walked in first, shock on his face, then he opened the door wide so the others would come in—first two guards, then…


Reth was on his feet in a second, swinging back and forth between joy and rage.

Think. Think. Think. He told himself. She has a True Mate. She was deceived.

"You have returned," he growled.

Suhle blinked at the anger in his tone. Clearly she hadn't been back to her family, hadn't heard that her cousin was gone.

"I… you sent the message—"

"I did not," he snapped. "But we will address that later. Tell me what you have come to say."

Suhle blinked again, then looked down at the floor, rolling her shoulders back and gathering her courage. When she spoke her voice was quiet, but strong.

"The wolf Alpha, Lerrin, sends a message to the King of the Tree City," she said formally. Behind him some of the others sucked in. But something had just occurred to Reth and he had to force himself to stay calm as he nodded to accept the message.

Suhle swallowed, then continued. "The Alpha of the wolves would meet you on the Hallowed Ground. He says… he says there is no need for Anima to fight Anima. He requests that this conflict be resolved as it should always have been… War will not be necessary. He will challenge you for dominance. And the winner will take the people. He said… he said that he prepares the people. That those who follow the winner are the hearts that are good. And those that do not are those that would be enemy to all."

Then she finally met Reth's eyes. "He was removed from his position on the mountain by a diligent guard who saw your trackers coming and got him out. He has not… he has not told them that he would align with you. But he has taken steps… even this night… to begin eradicating the… the cancer from his people—" her voice broke and she stopped speaking, swallowing hard, her eyes downcast.

Reth stood there, stunned. "You are certain this is true?" he whispered, his mind reeling.

Suhle nodded. "Utterly certain," she said. "He… he goes to the Grounds willing to accept whatever the outcome."

Reth gaped. No need for war. No need for slaughter. No bloodying the Tree City… And no protection for him. The risk that all the Anima would fall under Lupine rule.

He swallowed, shocked from his anger.

To break the tension, he rubbed his face with his hand, tried to keep his mind straight. "Suhle, where did you go tonight?"

"I returned to the encampment, then was flown to the Lupine army."

"Why?" Reth asked, his heart beating hard in his chest. "Why would you… why was it so important to you to return?"

She blinked and sucked in a breath. "Because… because my True Mate is there, and so my heart is there, also. My soul."

Reth's nostrils flared. "Who is it?"

"My mate?"

"Yes. Who is your mate, Suhle. How do you know so much? How are you so certain of its truth? Who is your mate and what is his role in the wolf tribe?"

She looked at the males behind him, obviously measuring whether there was risk in them hearing the answer—which really was an answer in itself. Reth's heart sank. It couldn't be? Surely?

Then her throat bobbed and she said in a clear voice, "My True Mate is Lerrin, the Alpha. I am his servant—was his servant. He gave me his cover before he… before either of us knew… And now… now he seeks peace. Because he knows love. And love has… conquered his hate."

Reth slumped into his chair trying, but unable to unravel the weaves of all this.

His friend, his spy was Lerrin's True Mate. Lerrin's Mate had been loyal to Reth's throne for ten years. Lerrin sent her to give him information. And she came… Did the wolf move chess pieces on the board? Or was this all the provision of the Creator? To whom was Suhle truly loyal in this?

"When he sent you to bring me messages—"

"He had seen my skill for hiding myself and evading notice. He sought to use me because he trusted me."

"Yes, but does he know how deeply I trust you, Suhle?" Reth asked.

Her face fell. "I have… my courage failed me. I fear when he learns it will not go well for us."

Reth dropped his face into his hands. "Suhle, as this moves forward… I cannot protect you—I cannot protect him! I must… I must do what must be done."

"I know," she breathed. "I know."

Then she began to cry.


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