Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 495: Betrayer for Salvation

Chapter 495: Betrayer for Salvation


Lerrin scanned the crowd who were all watching him and Reth, and he swallowed his fear.

"There is only one way that we can be as one," he said, keeping his voice calm despite having to project to the backs of the crowd. He turned to face the Tree City Anima. "You are right to be concerned. We wolves do move in darkness. And when we do so with good intent, it is helpful to all. But the reason I brought the wolves back was because I saw the darkness within." Then he turned to face the wolves, who were all staring at him with a mix of awe and anger. "When we carry the darkness with us, we do not just do harm to our enemies, we do harm to ourselves."

The clearing was silent. Lerrin could feel his people urging him not to reveal their secrets. He would hold tightly to as many as he could. But the time had come to bring his people back to the Anima and if their secrets were the sacrifice… he would make them.

"Lupines, you have experienced the Tree City and the Leonine rule. You have experienced the encampment and our rule—and if you are honest with yourselves, you'll see as I saw: When we left the City, we took darkness with us. We let darkness lead.

"The only way to end darkness is to bring it into the light. I led you here, I returned you to the Leonine rule, because we need to be a part of the Anima to stay in the light. Hear me!" he barked when voices began to rise in a murmur of concern. "You listened when I called for peace because your hearts desire peace. If any among you is here in deceit, if any among you continues to carry the darkness, this is your last chance to leave in peace. You may walk away, here, now, and we will not kill you. But if you are found out after this moment, the Leonine will not need to punish you, because the wolves will remove you from this world ourselves."

He waited then, Reth staring at him curiously, but all his attention was on his people, who continued to shift on their feet and look at each other, and at him.

He knew they had some spies among them—they must. It was what he would have established if he'd been in leadership of that faction. But he would root them out. And he would return the people of good heart back to the Anima.

"There is only one way that everyone can leave this clearing in peace. One way that we can reunite and return to the Tree City together and without conflict… Lupines, submit yourselves to the melding of the minds."

So many of them gave a sharp intake of breath, the clearing echoed with it. Reth's eyes snapped to the people behind Lerrin and he made a gesture for patience.

"Traitor!" someone hissed from among the Lupine. "You reveal Lupine secrets—he has become the lion's pet!"

Lerrin shook his head. "No. I am not a traitor. My only wish is for the good of my people. I stand before you bound to prove that I will do anything to bring you back to the Light—please! Do not so easily overlook what happened among us. The wolves that would lead you into secrecy and isolation from the other tribes, those wolves lead you to death! We will always have our traditions and our skills. Those will never be lost to us. But this… this moment requires something more of us, Lupines! It requires humility! It requires strength! It requires you to be willing to give, rather than take.

"Give for the good of your young, and for the unity and peace of the Anima as a whole. Give for the sake of your consciences and hearts that have been drawn closer to darkness. Give for the Creator who put you here and who would see you thrive in this life as part of something so much bigger!

"This is our chance, Lupines. This is our moment in history to draw a line in the sand and determine whether we are only for wolves, or whether we are for the peace and survival of the Anima as a whole—and the wolves within them.

"I propose the melding of the minds that will vow our peace among the tribes. I propose the melding of the minds for the safety of those around us—and for ourselves and our kin. You will vow, to each other and to the Creator, that your intention is for peace, and that you will not subvert this King. You will vow that should your heart harbor ill-intent, you will be revealed to your Lupine brethren. And you will vow that should another's dark heart be revealed to you, that you will bring them before the King."

The voices of the people rose until Lerrin had to shout to be heard over them. Reth watched him uneasily, but Lerrin knew this was the only way. Even if the wolves wanted to live in peace and wanted to stay in the Tree City, their hearts had been hardened to prioritize wolves over all. Unless they were required to unify, they wouldn't. He could see it now. This would make them accountable. This would bring them all back together. And if he was betrayed for it, if the dark wolves stole in and took his life, at least he could die in peace, knowing he'd done everything he could to make his people safe before he was gone.

"The melding of the minds will require you to aim for good for all people—including the wolves! In this way, we root out the cancer in our tribe—and with our common goals we root out the darkness anywhere else. In this way, the other tribes learn to trust again—and we see the benefit of working with them. In this way, the Lupines remain Anima and do not… remove ourselves.

"Please! Sisters and brothers! Think of your offspring! Think of your future! If we are not willing to face the darkness within us and deny it, it will consume us!"

**** Privilege Warning & Mass Release ****

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2. Your Golden Ticket support has earned an additional mass release chapter! But because I've been so touched by all your support--reading, commenting, gifts, and summoning pens--I'm going to release FOUR chapters on the last day of the month to say THANK YOU! (that's 30 September on Webnovel, 29 September in the USA.)

Thank you again for everything you do to help me and Reth & Elia continue to thrive. You are a gift to me!

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