Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 496: Dissent

Chapter 496: Dissent


Voices rose in a clamor from among the wolves. Although some leaned into their brothers and sisters to discuss the proposal, many cried out their dissent.

"You would leave the wolves restrained again!"

"You betray our secrets!"

"Why should we vow when the people of the City do not?!"

Reth took a long, deep breath and tried to catch Lerrin's eye. But the wolf faced his former people, his face grave and disturbed. But he didn't waver, only shook his head, or held the challenging gazes that would have weakened him. He stood with strength and certainty. Had his hands not been bound, Reth would have thought him not only free, but the true leader of these Anima.

When they didn't stop throwing their accusations, Lerrin's upper lip curled away from his teeth. "I cannot raise my hands to quiet you, and we cannot answer your questions until you let us speak!" he bellowed, then gave them another moment to settle.

There was a murmur of grumbling and shushing as neighbors of the angry nudged them to quiet. When the voices had dropped to a low hubbub, Lerrin finally spoke again, projecting his voice calmly so all could hear, but without aggression.

As he watched the male restrain himself, Reth grieved that they'd never harnessed his natural leadership and channeled it positively before now.

"You accuse me of betraying, and I grieve it," he said somberly. "I would not choose it for any reason beyond the greater good of the Lupine tribe. There are legends of the melding. It is not unknown in the histories, only in our modern day. Forgive me, sisters, brothers… but I cannot see another way. We must show our true hearts—our willingness to walk hand-in-hand with all of the WildWood, to bring our young to greater peace than we have lived. I would give anything for that, would you?!"

Reth saw a lot of nodding among the females, especially those he knew had young. But many still looked very uneasy. But Lerrin wasn't finished.

"You question why we would bind ourselves to a vow when the others do not… The wolves will vow to remain in one heart with the greater Anima," Lerrin said firmly. "We do not tuck our tails between our legs and flee—we pursue a common goal. Where commonality cannot be found, our vow will not apply. But we vow not to raise rebellion, because we have already done so, and look where it brought us—half our warriors dead, dissension among our own people, and darkness infected hearts that began eating our own. Do not lie to yourselves, Lupine—you saw where we ended. You saw what we were becoming. Turn away from it! Turn to face the light and walk alongside our Anima brothers and sisters!"

Discussion rose in bubbles through the Lupine side of the clearing, while most of the Anima behind him remained quiet, but Reth knew they were likely as fascinated as he himself. He'd always suspected the wolves had some kind of special way of communicating without words, and the mind-link had proven even more expansive than he'd imagined. He'd struggled to contain his shock at what Suhle could draw from Lerrin… but it also gave him insight as to how the wolves were so effective in their planning and strategy. Their ability to silently but comprehensively share information gave them a decided advantage. He prayed they would give in to Lerrin's suggestion of this melding. Without it he feared even he would not be able to trust the tribe again.

As the voices rose again, more questions, more concerns, Reth kept his weight evenly on both feet and watched the Lupine tribe closely for any hint of aggression. He would save Lerrin if he could, but he didn't like the male's chances with his hands bound if this entire tribe descended on him.

So as Lerrin continued to speak, Reth prayed. And waited to see how history would unfold.



He had to do it. He had to join the mind link to show them all what he saw, what the future could be. He knew it. But he'd hung back because to do so… Suhle would be there. And they would all see at least a measure of his humility. His brokenness. Even if he was able to shut her out, they'd feel his yearning and…

Lerrin blinked. He would come this far, then let his own pride stop him being effective? Was he an Alpha, or not?

He was, and he knew it. And he knew the time had come to stop allowing himself to be his own mountain to climb. His people needed the vision that Reth hadn't been able to ignite in them.

And they needed it from him.

"Follow me, Brothers. Follow me, Sisters," he said formally, the wolf call to mind link. When he opened himself—carefully, touching only the surface of the link—it was almost overwhelming. He'd stayed out of the main link most of the time since this rebellion had begun. It was overwhelming to feel the aggression and pent-up frustration of so many wolves… but that meant he'd missed the fear.

When he joined them, finally, and they reached out to embrace him, he cursed himself for having kept so separate.

Hearts yearning… mothers fearing… fathers desperate to protect their families. Young wolves terrified of the future. Old wolves, terrified of humiliation in their twilight years.

Fear, fear, fear.

Lerrin shook his head and gave himself over—speaking the words that the Anima would hear, but knowing it was the images in his head that the wolves would listen to.

Images of a peaceful day in the market. Smiles and Anima sharing tables and feast together.

Images of the young in training together—first as pups, then as adolescents finding their feet in society, then as young adults bearing the fruit of the years between now and then.

He showed them mated pairs living in peace and no longer fighting for prominence. He showed them lupine offspring playing in meadows in the summer with prey and predator alike. He showed them Lupine in training as guards and royal strategists. He showed them unity—the heart of light, where love flowed in all directions, and came back to the one who'd offered it.

And he showed them Reth clasping his arm, watching over the Lupine, embracing them as he had the Equines… the strength they could develop together—each tribe bringing its own talents and skills to bolster the others.

He envisioned Lupines smiling and cheering, enjoying a feast with other tribes.

And he showed them the dark, the lone wolves, the sick infection that would be routed out by their common strength—how those who would not give it up would have no choice but to abandon the rest because they could not stand in the face of an Anima in unity.

In the end, he spoke almost at normal volume, and the wolves around him had gone silent as they all caught his heart, his mind, his vision of the future.

"…We cannot change the past, my pack. Who we were, what we believed has brought us to this crossroads. Will you allow us to step forward into peace?"

Then he waited, holding his breath. And next to him, Reth tensed.

He couldn't do more than that to convince them.

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