Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 200: Changing One's Fate Part Four

Chapter 200: Changing One's Fate Part Four

In front of the two was a large dungeon entrance that had two pillars on each side and the entrance itself was carved out of the mountain side to look like a large skull. Two blue flames flickered within the eye sockets. Rika instantly scooted up next to Misaki and intertwined her arm with Misaki's. "Mitsu do we really need to go in there?" 

"Of course! If we do not go in there we can not get out of the low level area. Just stay close, Rika, we will get through this together. Our sisterly bond can not be broken. Unless a hot girl comes and offers me sex then I might toss you into a mob of monsters but other than that Ouch!" Misaki rubbed her arm that was just ruthlessly pinched. 

"Is a sister less important than getting laid? And why does it have to be a girl, why not a hot guy?" Rika complained as she puffed out her cheeks.

"Well if it was a guy, who would I have sex? Wait You were not thinking of trying to get a quickie in were you?" Misaki joked. 

The two went back and forth as they walked into the dungeon. Misaki was able to get Rika to calm down. She wanted Rika to be able to fully focus so she would not make any mistakes that might cause her to get hurt or die. 

The battles were going smoothly because the levels of the monsters were only around level ninety, which was the max level for this area. But the boss was around level two hundred fifty which was, of course, a standard for raid bosses. Misaki was still unsure how well this fight was going to go. She could only hope she could allow Rika time to escape if things went sour. 

Fight after fight, the two slowly made their way through the dungeon until they reached the first raid boss. A large eyeball that would shoot a number of lasers at their target and cast illusion magic. It was a difficult boss to deal with if you were not prepared. Luckily they came prepared with warding items to stop the confusion status ailment that occurs when put under the illusion. 

"Rika, do not attack right away, let me gain enough aggro before you start attacking. Then all the lasers should be mainly focused on me." Misaki decided this was the best course of action. Rika's damage per second was actually higher than hers due to her being a crit build. 

"Then I will use shadow hide and attack on your orders." After saying this Rika disappeared into the darkness. If it was not for her minimap Misaki would not even know where Rika was located. 

Misaki opened the door to the boss room and the two entered. The room was dark with no lights until they were a few steps inside when the torchers on the walls suddenly lit up. "Get ready it's coming!"

Misaki watched as a large amount of black smoke rose into the air from the middle of the room. Misaki drew her sword waiting for the large eyeball to appear. But as the smoke rose higher and higher there was still no sign of any giant eyeball. 

At this point, Misaki was confused as to what was going on. She slowly walked towards the middle of the room where the smoke was starting to lift and was revealing what had spawned. But when she laid eyes on the cute creature whose body was made of gelatin looking around the room seemingly just as confused as Misaki was, made Misaki want to curse out loud. In fact... She did! "What the fuck!? Another slime!? Is there some kind slime master that finds it funny to send its kids out to boss rooms!?" 


The slime made a sound as if asking Misaki what was happening. Unfortunately the cute eyes it used to look up at Misaki with did not get the reaction it thought it would when it saw the metal sword in her hand stab down slicing it apart.


[Killed Cute Boss Slime]

[500,000 experience gained]

Misaki who was reading the message did not know whether she should laugh or cry. 'What kind of name was Cute Boss Slime!?' Misaki should be happy that she was able to gain an easy 500,000 experience points basically for free but she was not. She felt all the anticipation and nervousness was all for not when the first boss they encountered was a level one slime with a weird name.

"Umm Mitsu does this mean we cleared the first boss?" Rika appeared next to Misaki a little confused as to what was going on. She wanted to know what had happened to the large eyeball Misaki talked about earlier. 

"I, uh, guess? I have seen this happen one other time but not in this dungeon." Misaki really did not know what to say. Everything was just so anti-climatic! "Well since this is cleared let's continue on."

As they continued on Misaki explained the next boss fight as well. But when they reached the boss room and entered after getting themselves ready for a long drawn out fight. They were met with a familiar figure


"That's it! Someone is fucking with me!" If it happened once, Misaki could put it off as a simple bug but now that it had happened twice she really couldn't help but curse! She decided right then and there that she would give the system a scolding later once it was under her control.


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