Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 223: New Adventures Part One

Chapter 223: New Adventures Part One

The next day Misaki was brought to a basement area of the building she was staying in. It reached far below the surface of the planet and since the elevator, she had ridden in did not stop at any floors she had no idea how deep below the surface she actually was. When she reached the bottom, the place looked more like an underground bunker than a place where a device that would allow one to cross space-time to another universe would be held.

Saadi smiled seeing Misaki's expression as she said: "Not something you had expected right? Each building on this planet has the same underground area and each one is identical. Although each building may look different there inside makeup is the same making finding our secret installations almost impossible without going building to building."

"Not a bad way to hide things." Misaki felt that if she was forced to find something on this planet she would quit after a day of trying. The time and effort would not be worth it.

"We are here." Naadi said as the doors in front of them slipped open. It revealed a large white room completely different from what she had seen so far. There were many people running to and fro as they seemed to be doing some kind of maintenance on an object in the center of the room. It was a large cube that hovered over the ground and slowly rotated.

"So this is the device?" Misaki asked as she looked on in amazement. She had seen many fantasy type things and had been aboard Jin which had a higher level of technology, but when it came to what was in front of her, nothing compared to it. It was like the cube in front of her was pulled straight from a science fiction movie. Lines of lights flowed between the cracks of the cube as it spun around. The height of it was almost as tall as a five story building. It filled up most of the room which was at least three or four football fields in size. It was truly an amazing sight to behold.

"Yes it is. The inner workings are very complicated, even I, who knows how to rebuild my own arm from scratch can not make much sense of it. But when it is turned on, a person only needs to touch it to be transported to another universe. It is rightly called the Universal Omni Box." Naadi explained. 

"Can I touch it?" Misaki couldn't hold back her curiosity as she wanted to say that she had actually touched an object that can transport her to other universes. 

"Sure. It only activates when it is on. During maintenance which is done every day, it is disconnected from its power source to keep any accidental transfers from happening." Saadi said as she brought Misaki up to the Universal Omni Box.

Misaki reached up and placed her hand on the smooth metal surface and smiled. But after caressing the surface for a few seconds she suddenly felt something was wrong. "Umm It's sucking my magic power!" A panicked expression formed on Misaki's face as she tried removing her hand but was unable to.

"What is going on!? Someone explain to me what's going on!" Saadi yelled at the technicians that were standing around them. 

"We do not know! We have never seen the Omni Cube react like this!" One of the technicians replied, his voice flustered.

Misaki had no idea what was going on but she was starting to feel somewhat faint. As she was blacking out a bright light seemed to have engulfed her entire body. The light slowly dimmed and the spot Misaki was once standing was completely empty. Saadi looked on in horror as she had no idea what was going on. The cube was still here but the person she was in charge of taking care of disappeared completely. Such an incident has never happened in all the years they had maintained the cube.

"I want a full report on what just happened. Find out where the fuck it has just sent the Demon Goddess to! I will report this to the governor!" Saadi quickly gave out orders and made haste to contact the governor. 

In his office, John dropped the holo pad in his hand when he heard Saadi's report. "Saadi, you are in charge of the investigation. Make sure no word of this gets out! I will contact our leader and ask him if he knows anything and I will also report this to the Demon Faction. Hopefully they do not start a war with us." 


A mist covered landscape filled with trees reaching high into the sky. The sounds of beasts could be heard all around. Misaki opened her eyes and held her head. She felt as if her head had been hit by a truck. "Where the hell is this?" Misaki looked around her. She seemed to be in a cave of some kind. The cool air from outside blew in causing her hair to flutter about. 

"System do you know where we are?" Misaki asked in her head.

"I am not sure. I can only detect many life forms around us, none of which are a threat to you." The system replied.

"Alright, then I guess the first thing to do is to figure out where we are and then go from there." Misaki slowly got up and dusted off her clothes. As she did she heard a hissing sound coming from behind her. She turned to see a large black scaled snake with yellow eyes glaring back at her. Its fangs seemed to be dripping some kind of purplish fluid that once hit the ground made a sizzling sound. Misaki looked at the snake, smiled, and said: "Looks like I won't need to find dinner."


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