Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 224: New Adventures Part Two

Chapter 224: New Adventures Part Two

The snake that thought Misaki had come to serve herself up to it quickly found out that it had bit off more than it could chew. It suddenly felt a great pressure from the girl who seemed to have no cultivation whatsoever. The snake slowly began to back up as beads of sweat pushed through its scales. A reptilian animal that normally can not sweat was actually sweating for the first time in its life. 

Misaki looked on with interest as the snake slowly continued to back away from her. She tilted her head to the side and chuckled lightly as she said: "Now, now where do you think you are going?"

The snake froze in its spot for a mere second before bolting away! All it knew was that this person was very scary. But unfortunately, before the snake could hide in the darkness of the cave, Misaki waved her hand and the snake fell to the ground in multiple pieces. "To think you would even try to escape from me. Well, not that it wasn't amusing."

Misaki waved her hand wrapping part of the snake in magic and carried it to the front of the cave where she then started a fire. The large piece of meat was then slowly roasted and the smell was making Misaki drool. After it was fully cooked, Misaki took a bite and almost moaned when she tasted the meat. She had never tasted something so good before in her life. There was no seasoning at all but with each bite, she felt a rush of power surging into her. "System what the hell is this snake meat made of!?" 

"It seems to be saturated with spiritual qi. One of the two powers you need to cultivate for your next evolution." The system replied. 

"So this is a world of spiritual qi huh? Do you think that huge cube sent me to another universe or do you think it is the same one?" Misaki asked as she took another bite of snake meat.

"More than likely you were sent to another universe. From what was said those cubes can only transfer to another universe." Hearing the system's words, Misaki let out a sigh. She had hoped to have at least a one percent chance that this was her original universe. 

"Well, I guess I will check this planet out first. I will start by looking down at it from outer space when I am done eating here." Misaki muttered to herself.

"I do not think that is possible. There seems to be some kind of laws governing this planet. I do not think even with your demon goddess abilities you will be able to break through the boundary the laws of this planet have formed. Maybe if you were to use spiritual qi but it seems there is a separate system in place for that. At least that is what my investigations have told me. But there is another thing. Your menu is now out of order. You can open it but you will not be able to use it for anything. This includes storing items or summoning any of your followers. Including your wives..." The system explained.

"I see... Well, that sucks. I guess the rest of this delicious meat will go to waste then. Wait can't I make a pocket space with magic... " Misaki said out loud while waving her hand. A small portal opened in front of her. She then stuck a piece of meat into the small portal and then closed the portal. She waited a few minutes before opening the small portal again. She pictured the piece of meat in her mind and reached into the portal. When she took her hand out once again the piece of meat was in her hand still steaming hot. "This just might work. I will cook all this meat up and see if it will stay hot. I will need to do a bit of testing with this new pocket space until I figure out how it fully works."

"A very intriguing spell indeed." The system commented. 

"It is a standard in any game or novel when transmigrating to another planet that one should have a storage that uses time and space magic. All I did was create a small space that was a tear in time and space that did not go anywhere. I am just not sure if time is stopped on the inside or not. I will find out later." Misaki sat back down and continued to enjoy her food. She worried about her wives but she was sure the Machine empire would say something to them. All she could do now was worry about how to get home.

Once Misaki was done eating she put out the fire and stood up. She scanned the area but only saw dense forest in all directions. Letting out yet another sigh, she jumped into the air and rose above the trees. She once again looked around to find that the whole area was nothing but a sea of trees and dense fog surrounding the place making it hard to tell what laid beyond it. "Well, since I am in an unknown place I might as well take a look around and see what is what. Maybe I can find a lake or even a stream to wash up in." 

With no other options, Misaki landed back on the ground, picked a direction, and began walking in it.


Machine Empire Main Planet

"So she did end up getting transported. I figured this would happen." Charles Folson, the leader of the Machine Empire said when he heard the news from John. "Tell her wives that she will be fine and will eventually return. I will send a batch of specialized numbers over to help protect the demon faction as well. Everything that is happening is for the good of our future. Misaki Mitsu needed to leave in order to gain greater power." 

"Understood sir. I will inform them right away." 


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