Gate of Immortality

Chapter 145: Striking the Deal

Chapter 145: Striking the Deal

" Master Yang, This halberd...Is it forged by you?" Feng Xiao couldn't help but ask in awe. " Do I look like a weapon salesman? Of course, I made it yesterday." Yang Shi scoffed. Feng Xiao grabbed it as he channeled his spiritual qi in it. " As you have asked, I have adjusted the Spirit diagram in it, So that it can complement your Ying and Dark attribute cultivation technique." Yang Shi informed. Feng Xiao astonished as he found that the Spirit diagram really looked different from ordinary Spirit grade weapons.

Feng Xiao understood as suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from him. Grabbing the hilt tightly, Feng Xiao channeled his cultivation technique. Wisps of black smoke emanated from the halberd as Feng Xiao made a forward stab. " BOOM" The air boomed as he made a forward stab along with slashing sideways. The air produced booming sounds as he made a dozen of attacks. " Crescent of Darkness." Feng Xiao roared. The halberd revolved like a wheel as it turned pitch black. Blades of dak light shot out from it. It contained destructive power as it burst the hard stones on the garden.

Yang Shi wasn't surprised by his powers. After all, Feng Xiao was someone with the cultivation of Peak of Eight stages of Primordial Spirit realm. Looking at Feng Xiao, Yang  Shi felt his blood boiling as a desire to fight emerged from him unconsciously. " Damn, What's happening to me?" Yang Shi thought inwardly. But suddenly, he got understanding. It was the effect of his White Tiger bloodline and Celestial White Tiger's Primordial Spirit. It was the battle tendency of his Primordial spirit as white tiger is known as a battle frenzy divine beast, not inferior to dragons.

" Well, It's been a while since I fought someone with full strength." Yang Shi thought. Then he saw Feng Xiao stopped. " What a great weapon! It far exceeds my imaginations. Master Yang, You have truly created what I wished. A quasi True grade weapon." Feng Xiao laughed loudly. " As for Dark swamp spirit fruit, You will get it till evening." He promised. After all, in front of this halberd, Dark swamp spirit fruit has less value. " I am thankful for your sincerity." Yang Shi nodded. " As for the blueprint, I accidentally stumbled it upon an ancient grave. It was a grave of an ancient Demonic cultivator. I found some battle techniques and the blueprint."

" It was a very strange blueprint. After studying it for a month, I finally saw some information about this halberd. It was called - The Corrupted Halberd. But its information wasn't complete. I felt like that person has seen that halberd before and wrote its details. No way someone can make that exact piece." Feng Xiao smiled wryly. " Why is that?" yang Shio asked curiously. " According to that scroll, The Corrupted Halberd was supposed to be a pinnacle Earth grade weapon." Feng Xiao sighed.

Yang Shi's eyes narrowed. He felt even Supreme Kingdoms like Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom barely had a low tier Earth grade weapon. A pinnacle Earth grade weapon isn't something these current kingdoms can have." I guess, there are bigger secrets in this." Yang Shi thought. " Currently, I don't have that scroll. I am returning to the capital in a few days." Feng Xiao sighed. " The Capital? I am also heading there." Yang Shi exclaimed. " Really? Are you going for the tournament?" Feng Xiao asked. " Tournament? I am going to attend the special auction of the Hundred Gold Pavilion." Yang  Shi shook his head

" What is the tournament you speak of?" Yang Shi asked. " Hehe, It seems Master Yang doesn't know about it. But don't worry. Once you reach the capital, You will know yourself." Feng Xiao laughed mysteriously. Yang Shi couldn't help but grumble. Feng Xiao cupped his fist, " Master Yang, I hope our cooperation will remain strong in the future." He said with a deep tone. " As long as I get profit." Yang Shi cackled. " Haha, Master Yang is sure straightforward." Feng Xiao smiled.

" As for your armor, I don't have enough materials. I hope you can deliver in time. When I would meet you in the Capital, I will give it to you." Yang Shi said. " Master Yang just needs to list the things. I will deliver it today." Feng Xiao nodded. " Alright, bring me a paper and brush." Yang Shi said. Then he wrote more than a dozen of metals and ores. Feng Xiao's face twitched as he read them. There are some metals which he never heard of. "But he didn't mind it. " Rest assured. You will get everything till evening." Feng Xiao said.

" Then, I shall leave." Yang Shi nodded. " By the way, Master Yang, You saber is also good." Feng Xiao said suddenly. " Haha, no worry, Brother Feng. We will let out weapons meet next time." Yang Shi laughed as he turned to leave. " Heh, Indeed." Feng Xiao also chuckled in his mind. He could feel his battle intent rising. He knew that Yang Shi's cultivation was inferior to his, yet he felt an undescribable intent to fight with him.

" Finally, I got this. Hehe, You guys just wait and see how I will dominate the Sect trials." Feng Xiao smirked. Suddenly, wisps of smoke arose from his back as it fainty made the appearance of a terrifying beast with a skull on its face.

Yang Shi's mood was excellent. He really didn't need so many materials to forge an armor, but Feng Xiao looked like a fat sheep, so he couldn't help but rip him off. He listed some rare materials which can be useful to him. " Hmm, I wonder if he can gather them till evening." Yang Shi muttered. He went back to Golden Fire Tower. " Guess, You are succeeded." Elder Chen said in a strange tone. " How did you know?" Yang Shi asked in a surprised face. " Well, Someone came just now and paid all the gold coins. He also left a note, saying that all the ingredients will reach shortly."

" Oh wow. They are sure efficient." Yang Shi exclaimed. " According to the rule, we will get 20% of the profit. So out of 3 million, we will take 600,000 gold coins." Elder Chen said calmly. " Hiss." Yang Shi sucked a breath of cold air. Just from him alone, The Golden Fire Tower got a profit of 600,00 gold coins. Imagine the profit from thousands of Alchemists and Blacksmiths under it. " Damn." Yang Shi couldn't help but curse. But well, It was none of his concern. " I hope Master Yang will forge more weapons." Elder Chen smiled.

Yang Shi went to the treasure hall and withdraw his remaining gold coins and a Sky enchanting pill. " Good things should not be kept for long." Yang Shi chuckled. He went to his own residence in Golden Fire Tower and sat to cultivate. He barely cultivated in the last few days. He popped the Sky Enchanting pill in his mouth as he began to absorb the spiritual qi. In three hours, His cultivation was barely raised by one-third.

" Fuck, Are these Sky Enchanting pills are fake? Why it's so ineffective?" Yang Shi grumbled. e He calculated and found that this pill has only 40% of medicinal properties. " The heck, I need pills of 90% effect or 100%." But Yang Shi didn't know that pills like Sky Enchanting Pill having a 40% medicine effect is already what a Master Alchemist can make with difficulties. 90% effectiveness is only Grandmaster Alchemist can make.

" Damn, At this rate, I need to eat hundreds of pills. No, even hundreds of pills can't make it. I guess I need to ask from Old Ghost next time." Yang Shi thought as sighed. Ordinary cultivators can advance easily after eating Sky Enchanting pilL. However, Yang Shi's physique was sturdier than normal people, so he needed more amount of energy.

" Eh? It's been evening already? I guess, My items should be on the way." Yang Shi chuckled. As he was thinking, a servant came and bowed, " Master Yang, Someone wishes to meet you." " Oh, They are here already?" Yang Shi was pleasantly surprised. When he went outside, he saw a lavish carriage outside.

" Master Yang Shi, Here is the thing you have listed." The servant bowed as he passed a Storage pouch to Yang Shi. Yang Shi glanced inside and became happy. " Young Master Feng is sure efficient." He remarked. Then the servent passed him a jade box. Yang Shi opened it and saw a black colored fruit lying inside. Reflecting the rays of the setting sun, it looked like a egg sized black pearl, emitting a bewitching appearance.

" Finally." Yang Shi let out a satisfying smile.

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