Gate of Immortality

Chapter 146: Accumulating Good Luck

Chapter 146: Accumulating Good Luck

" Father, What you have brought for me?" A little boy asked sweetly. " Haha, Little Su, You are turning ten today. How can your father haven't any gifts prepared?" The middle aged man smiled. " Waah, Let me see, Let me see." The boy became agitated as he pestered his father. " Haha, Look." He presented him with a wooden box. The boy hurriedly opened it and found a shining sword.

" Waah, A sword!." The boy's eyes gleamed. He took out the sword and made random slashes. The sword buzzed as it easily cut apart the furniture. " Oh, No no, Little Su, That sword is special." The middle aged man was surprised as he stopped Little Su. " Little Su, This a Spirit grade sword. You can't even fathom its strength. When you will reach Primordial Spirit Realm, This will be your greatest asset." The man explained.

" Dear, How much you have spent on this?" A woman asked in a low tone. " Don't worry, honey. In fact, I got this sword cheaper than I expected. It was made by a new Master grade Blacksmith, so I haggled the price a bit. Nonetheless, This a very good weapon for Little Su." The middle aged man scratched his head. " Little Su will enter in Sect in future. I have to prepare best for him." The middle aged man said with a grave tone. He was a well off merchant in Firmament City, so affording a Low tier Spirit grade weapon was no problem for him.

" Little Su, be careful of the sword." The man warned him. " Haha, Father, I love this sword." Little Su laughed as he hugged the sword. The middle aged man and his wife couldn't help but smile.


" Zhang Bu, You finally dare to appear?" A loud voice could be heard. A dueling arena was bustling with the crowd. " Big brother Chong will defeat Zhao Bu easily. His Spirit Iron sword is very formidable." A person said. 

" Too bad, Zhao Bu was too eager for his success. He shouldn't have opposed Big Brother Chong." Another one said. " Hmm, But Zhao Bu wasn't someone to underestimate. He is a very hard working fellow. Maybe his Combat Primordial Spirit can cover his shortcomings. Nonetheless, Brother Chong is still in advantage." 

A young man listened to all of the murmurs, but his face was steady and focused as he walked into the arena. There was a saber sheathed on his waist as he stood silently. Another young man came. He seemed to be older than him. " Zhao Bu, You are still young and inexperienced. I shall give you another chance. Acknowledge me as the captain, and I shall spare you." He said arrogantly.

" Since we are here, we should not delay any more." Zhao Bu shook his head. " Hoh, Do you think your new weapon can withstand my Spirit Iron Sword? Haha, It seems you are addicted to breaking your weapons from me." The surnamed Chong laughed. " I have already buried that weapon. From now, This shall be my companion." Zhao Bu grabbed the saber hilt but didn't draw it. " Hmph, What you know? My sword was personally forged by Master Zhang. It's a middle-tier Spirit grade weapon. Do you think you can match me?" He sneered.

" How can you know without fighting first?" Zhao Bu calmly said. " Haha, So you chose to remain stubborn till the end. Fine, Draw your weapon. I am giving you a chance." The surnamed Chong laughed. " As you wish." Zhao Bu clenched the saber hilt as a crimson aura erupted from his body. It slowly took shape of a warrior as it overlapped on Zhao Bu's body.

" Three styles of Crimson Lord'd Saber, Interwinded Slash." Zhao Bu's aura became imposing as he drew his saber. Suddenly, it sounded like a roar of a general as Zhao Bu attacked at Brother Chong. His saber suddenly multiplied in the mid way, as it was swung too fast. Brother Chong's eyes narrowed as he used a movement technique to dodge. " BOOM" The arena boomed as the saber hit the ground. But Zhao Bu didn't stop as he chased after Brother Chong.

" Impressive, It seems you have learned a lot since last time. But, It ends here. The flutter of Hundred Swords." Brother Chong roared as he unsheathed his sword. His sword gleamed with white light as it collided with Zhao Bu's saber. *CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG* With the heavy noise of colliding metals, They clashed with each other. Brother Chong became faster and faster as he slowly overwhelmed Zhao Bu.

Zhao Bu didn't panic as he changed his attacking style. Crimson Lord's Warcry." Zhao Bu roared as he made a beautiful ark from his saber. " Haha, Now! Rushing Sword Break." Brother Chong raised his sword as he slashed with terrifying momentum. " Oh god! That's Brother Chong's signature move!" Someone called out. It's the infamous move of Brother Chong which has broken countless weapons. Zhao Bu's previous saber was also broken by this move.

Zhao Bu's move was completely broken by Brother Chong as he got blasted back. " Aiiz, It seems, Zhao Bu and his weapon, both are finished." Someone sighed. " No, wait! Look at that!" A man shouted. Everyone looked that Zhao Yu got up. His Saber was also unscathed. " How is that possible? That was clearly a Low tier Spirit Grade sword. How can it survive the attack of Brother Chong's Spirit Iron Sword?" Everyone wondered. " Huh?" Even Brother Chong became dumbfounded.

" Now! Rage of Crimson Lord, The final Stance!" Zhao Bu roared. It felt all of his power concentrated on his saber tip. It blared with crimson light as Zhao Bu's spirit was absorbed by the saber. One can feel a dreadful aura coming from the saber. Zhao Bu crouched a bit as he shot toward Brother Chong light a cannonball. " Crap! He caught me by surprise." His expression changed drastically. " Returning of Swords." He made a defensive sword stance, but looking at it, Zhao Bu's lips curled as he changed his direction midway. " Wait-" Before Brother Chong could understand, Zhao Bu's sword became a crimson spiral as it funneled through Brother Chong's move.

" BANG!" With a muffled sound, Brother Chong got blasted back as he coughed out blood. Soon, he became unconscious. Everyone became dumbfounded as they saw Zhao Bu win. " You didn't let me down, From now, I shall call you, Conqueror." Zhao Bu smiled as he accessed his saber. He never thought that aimlessly going to the Golden Fire Tower will give him this unusual saber. " I heard some new Master Blacksmith made this. I hope I can meet that great figure."

" From now, Zhao Bu shall be the Captain of Firmament City's Elite Guards." A middle aged man declared.

Similarly, Many people became amazed that their newly bought Spirit weapon made by a new Blacksmith is surprisingly good.


" Hey, Old man. I have forged so many weapons, even the replica of Corrupted Halberd. Is my fate is enough to awaken my Immemorial Evil Vein?" Yang Shi asked. " Hmm, You sure very eager, eh? You perverted bastard." Samsara Emperor chuckled. Yang Shi's face twitched, but he knows replying to him was equivalent to get insulted more, so he remained silent. " Let me check. I have to probe through the fateworks of Heaven." Samsara Emperor muttered as he became silent.

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