Global Evolution

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: 199

“......” There were several silent answers around, and several clones joined the hypnotic ranks - which forced the girl’s fear to be stabilized, and then calmed her body .

And then the hypnotic process continues .

"Or the question just now, is that thing with a life intensity of more than 3700 really exists?" Asked number four, as quietly as he could .

"Yes The real one . . . " The girl’s spirit was suppressed, so the psychological fear did not completely control her emotions . She said with a choking voice: "real, incomparably real . . . "

"Well, the second question is, the scope of your perception of life, as far as we know, is within 300 meters . Why can you perceive the existence of that super life before it enters Beijing?"

"I . . . " Although the girl was hypnotized, it could reflect her inner reality more . So she was afraid just now . Now, facing the second question, she was really puzzled and wrote on her face, "I don’t know . . . "

The girl hesitated for a moment, or decisively said .

"I don’t know? Do you know the reason? Or, what’s the difference between the feeling in the brain this time and the previous perception of life? " Hearing the girl’s reply, No . 4 and several brothers looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other’s eyes at the same time .

"I don’t know the reason . The only difference from my previous perception of life is that I feel terrible . . . " The girl answered honestly .

"How terrible? Is it because the life intensity of each other is too high, is it the natural fear of talking to higher species? " The fourth asked another key question .

"No Xiaojing continued to reply: "it’s extra fear, it’s the deepest fear in my heart, not the fear when I see something powerful . . . "

Thinking of that thing, Xiaojing’s body trembled uncontrollably .

"Let her sleep . " Seeing her on the 17th, he waved his hand, "I have already known what I want to know . I believe you have a correct view on this matter . "

"Yes . " No . 4 nodded, together with several brothers, let the tired girl into a deep sleep state - no longer disturb her .

"Fourth, tell me what you think . " The 17th looks at his brother .

"It’s very simple . The creature from the outside should be Li Qingshui . " No . 4 said: "her brain must have been tampered with, so she can have a sense of a particular life that is completely beyond her scope . What I can think of is Li Qingshui and Mr . Li alone . There can be no other people besides that . "

"Isn’t Li Qingshui dead?" Curled up on the side of the stream asked: "you all feel dead, dead, very thorough . Isn’t it? "

"Yes, Li Qingshui is dead, the brain wave stops thinking, which can announce the death of a person . And there is absolutely no such nonsense as resurrection from the dead in the world . Now that he appears here again, it means that this person may no longer be Li Qingshui . " The 17th looked at the ceiling, then looked at his brothers with some uncertainty . He listed himself as "bullshit" and asked again, "do you believe in resurrection?"

"I don’t know . " Answer number four .

"I don’t know . . . " The same is true of number seven .

Others are silent .

Silence represents uncertainty . Uncertainty means that none of them knows whether there is such a nonsense as "resurrection from the dead" in the world . This is because it is beyond the scope of scientific research, or, strictly speaking, far beyond the scope of scientific research today . Although these little guys are all clones of Li Qingshui, they are all brain mutants, and they all have extraordinary wisdom - but they are not prophets after all - and they are not omniscient .

Therefore, in the face of unknown things, they can only use their own judgment to analyze the possibility of this matter . And when everyone can’t figure out whether it’s possible or not, the smart man will skip this topic and move on to the next topic .

"That horrible life is Li Qingshui, or, with the smell of Li Qingshui, you can be sure of this?" Look around on the 17th .

"Yes, it’s 90% likely . "

"Well, to continue with the topic, number four, why do you think her extra perception was forcibly implanted?" Asked the 17th .

"Because when she was hypnotized, she felt something different in her brain - it was obviously unnatural . "

"So this must have been implanted by Li Qingshui?"

"Because other people don’t have this ability . In fact, even if you grow up, you don’t have the ability to force things into other people’s brains . I believe only Li Qingshui can do this . " No . 4 firmly believes in his own view, "even if there are other people in the world who can do this, I think this girl should not have the opportunity to contact . Therefore, it must be Li Qingshui’s masterpiece"Then why did Mr . Li do it?" Asked the 17th .

"Because he wanted the girl to feel her own existence, and if the long-distance perception was mixed with extreme fear . . . " No . 4 said: "that can only show one thing - Li Qingshui wants to tell the other party that he is very dangerous and let her hide . "

"Before Li Qingshui did this, he must have done it before Liushu arrived in Zhengzhou - because after that, they had no contact . At that time, Li Qingshui wanted to inform the other party that he was very dangerous in the future, which should indicate that . . . "

"If he had already arrived, would he have this day?" On the 17th, he took the lead, "he knew he would die, he would die under the willow, and then . . . "

"Yes, it’s resurrected by willows . No, no, no, it shouldn’t be said to be reborn . . . " No . 4 waved his hand, and then all the children present showed a look of horror like that of a little girl just now . "There is no such terrible thing as rebirth in this world . But now that he has survived, it can only show that the" Dongxi "with Li Qingshui’s body is no longer Li Qingshui . Is it a willow tree?"

A few children, you a word, I a word, gradually with fragmented information, the whole thing gradually restored the original appearance .

"Willow wants to destroy the most powerful weapon of mankind through a powerful human body?" Everyone showed a look of panic, "and if willows really occupy Li Qingshui’s brain, then we people are not the first to be destroyed?"

"No, no Since Li Qingshui has decided to die in the body of the big willow, he should have some reservation . " No . 17 frowned deeply and showed a thoughtful look . "If he still knows the existence of us, it’s meaningless for the girl to wake up . This girl should have been from Liu Chang’s side . What she should have been alerted to was Liu Chang’s gang . Then we should not know each other’s existence, and then he thinks that we will take the initiative to find him . . . "

"But what is the point of his doing so?"

"And why did he choose this move when he knew he would die in the hands of willows and then be used by willows?"

On the 17th, he felt that he had solved a mystery, and then another bigger mystery shrouded him . He always seemed to be in the dark about Li Qingshui’s plan .

At this time, the other group of people because of the loss of quiet, at this time is all things do not know - they are really a group of people in the dark .

"It looks good . " Liu Chang walked to a bar . It was getting dark . The group of people who had been struggling for another day in Dongcheng District didn’t want to go any more .

"You see, this is the bar below, and on the third floor is the place to stay . In addition, it also provides three meals . What’s more, this one has written that it can take a hot bath . " Looking at the billboard in front of the store, Liu Chang said with heart: "it’s a luxury place to have a hot bath . I think it’s just this one . "

"It must be expensive . " Milan curled up beside the team and said, "can you afford to live? We don’t stay for a day or two . "

"It’s OK . I’ll pad it with Zhou Kai’s weapon today . I’ll go and grab some tomorrow . " Liu Chang is now more and more adept at doing bad things . Since Xiaojing left, he seems to have figured out a lot of problems . "Anyway, willows are coming, and people here will not be at peace for long . It’s not a matter to lose some money or something . Just walk around and go first . It’s not a good night in late autumn . "

"Let’s go Li Feng and Zhou Kai are not as worried as Milan . After all, they were not poor when they were in Xingtai . Therefore, they don’t have the concept of money as Milan .

Looking at the front desk, Liu opened the front room first, and then he opened the door . The reception room is very regular, but it is definitely not large - because this is a compartment, which is the isolation of the huge hall on the right-hand side - walking into the door on the right-hand side, there is a bar hall, from which bursts of music come . Although it is not strong, this kind of electricity consumption is very luxurious .

So after several people went in, they were ready to be slaughtered .

"We need rooms that can take a bath and each of us needs a single room . How much is the total cost?" After entering the door, Liu Chang went straight to the reception desk and looked at the young lady inside saying this paragraph .

"It’s $150 per room, 24 hours per person . You have 10 people in total . If you add in the discount, you’ll also need s $1000 . " The waitress at the service desk seems to be quite dedicated .

"A child?" Li Feng picked up No . 2 . "How about a three-year-old kid asking for money?"

"It’s not money to let them live with adults . " "We charge by room, not by head," said the waiter

"Well, I’ll stay with you tonight . Don’t count me . " It seems that Li Feng picked himself up without authorization . The second body was in mid air and turned to smile at Li Feng .

"Then I’ll live with you . " The boss saw the second son’s behavior and took the initiative to find Zhou Kai . After the third understood the boss’s behavior, he naturally turned to Milan - they thought it was time to spend the night to let the new players understand the issue of the distribution of discourse power of the team .

"700, no less . " The waiter gave a number .

Liu Chang took out a pistol .

"How much is it worth?" Seeing what Liu Chang secretly took out, the waiter’s face changed, and he quickly put the things he took out into the counter . "Recently, it’s very tight to check the exchange behavior . Do you dare to work against the wind?"

Although the waiter’s tone was stern, he did not intend to return the gun to several people . Obviously, the recent arrival of the willow tree made everyone a little nervous . And the more this kind of time, the paper and pen this kind of thing holds in the hand, the more does not have the weapon and the food to come reliably . Accordingly, the government will be more strict with the refusal of paper and pen . That’s why we had the conversation before .

"And you haven’t said how much it will cost?" Having figured out the pass, Liu Chang asked in a low voice .

"You people, live for three days and provide water . " The waiter said, took out seven keys from the drawer, and at the same time, some worried said: "I can say, if you want to go to the bar to spend, don’t come to this set, there are too many people there, maybe you will cause trouble . "

"Understand, understand . " Liu Chang nodded, picked up the key and several people on the third floor .

After walking to the third floor, everyone looked at the quiet corridor, except for the three clones, everyone showed a look of nostalgia .

The quiet corridor, and the neat rows of doors outside the corridor, all of which look the same as they did five years ago . Everything looks so beautiful - but it’s so nostalgic .

Because in the past five years, apart from Beijing, who has seen such a "pre era flavor" thing . Who’s ever seen such a clean house, or even a store owner?

It all seems so beautiful - because of nostalgia, so good .

Walking into the quiet corridor, all the people became silent for a moment . It seemed that no one was willing to speak to break the wonderful atmosphere . People walking in this clean corridor were like walking into the world in oil painting .

"I really want to go on like this forever!" It was Milan who took the lead in breaking the silence - because the cards showed that her room had arrived .

She is the first one .

"It sounds like a bloody line from a love drama . " Zhou Kai’s room also arrived, "but it’s just right here . "

"Drop" with a hand card to open the electronic lock in his hand, Zhou Kai pushed the door and walked in - of course, followed by a child .

"Good night, everyone . I wish you a wonderful first night in Beijing . " Liu Chang looked at the crowd, said a rare words slightly sensational, and then opened the door and walked in .

The quiet space, the clean world, and the snow-white bed sheet, you can see that there are still water sprinklers .

Liu Chang threw off his backpack and wanted to throw himself into the bed like a child . However, after looking at his dirty clothes like a miner, he still gave up the thought . He took off his "work clothes" honestly and went into the bathroom, where he began to wash after a long time away .

Hot water on the body feeling, great!

Can eliminate fatigue, can relax the spirit .

These days, or to say, since he left Zhengzhou, he has not lived a peaceful life . Whether in the hidden forest, outside Beijing, or on the back of parrots, Liu Chang has never relaxed his spirit for a moment . So when he entered this relatively safe environment, he suddenly felt pain all over his body .

It wasn’t really muscle pain - in fact, he hadn’t felt it for a long time, except for the fight with Liu .

But this time, the pain is so obvious - it’s the nerve pain caused by the spirit, it’s the pain after the high-intensity tension of the spirit is completely relaxed - it’s a comforting feeling .

After a bath for nearly an hour, Liu Chang’s second thing was to use the clean toilet to pull a bubble of excrement .

There’s not much excrement - it’s not directly proportional to his current food intake . Maybe it’s the evolution of the body’s absorption function that makes human’s absorption and utilization of food energy reach a new level - in fact, since the end of the world, I don’t know whether I’m hungry or not . All of us have less excrement, and most of them are hard lumps, which make people look like they have It’s like gallstones, and it’s like the product of many days of dryness .

But even so, it can’t change the eternal true meaning of "happy shit can make people feel happy" . After taking a bath all day, Liu Chang’s mood soared again .

Because in the end of life, especially in the wild, shitting is also a stressful thing . Nowadays, many wild animals and insects are very smart . They will search for strange smell to locate their prey . Human beings can usually cover up their smell with chemical products, but they can’t do it when they poop . So, generally speaking, shitting is very dangerous . It is dangerous in the wild and still dangerous in the city . Liu Chang is able to pull the excrement so happily because he found that the drainage system of the toilet is sealed with steel plate . That is to say, there is no need to worry about the situation that there will be sewage organisms directly breaking your anus and dying .

Therefore, this is Liu Chang’s five years of the most refreshing a bubble of excrement .

When he finished, he pressed the flush button, and the steel plate opened automatically, washing away his excrement . Then Liu Chang had to lament the strength of Beijing’s personnel and material resources, and sighed at the unfairness of their lives . Thinking that there were more than one million precarious people outside, and enjoying their luxurious life here, Liu Chang took a hot bath again .

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