Global Evolution

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: 200

Let the hot water wash away the only unhappiness, Liu Chang put down the idea of saints that just surged in his heart, and pitied more than one million people outside . In his opinion, this kind of thing is indeed a saint’s idea . This idea is not conducive to survival, but it will bring him strong pressure . He can’t save the people outside, or even himself . Therefore, this idea is even more luxurious than taking a hot bath .

The hot water washed away the last trace of unhappiness . He didn’t want this rare relaxed moment to be destroyed .

However, this bath was not as long as last time . After a simple rinse, he dropped the clean towel on the wall and wiped his body . Liu Chang went to bed and wrapped the sheet around his waist . He got up to open the door . He did not wear clothes because he had taken a bath and went to wear it again . After opening the door like a miner, he Zhizhi was standing outside .

"I’ve been out for five minutes . Can you tell me something?" Liu Chang asked, "you didn’t say a word to me all the way . Are you still angry with me?"

"There’s nothing to be angry about . Things have priorities and people are close to each other . Go to save Xiaojing and leave us a group of people . Think about it carefully . There’s nothing difficult to understand . " He Zhizhi didn’t get angry when he said it, but there was still obvious hostility between the words .

"Don’t be so stingy . If you’re in danger, I’ll do the same to you as before . " Liu Chang gave a bitter smile and let the woman into the room, "but Xiaojing was in danger at that time . And you are relatively safe, so I have that choice . I believe in the ability of clones, they have the power to take you out . "

"Bullshit, we’ve been able to survive a lot of the way by luck . " He Zhizhi was impolitely lying on the bed of Liu Chang, "I’ll sleep here today . "

"Isn’t it a waste of money for a room? If you had said that you would sleep here, you might as well have said it below . " After the hot water bath, I didn’t feel happy He Zhizhi said with a smile: "say more . Can you sleep without me these days

"Not bad!" Liu Chang got up and turned off the light, "at least when you turn over at night, you don’t have to worry about being hooked on your chest . "

"You’re afraid that the hook will hook somewhere else . . . "

There was no word all night .

The next morning, Liu Chang was fresh and fresh . A night’s relaxation is the best medicine for those who have been working hard for days . After a night like this . After Liu Chang got up, he even felt that his body strength was stronger . He did not know whether he had a good rest or how . His body also had a strange feeling . This feeling was similar to that when the body evolved its ability, so he was familiar with it . He knew he was going to be strong again .

"It seems to have evolved much faster recently than in the past . " Liu Chang was a little puzzled . In the past four years in peace in Zhengzhou, he had only vaguely completed the evolution of mammalian ability, but now these days, he has been constantly evolving . Pleats, toxins, scales and amphibian vision - all too fast, too fast .

"Is it that the body gradually adapts to this way of evolution, or can fighting and danger promote the evolution of the body?" These are two reasonable explanations that Liu Chang thought of . After all, there are dangerous factors in the evolution of animals . And the body accepts a process gradually and slowly .

"Are you awake?" Seeing Liu Chang sitting up, he branch on one side rubbed his eyes, "I haven’t slept so comfortable for a long time . "

"Well, me too . " Liu Chang squinted, "at this time, if you can have a cigarette, it will be perfect!"

"Don’t be discontented with you . I’ll get you breakfast . " Get up and put on your coat . He Zhizhi opened the door and went out, and then he called out to the corridor: "don’t you mean to serve breakfast? Where can I get it? "

She called twice . No one answered . She closed the door and went into the corridor .

"Do you have a bad nose, or are you cute? Breakfast is in the third room on the second floor . You can’t smell such a heavy meal? " Liu Chang called out to the corridor .

But no one answered him .

However, he was not worried, because the corridor only tasted of human and rice, and there was no smell of blood . Sure enough, a moment later, he Zhizhi came in with a plate .

"Eat, bread and jam, good breakfast . " He Zhizhi said, put a piece of bread into his mouth, vaguely said: "the crops here do not know which kind, taste better than other places . "

"Come on, I’ll try it . " Liu Chang pinched a piece of bread, chewed it in his mouth, and then nodded: "it’s a good taste . It seems that there are experts in Beijing . This kind of grain can be provided by ordinary stores for breakfast . It must be very cheap and popular . And it seems that Beijing is not very short of food, so the output is also high . "

Having lived in the end of the world, everyone knows the importance of food - but after staying in the Research Institute, Liu Chang knows how difficult it is to find a crop that can be planted for a long time without mutation .

High yield, delicious, nutritious, easy to grow, not easy to mutate . With all these advantages of food crops, Liu Chang has only seen one - Liangdou . Liang Dou was invented by Zhao Zhuo .

"Is this genetically modified food?" Liu Chang asked at he Zhizhi .

"No He Zhizhi shook his head, and then he was afraid that his words would not be convincing . He generally added: "this is what the second one said . Then they finished this sentence and added a sentence . "

"What was added?" Liu Chang ate another piece of bread .

"There are talented people in Beijing . " He Zhizhi tried to imitate the tone of the boss at that time .

After saying this, there was a silence in the room .

"Yes, it’s strange if there is a master, but it’s not . " Liu Chang opened the window and looked out at the busy street through the thick fog: "Beijing, after all, is the capital, and it is the safest place with the most military strength since the beginning of the end of the world . Its safety radiation area is far more than that of Zhengzhou . If there are intelligent people with brain evolution and strong people with physical evolution around, they will definitely choose this place as the first place to live Land . "

"Do you remember Zhao Zhuo and Mr . Li? They were not from Zhengzhou, but they did not gather there for one reason or another . I think there should be more people gathered here for one reason or another - this Beijing city . "

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