Global Fog Survival

Chapter 62: Information That Causes Heart Attack


Colin seemed to recall some knowledge. After death, the muscles, including the sphincter muscles, lose control, leading to incontinence… Though embarrassing, it’s a natural bodily reaction… However, this body seemed not to have experienced such events…

Yet, Colin wasn’t an expert and didn’t know much about this. He looked at the “expert,” waiting for his explanation.

“It looks like you know a bit, boss…”

The proctology intern gained some confidence. In a certain sense, he was a professional dealing with excrement and gas daily, and he had often lent a “helping hand” to patients with severe constipation, once acting as a “dung digger”…

He felt a bit sad thinking about it… He gathered his thoughts and carefully chose his words:

“Her death resembles decapitation. Generally, for someone this young, sudden death doesn’t result in immediate bodily cessation but involves a loss of bodily control. This includes sphincter relaxation and intestinal peristalsis, leading to the expulsion of any remaining digestive matter…”

Colin couldn’t help but mutter to himself, impressed by the professional’s tactful language and clear attempts to respect the “patient.”

Then he heard the intern continue:

“But it’s not absolute. Excessive blood loss or organ failure can lead to cleaner deaths… She didn’t seem to have organ failure, but blood loss is highly likely, considering the many abrasions on her body, though none were fatal… If she had no residual digestive matter, a clean death is possible… A proper autopsy would be needed to be certain, but we can’t do that here, and I know you wouldn’t ask me to… So, based on the current information, from my perspective, the main issue lies here…”

The intern pointed to the woman’s feet:

“There are no signs of struggle at her feet, indicating she didn’t experience convulsions after death… Have you seen chickens beheaded? Not as dramatic, but similar… Humans, especially someone her age, would likely experience convulsions, but she didn’t, which defies logic… Moreover, some of her wounds smell… ‘original,’ like fresh blood, with no signs of decay. This suggests there hasn’t been any bacterial decomposition since yesterday, yet bacteria do exist here. Even the human body contains bacteria, and the current temperature is conducive to bacterial growth… Her abdomen also shows no signs of bloating… Putting it all together, I suspect her body might be ‘cleaner’ than mine…”

“What does that mean?” Colin asked, puzzled.

“It means she didn’t just die; everything in her, every cell, every bacterium, died simultaneously… Theoretically, this type of death is impossible… However, given our situation, anything is possible.”

Though he said that, the proctology intern’s expression was somewhat strange. This judgment impacted him more profoundly than even the concept of transmigration. It felt as if something fundamental had been overturned.

Like someone saying 4873918 * 64875 = 316107699626—since it’s unknown, no one questions it until they verify it. But if someone says 1 + 1 = 3, it is immediately challenged because everyone knows the correct answer is two.

The intern viewed the corpse in this light. Transmigration was unknown, but this body wasn’t… An impossible corpse appeared, creating an incredible scene that shook his worldview.

The intern’s breathing became rapid, and his mind was a mess. Colin, noticing this, patted him on the shoulder to bring him back to reality.

“Thanks, take a rest.” Colin spoke to him, deciding not to delve further into this information. He realized that the more he investigated this corpse, the more uneasy and bizarre it felt.

The information was not useful but rather unsettling. Additionally, the constant useless hints made Colin realize something…

It seemed to avoid certain topics? What could it be avoiding? Only the gray fog. Only the system. Only that dark and chaotic space.

It became clear that this clue had to be dropped. Any of these three elements were beyond Colin’s capability to confront.

If he insisted on investigating, he might be the next one to die in such a strange manner.

Although he didn’t gain useful information, Colin didn’t mind much. Not every effort yields results, and learning to let go is a form of growth.

“Alright, call me if you need anything. By the way, my previous deductions were mostly guesses since I’m not a forensic expert and have no data or papers to refer to. I can’t be certain everything is correct… I don’t know what you’re investigating, but take it easy.”

The proctology intern said as he saw Colin nod, then returned to Chariot Four to continue his role as the “emergency” doctor. Who knew how a “dung digger” ended up in this cross-disciplinary job… but sometimes the world is just that magical.

Colin withdrew his gaze, shaking off his thoughts, and decided to cremate the body and lay her to rest.

“… I wanted to say I avenged you, but since your cause of death wasn’t what I thought, I’m sorry.”

Colin mentally said, planning to assign a team to handle the cremation and burial, then move on to the church.

However, just as he was about to leave after one final observation with a hint, he saw a new piece of information:

[You prepare to cremate her to ensure she doesn’t reanimate or get eaten by mice, but just as you are about to act, you discover something new.]

[After multiple inspections, you find some new calluses on the soles of her feet, seemingly formed recently…]

Suddenly, this information hit Colin’s mind like a thunderbolt, and a horrifying possibility clicked into place!

In the next second, Colin’s heart skipped a beat, followed by intense palpitations, transforming into a painful but indistinct feeling of heartache.

Cold sweat drenched his body.

Colin felt as if he could die suddenly at any moment!

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