Global Fog Survival

Chapter 63: The Terrifying Countdown

“Lord, something’s wrong! The lords on the chariot… Lord, are you alright!”

Number One suddenly flung open the door of Chariot Four and jumped down, intending to report the anomaly happening inside, but he noticed that his lord was also pale-faced and quickly ran over in shock.

Shana, beside him, was a bit at a loss, supporting Colin with an expression of unusual gravity—she realized all her methods were no longer working!

“I’m fine…”

Colin tried to wave off his worry, his face pale, wanting to speak but finding he couldn’t even get these three words out.

But now wasn’t the time to worry about that. He closed his eyes, took deep breaths, and focused his mind entirely…

There seemed to be something boiling within his mind…

Colin, or rather, everyone on Earth, including Colin, was experiencing the same thing!

A terrifying sense of impending death and heart palpitations simultaneously enveloped everyone.

Only a few who were engaged in combat felt the sensation less intensely, and it didn’t significantly affect them.

At that moment, Colin felt something writhing, coalescing, and splitting within his mind…

A continuous cycle…

After an indeterminate amount of time, blood-red, seemingly fresh words appeared in everyone’s minds.

“Be… Careful…”

The writhing red letters seemed to want to give everyone some kind of warning…

Whether the color was truly red was uncertain, but when presented in the mind and processed by the brain, it appeared deep red.

With each word, Colin felt an increase in pressure, as if enveloped by something terrifying, his teeth chattering…

However, the letters became blurry after just three words.

It seemed something was forcibly preventing their formation!

After a brief stalemate, the subsequent blood-colored letters finally emerged one after another, like bamboo shoots breaking through the earth—

“Be careful of the night!!!”


Following closely, a writhing countdown of the same deep red appeared.

There were no annotations, but everyone understood that it was related to the previous warning.

The countdown had only ticked three seconds, leaving everyone no time to think before the characters began to twist…

First, they twisted, then swelled and cracked…

In this process, the red rapidly faded, becoming pale, then ordinary, then dark, and finally disappeared entirely…

With its disappearance, everything returned to calm.

From start to finish, it took less than thirty seconds, but Colin found himself drenched in cold sweat, his legs weak and barely able to stand, as if on the verge of collapse.

If not for Sanna and Number One supporting him, he wondered if he might fall to the ground in a daze.

“What was that? 149:07:34 is almost certainly a countdown, which converts to…”

Regaining his composure, Colin immediately took out his black headscarf, wrapped it around himself to enhance his sanity, calm his terror, and boost his mental processing…

About six days and five hours…

Colin’s face turned grim…

Damn, this comes right after the night of my punishment?

I don’t even know if I’ll survive the punishment, and now there’s an even greater terror, the “Be careful of the night”?

Colin’s expression was blank. He didn’t know what to think and glanced at the female corpse again.

[A female corpse’s feet were gnawed by rodents, but this is not unusual…]

“As expected, it reverted.”

Colin squinted, noting that the hints took advantage of some unknown influence to send out some deeply terrifying information.

A coincidence…

After taking a deep breath, he gave up on this line of thought. He only needed a basic understanding.

Then Colin quickly walked over to Chariot Four.

Looking inside through the open door, he saw the survivors either slumped or gasping for breath, none of them standing, looking like they had been pulled from water, with half of their souls…

“Damn, I thought I was done for.”

“The boss is here. Boss, do you know what just happened?”

“Hurry, let’s go. Boss, this place has bad vibes. There are terrible things lurking at night!”

Clearly, they also received the blood-red “Be careful of the night” warning.

“It should only happen in six days, no need to panic now…”

Colin reassured them, returned to Chariot One, sat in the co-driver’s seat, and looked at the world channel on the sheepskin scroll. It was ablaze with discussions about the recent event.

Clearly, the event had affected all survivors!

He vaguely understood why the warning appeared in everyone’s minds rather than in an individual’s mind…

No single person could bear such terror alone.

It had to be distributed across billions worldwide to be barely manageable.

Colin glanced at his headscarf…

Was this the meaning behind “you will all die here”?

Is this their revenge? Who issued the blood-red warning? The system or some individual? Why did the countdown appear now?

A flood of questions surged, but Colin sadly realized most were too deep to contemplate.

Only a few answers could be vaguely perceived, like why it appeared now…

Probably because he had just killed a lord-level mutant…

Others might not understand the blood-red significance, but he knew too well…

It was the color of the lord-level mutant’s blood!

A chaotic storm of thoughts swept through Colin’s mind. After a long time, he confirmed some things.

“What is certain is that an hour after my punishment begins, another likely worldwide disaster will occur. Even more despairingly, if I don’t resolve the punishment within an hour, the two events might overlap…”

Despite the “Meditation Scarf” effect, Colin felt overwhelmed.

At this moment, he felt soft fingers pressing on his temples, gently massaging and emitting a white light, soothing his abnormal emotions.

Could this press my head until it bursts… Realizing who the hands belonged to, Colin couldn’t help but feel touched, though he didn’t show it. After hesitating, he said:

“Thank you.”

Sanna’s usually calm and gentle face smiled, not speaking, but tilting her head slightly in acknowledgment.

Before long, Colin confirmed some things and adjusted his actions and plans accordingly.

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