Global Fog Survival

Chapter 64: Colin’s Countermeasures

The chariot stopped at the church gates. However, Colin had no immediate plans to disembark.

“If we assume the warning is genuine and not deceptive, then in six days there will be a major action targeting us ‘outsiders,’ with the goal of killing us…”

Wrapped in the “Meditation Scarf,” Colin’s mind worked at lightning speed, sorting out everything in his head. Simultaneously, he used the prompts to verify if his hypothesis was correct.

【Based on what you know, you believe the situation is roughly as you imagined.】

Roughly…meaning there are hidden details?

Colin pondered briefly, then decisively shook his head, discarding these useless and dangerous “side” details.

“Its primary objective is clear, but its underlying motives are still unclear. However, that’s not important for now.

“Since its primary goal is to kill us, what I need to do is straightforward: I need to counteract it. It wants to kill, so I must save…

“The only thing I can do now is to enhance the overall strength of the survivors as much as possible, to increase humanity’s chances of survival when facing this disaster…

“Hmm, another point is that given the ‘game’s’ nature, every countdown should start from a whole number…”

The blood-red countdown seemed to have already been ticking for a while, indicating it wasn’t a recent occurrence but had existed for some time. It was just hidden until he defeated the lord-level mutant, triggering certain conditions, or due to some deeply buried reasons temporarily beyond comprehension, it was finally exposed…

Then it was forcibly obscured again…

If Colin hadn’t grown rapidly and defeated the lord mutant, everything proceeding slowly…

Everyone would have been caught off guard! Possibly, they might have faced direct annihilation!

Furthermore, the system hiding crucial information isn’t new; survivors have guessed as much to some extent. For instance, the lack of a “personal panel,” “health bar,” “complete mission descriptions,” and other typical game features.

Especially mission descriptions, without the prompts, Colin always felt the mission content was only half explained. Now it seems it wasn’t absent but suspected to be hidden…

This has led to survivors being unable to assess their and the monsters’ combat power accurately, resulting in significant casualties.

However, Colin didn’t dare delve too deeply into this, so he couldn’t understand why it was happening. Besides, this wasn’t something he should focus on now.

Given the knowledge of the opponent’s goal, there’s a saying: the enemy’s opposition is our support…

Following this thought process, Colin quickly considered how to strengthen humanity collectively and enhance overall power.

After about ten minutes of contemplation, an idea began to form in Colin’s mind—an idea that could serve multiple purposes.

That is to openly distribute “Ordinary Tainted Blood” and sparingly release “Rare Tainted Blood.”

Firstly, those with surplus and ability will expand upon receiving ordinary blood. This can effectively preserve human resources and stabilize the initial number of servants, ensuring their prices do not exceed the system’s set prices in the short term.

Secondly, this will drive up servant prices, providing a lifeline for desperate survivors. The more resources they gain from exchanging servants, the better their chances of recovery.

Thirdly, the new tasks, “Civilization Investigator” and “Fog Explorer,” will be completed more quickly, especially the rewards “Civilization Investigator” title and “Fog Explorer” armband.

Colin was confident that once achieved, there would be a small leap in overall capabilities.

Therefore, publicizing the advanced blood method became a priority for Colin.

Secondly, he decided to disclose the synthesis formulas for Level 3 Territories and Level 1 War Chariots. Colin had already seen someone else publish these, so he wasn’t worried about sanctions—the impact seemed minimal…

Despite previous releases, many were still unaware of the synthesis formulas.

With the world channel often having billions online, without a freeze-frame setting, simply watching the scrolling feed, people wouldn’t be able to see anything clearly.

These two measures were Colin’s immediate countermeasures. Their effectiveness was uncertain, but he had to do something.

Selling black powder, for example, wouldn’t change the big picture. Besides, black powder was already on sale…

After all, Colin had to support hundreds of people, and the expenses were substantial.

Colin then gathered the survivors to discuss and refine the details, opening the world channel to join the new trending topic, “What will happen in six days?”

It was filled with wails of despair.

“What do we do? This game is out to kill us! It’s only the second day, and such dangerous things are happening.”

“It’s over, I have a feeling everyone will die…”

“This game is too hard. We’re just mining and doing daily tasks. How can we survive in six days?”

“Yeah…I don’t even dare walk a kilometer outside, afraid of getting lost…”

“Hey, go out and kill some monsters. If you had a ‘Thousand-Jin Battle Axe: holder’s attacks double, each attack has a chance to inflict ‘Severe Wound’ on enemies with less than 5 strength and endurance,’ you would not be complaining.”

“Free release of Level 3 Territory materials, although…I’ve never upgraded, so I can’t guarantee it’s accurate.”

“Brothers, I put ordinary blood on the trading channel, go get it and improve yourselves…”

“Is anyone in the same district as Big Boss Colin? Go ask him for help…”

The chat channel had both optimism and pessimism. To Colin’s surprise, some had already started taking action.

“It seems some people thought the same as us.”

Colin remarked while switching through the chat content, skimming through it in less than ten seconds.

A survivor echoed, “Indeed, but unfortunately, there are too few of them. We’ve only seen one or two so far…”

Someone in the temporary discussion room added, “This is what happens when you lack a voice.”

Indeed, some were selling blood, even at extremely low prices.

But such people were rare…

Not everyone was willing to share their gains. Privately, more people were trying to hoard resources before others grew.

As for those fortunate enough to receive help…

Most…weren’t necessarily willing to join in doing “good deeds.”

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