Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 114: It Works!

Chapter 114: It Works!

"What in the ever living fuck?!" Alex was bamboozled by seeing the two gremlins. He watched as the head and bodies shot up in green light and created new organs. 

"It's like they have infinite mana and can just keep on healing themselves regardless of what type of damage they can take How in hell will I be able to take them down?" Alex didn't know what to do. He looked around the room, searching for clues but there was nothing that could have helped. 'There are no hints or anything around this room that helps me in any way. All I can do is just dodge their attacks and try to attack them when I can' Alex then turned his attention to his UI.

[Alex- Lesser-Known Vigilante]

[Level- 13]

[health- 50]

[Mana- 20]

Alex looked stressed when he saw his Mana and health, 'Their attacks are draining me. Both health and Mana. It's like they are sucking up my mana with every attack" A sudden thought came to Alex's mind. He slashed a few more gremlins but he was slowly being overwhelmed. 

Alex ran around the room, 'I have some time, they are slow to move around but once they get close, they are quick But I have some time if I just keep on running But now, It seems like I'm a dumbass who didn't even notice another hint.' Alex thought back to when the voice introduced him to the enemies, The Leach Gremlins.

Alex attacked a few more before running his mind through everything that he could think of, "They are called leach for a reason, They will suck up my mana with every attack. It's corrosive and burns me slowly but it isn't enough to kill me instantly. I think as long as I try to keep up and not let them take my mana away I'll have enough time to take them down. Maybe once they run out of mana?' Alex was trying to think of different methods to take care of the gremlins. 

"Mary and Oj, you two will be the ones who will take care of the military investigation You both are good at combat and can take care of yourselves with your abilities. Midnight and Imani, you two will take care of investigating the organization You two are good at information and with your combat knowledge Midnight, you can take care of everything silently. At least better than Oj's brute combat. I hope you four will get ready with your teams I will brief you on the mission details once you all are ready. Go and change to proper clothes. Be back in an hour. Go!" Ryan slowly spoke before telling everyone to leave the room. 

He sat beside Master Zhun and sighed, "it seems like things are starting to get stressful To the point where we will need to head out and take care of some of the smaller Gates. What do you say?" He looked at Master Zhun. 

Hearing Ryan's words, Master Zhun took a deep breath and sighed, "I I don't mind getting some action if it's something for the good. But I would rather be in my room all day, resting. These old bones aren't for fighting anymore." He laughed with a big smile and an excited gaze. 

Ryan shook his head and looked at the ceiling, 'it seems Like Master Zhun is healthy but I shouldn't worry about him for now. He can take care of himself for a long time. But What I should worry about right now should be the damn gates So many gates appearing and the rates of them appearing have been ever so increasing lately. I swear, at this rate, Gates will start to appear quicker than the birth rate of children all over the world.' He seemed to be stressed. 

Master Zhun looked at Ryan and put his hand on Ryan's back, "It'll be all right, Lad. You'll be fine. Just don't stress about everything. Anything in this world has meaning, the slightest movement and decision can make huge changes You should understand that the increase of the reapers will lead to one of the two choices, Either they are getting worried and will leave us alone soon. They might just worried for our powers and want to send as many as they can so as a last-ditch effort That is the thing we can hope for. Well It might also be that they got bored of playing with us Now they are serious and finally sending their troops to take over our world" Master Zhun stood up.

"But It doesn't matter who they are or why they are doing these actions. Our destiny are to fight and never stop fighting until they leave We might face the sweet victor in this two-decade battle or shear defeat in it Sounds like a shitty fate but a fate we must accept. That's why, until we know how things will end, we can't stop fighting. There is a way to defeat fate, Hard work Lot's of it. We just need to keep on working and I know that our fate, no matter how it was originally intended Will change. We will win this with only our hard work." He smiled and walked out of the room. 

Ryan looked at Master Zhun exit the room and sighed, "I didn't understand a single thing. He seemed to be all over the place but I guess I understand the gist of what he was trying to say For a man of power, he doesn't have the best way with words but he has the heart to inspire anyone." He then looked concerned," Seeing him talk like that made me fear, however He didn't look like he was trying to inspire me, but put some fear in me Or at least was showing how scared he was. I guess all these years of fighting caught up to Master ZHun and now, he fears for what might happen once he is no longer here so he wants me to train the new ones more He wants us to work harder so we can win this and he no longer has to stress about us and rest in peace." Ryan thought. 

He stood up, "for him to be worried about us All I can say is that he is an amazing person and I'm just happy to be by his side, serving as his bodyguard while learning new things about this entire thing from him No matter what, Master Zhun always seems to know more about the reapers of the gates than us. I won't let him down, I need to research more!" He looked pumped up. Master Zhun's words seemed to have an amazing effect on Ryan. 

Alex suddenly remembered something, "Healing!" He looked back at the times when the gremlins were healing in front of him, "they were using the same healing ability that I have" 

'If I remember correctly, The man told me that I had to have a special ability to take these gremlins out Was he talking about healing? But how would healing be the key to finishing this battle with the gremlins?' Alex was once again confused. 

He looked at the gremlins and took a deep breath, He jumped to one and once again, with all his might cut it's head off. "Increasing their numbers is a risk but I need to understand more about them," Alex spoke. 

He watched the Gremlin heal itself and transform into two from the cut parts. The two gremlins seemed to jump to Alex as soon as they healed. "Wait These gremlins and the last two ones they both were more aggressive when they healed a lot When they got me, my mana was taken away" Alex finally seemed to think of something useful. 

Alex took a deep breath and unequipped his dagger, "Let's hope this works." He jumped on a gremlin and punched it, as soon as he did, Alex felt his hands burning. 

He jumped off the gremlin and smiled, "It hurt like hell but It seems like what I thought was correct" 

Alex then took a healing potion as well as a mana potion and drank them. After a few small sips, Alex was back to full health and mana. He then continued the process of jumping and punching the gremlins, this time, His hands seemed to glow green when punching. Slowly and surely, Alex continued to do the same attacks until he was out of mana. The gremlins were taking a lot of mana from him but Alex could refill from the potions. 

"It seems like I'm getting there!" Alex thought as he jumped on another gremlin. He punched the gremlin in the head. Unlike other times, where Alex was cut and his mana being taken, the gremlin seemed to fall weak and just fall to the floor. Its body looked very weak. Alex looked at His hands as they glowed red, "IT WORKED!" Alex rejoiced as he watched as some of his lost mana and health returned.

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