Hokage Master

Chapter 361: A Pair of New Puppets

Chapter 361: A Pair of New Puppets

Yagura fulfilled the order and presented the Master with a couple of the strongest shinobi of his Village...

Sato Hai is a bald and energetic old man, a little over half a meter tall. Bare to the waist, barefoot, only in gray trousers. He looked rather strange, especially considering that his entire body was covered with multiple burns and strong relief muscles, dotted with hundreds of thick veins. Like worms, they encircled his strong arms, chest and back. By his very appearance, this old man inspired respect.

Yagura changed into his standard attire, a light blue kimono. In it, he looked more like a sage than a shinobi. To his right stood another old man, the current head of Ishigakure, Ishin Konjiki. The gray only showed up on his green hair. A thick scar covered his entire face across, his eyes burned with determination and severity. A small beard gave stateliness, and two meters of growth - impressiveness. Just like Hiruzen in his time, this Yamakage wore the appropriate Kage ceremonial attire and a wide hat in gray tones.

Interesting trio...

At least Yagura was definitely not the strongest here, but the Master's order was carried out as expected. That alone spoke of his loyalty. Of course, Yamakage easily listened to his friend and followed him to meet with the envoy of Konoha. Although he was surprised that the meeting was outside the village walls, he didn't worry too much about it. Ishin believed Yagura's words without any doubt, he practically replaced his adviser, and their families were the closest allies. How could he doubt him?

However, Sato Hai didn't have such close ties to the two, so he regarded this meeting with a huge amount of suspicion. He couldn't understand why the top three shinobi of the village had gone to a deserted place at someone's request.

Yagura's words sounded like a real trap! Even if it was someone from Konoha, Sato's instinct made him seriously worried. Besides, waking up so early, the old man was in a bad mood.

— And now what? - It was he who spoke first, oddly enough, glumly looking around:

Where is this envoy?

His anxiety increased with every second. Like most of the shinobi of his village, he felt uncomfortable behind the walls of the fortress.

"I swear, Yagura, if this is some kind of plan…"

"Calm down Sato," Yamakage's stern tone was heard, "Our enmity is over, stop worrying." We have common grandchildren, damn it! Do you think we're planning something?

- Hm?

Satō cast an annoyed glance at his leader, then lowered his gaze and sighed.

"You're right, forgive the old man... But don't be so careless," he added seriously, "That's suspicious!" The three of us, the heads of the clans, suddenly have to go out alone to some kind of meeting there. Don't you think this is strange?

"So it was," Ishin nodded calmly, and then smiled, turning to his friend:

"Yagura has already met this man. He certainly wouldn't lead us into a trap. I don't know what's wrong, but I trust him. Ready to trust life.

— Pf! Sato snorted, "Good for you two." Yagura, I believe, but this messenger... What the hell? Who does this Konoha take us for?!

"Shut up Sato," the calm Yagura suddenly intervened. He behaved as usual, without arousing suspicion at all. Wise and confident, but loyal to completely different ideals.

"Do you think I would have made such a mistake and set you up?" I'm not that old yet. Everything's under control.

Nobody answered because they couldn't argue with that. Among all the shinobi of Ishigakure, Yagura was a real genius of strategy and a master of tactics. It's impossible to fool him...

Sato understood that even if all this seemed suspicious to him, then Yagura definitely knew more. Realizing this gave him confidence, while Ishin seemed not to even think about it. If his trusty adviser had come here and brought them, then he already had a plan. They just didn't dare to doubt him.

He really knew... But they... They didn't know the main thing. Remaining himself, Yagura Akarui turned into a completely different person. Now, he served his Master and for his sake was ready to betray friends and family, and do whatever it takes to fulfill his great will!

And therefore, perhaps suspecting something was wrong, Yamakage and the head of the Hai clan fell into his trap ...

Quite suddenly for them, the earth was covered with a purple radiance!

- What?!

"Wh-what the…

The reflections of the jutsu were reflected in their eyes, and then the worst began...

Thirteen purple rings surrounded the area. Paper seals appeared on the ground and caught fire! The Fuin activated and the barrier began to move.


- Damn it! Sato yelled furiously as he gathered his chakra into a fist. But, before he could react, Ishin had already begun to form hand seals at a terrifying speed. They both knew something was wrong as soon as they saw the light, instincts and experience made them act instantly. The bodies had already begun to shackle, when suddenly ...

- BUT?! Yagura?!

- Bastard!

Ishin and Sato froze at the same time, they didn't expect such a sudden attack at all!

Blue lightning flashed and Yagura spun around. He stood in the middle and attacked in both directions!

The palms fell on the shoulders of the former comrades and they were immediately struck by a discharge!

"Hmm, has it already begun?" Naruto stepped out of the shadows and yawned.

"Mhm…" and then raised an eyebrow.

"Whoa, is he having fun already?" How heartless... These two are not that weak, able to resist the thirteen restraints. Impressive.

Although Yagura had the advantage of not being restricted by the barrier, his former comrades were still able to use their hands. Their legs are covered with purple jutsu ribbons, but they won't last long either. Restricting two high-ranking shinobi is not an easy task...

Yagura attacked at weak points, but...

"Dirty traitor!"

Sato yelled, finally managing to form a technique...

The fight immediately changed direction.

A terrifying wave of storm element sent Yagura flying!

It took no more than five seconds, but he failed. He managed to interfere with them with his lightning only at the beginning.

Sad... But, it's too late.

At an unimaginable speed, surpassing anything that the Shinobi of the Hidden Rock had ever faced, a brightly burning silhouette flew up to their backs. They did not even have time to turn around, react or interfere with him, all they managed to feel was a burning light that covered them like the sun, and then powerless darkness.

Consciousness left them... Even Yamakage, recognized as the strongest in his village, could not resist the unimaginable power of the Seventh Hokage.

And so it ended, and then a few minutes passed...

"Master, this useless servant asks for forgiveness. - Yagura fell to his knees and hit his forehead on the ground:

- Please punish me!

Dirty and disheveled. After Satou's technique, he looked rather pitiful...

Naruto gave him an indifferent look and then waved it off.

- Don't interfere. Go get on your knees somewhere else.

- Will be done.

As the drooping old man disappeared, the Hokage shook his head with a grin.

"Funny guy..."

He executed the order perfectly, you can not argue here. Now let him think about his behavior and do not get in the way. His obedience was slightly annoying. He even asked for punishment, although he coped quite well. Well, since you asked, why not?

Lowering his gaze, Naruto looked around at the pair of old men sprawled at his feet with a sly grin. With the experience gained, it will be even easier to subdue them.

- Sorry sight...

They did not put up much resistance - their trust played a cruel joke on them. Although, even if they took a detachment of shinobi with them, nothing would change much.

- Well, let's get started...

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