Hokage Master

Chapter 362: Voice Ready

Chapter 362: Voice Ready


A few hours later...

The scorching sun reached its zenith, while Naruto looked at the results of his work with a tired look. The once strongest ninja from Hidden Rock Village knelt down.

Ishin Konjiki welcomes the Master!

— Hai Sato welcomes the Master!

Their former severity and irascibility disappeared without a trace. Now this is just a couple of faithful servants who have lost their former freedom.

Naruto smirked contentedly, not because of their submissiveness, but because of several notifications confirming his success.

Finally we can go home...

Hidden Rock Village:

+ 10,000 respect + 5,000 respect

+ 50 obedience + 25 obedience

Now the status of the village looked acceptable:

Hidden Rock Village:

Submission - 100

Respect: 20,000

And overall submission has grown significantly:

General Subordination - 871

It was not enough to complete the next goal. Now it was required to choose a new kunoichi and begin the process of submission.

On top of that, after submitting to Yamakage, the expected notification came:

- Subjugation of the hidden village - Ishigakure: 60 points. Status - done!

Worthy. Since the condition was fulfilled, all that remained was to score nine hundred points and finish with the seventh goal. Although, if you use the remaining slot for the girl on Itomaki, then you will most likely be able to complete everything right now.

But that wasn't his plan...

"Better Tsunade... It's high time already" - Naruto wanted to enjoy the mature beauty and after that satisfactorily get the "deserved" award. Everything is better than now, in this wasteland, along with old bones.

"Just look at them... So submissive"

Naruto gave the pair of old men a mocking look, then turned away and ordered:

- You can return. Yamakage, you have a week. Arrive in Konoha and receive my orders. Don't you dare linger.

- Listen, Master.

"Oh yeah..." The Hokage remembered something and raised his voice.

"Yagura, you can leave with them. Continuing to live as before. You all continue," turning to the newcomers, he added menacingly:

Don't you dare arouse suspicion. Your time will come. When you need me, I will call you.

Satou and Ishin quickly bowed at their Master's feet, and then Yagura came out and did the same.

Having finished with this subservience, Naruto irritably drove them away.

Summoning Yamakage to Konoha is a reasonable and logical move. Naruto wasn't going to miss out on possible advantages and be content with just completing another goal. Having a Kage under his control, albeit a small Hidden Village, is quite profitable. If used correctly, it is possible to provide Konoha with not only support from the "puppet ally", but also provide it with new resources. Trade, Jutsu, technology and setting up your own bases in the territory under your control. All this could be achieved thanks to the puppet government. It will be possible to use the Hidden Rock in almost any way. Of course, literally stealing it from everyone in plain sight would be completely unreasonable, but it is quite possible to pretend to be allies and get advantages under this cover. In addition, given the unquestioning obedience of the top of the village, excluding a couple of elders, the possibility of resistance can be ruled out.

After establishing your power and sending several squads of strong shinobi to control a point in the Hidden Rock, you can consistently turn these people into your ideology and keep them under control. All this, not to mention the creation of laws that control the main state apparatuses. By taking control of the economy, and then banning their own ideology, the country can easily be deprived of its goals and a colonial government can be installed. By spreading your interests, you can get a lot.

After more clear thinking and restructuring of the Council of Five, it is possible to recreate the concept of a Unipolar World, governing it from the shadows by hidden force, and then simply establish in each country and Hidden Village one simple law - the supremacy of the universally recognized rules of international law. In fact, they will dominate the laws of any country and village. But, in a world where there is only one master, who will decide all these rights and laws? The answer is obvious. Just conquering the world is a very big mistake. Action from the shadows and slow subjugation of every top authority is a much more reasonable move. In addition, even if in the future one of them somehow manages to get rid of the "mark of a slave" - they will already be powerless. When their own villages and countries live according to the rules of the world, and the economy becomes subject to a renewed government, any actions they take against the system will be perceived as aggressive. In this way they will dig their own grave.

This trick will save many lives and forces. Only to turn this method will not be easy.

Of course, personally, the Hokage himself did not really need all this, but for Konoha it was quite a worthy acquisition. Yamakage should have been used to its fullest, and with Shizune's cold-blooded nature, she would surely squeeze whatever the Master demanded out of him.

"It will be necessary to solve the issue of currency ... But, first of all, we need to get rid of this miserable form of government"

Thinking in this vein and planning his future steps in this world, the Hokage quickly got bored, and therefore, used Hiraishin and moved to Konoha, straight to his office.

The day was in full swing...

"Haa…" A tired Naruto sank into his chair, put his feet up on the table and wearily massaged his temples.

"It's all so annoying… If only someone would walk around the world instead of me and end everything."

He sighed, then turned his gaze to the wall, to the row of portraits. Focusing on one very attractive one, the Hokage couldn't help but smirk mischievously.

- I am only glad that soon you will become mine ... Who would have thought, right? I could work on the rejuvenation jutsu just for you.

Tsunade... She became his main target. This familiar anticipation of the coming hunt was damn exciting!

"I'm still fit to be your grandchild, but somehow that only makes me want you more."

And just at the moment when Naruto was about to get up and start preparing, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in his head.

- Hey! I'm talking to you! Are you even listening to me?!

"What the..." The Hokage froze in shock. Instead of the usual rough tone of the Nine-Tails, a clear and angelic girl's voice rang in his head! So charming that for just one opportunity to listen to him for hours, he was ready to sacrifice ten fingers! This bright and attractive tone was terrifyingly enchanting, as if it possessed some kind of magical power.

Even for him, a man who faced so many beautiful girls, it seemed too dangerous...

"What the hell..." Naruto frowned as he began to suspect the most logical. Why would there be other voices in his head than...

— Kurama? he asked warily, once in his inner world.

- Hm?

Nothing has changed in this gloomy place, except for one important detail...

The big fox is gone!

"What the…" The Hokage stared in bewilderment at a small sphere hovering right in the air.

The concentrated chakra of the Nine-Tails... All the power gathered in one place!

That voice was right there!

- So you...

It was not often that something could make the Hokage so excited, but at that moment, true surprise and bright anticipation flashed across his face!

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