Hokage Master

Chapter 421: You raped me!

Chapter 421: You raped me!


The next day, after showering together and soaking in the warm water, Tsunade and Naruto hugged each other and relaxed in the bathroom, casually chatting about the past. He played with her hair, slowly twisting it around his fingers, while the playful girl fingered his rough palm with her nails.

"So you kept yourself until the wedding?" he asked suddenly, interrupting her fantasies.

Tsunade was confused.

"Mm…" Her quiet reply was barely audible, "Then, I thought it was very important…"

"Ha..." Naruto grinned impudently, "If it wasn't for that, you wouldn't be mine..." He started laughing, continuing to irritate her and make her blush.

But, how could she get caught so easily? Now her strategy has changed...

"Hmm, why would you? Giving out a strange laugh, Tsunade shyly whispered:

"You could still… I never loved like that…"

- Yes? But what about Dan? Naruto brought the subject up sharply as he continued to press. It was as if he brought her to this moment on purpose. No matter how embarrassing topics he touched on, Tsunade became too malleable and easily allowed him to take over, so he constantly tried to unbalance her ...

Of course, she couldn't ignore the question about her "ex"...

"Well..." the girl smiled shyly and put his hand on her stomach, as if trying to show that only he can touch her:

"I was young, after all… Wasn't it the same with you and Sakura?" I don't want to say anything bad, but... We haven't even kissed, so... I don't even know what else to say. Rather, I was influenced by that promise and his words ... Undoubtedly, I respect him, but ... It was too long ago ... Then you appeared and everything started to spin ...

Surprisingly, Tsunade seriously tried to justify herself and resolve this issue as soon as it arose. She didn't want to think about the past and couldn't let Naruto bring it up to her.

"Cunning..." He could only praise her strategy. Instead of aggression, as was the case in the past, now Tsunade tried to show her love and thus easily defended herself from any of his provocations.

Naruto really liked to piss people off. But how can you anger a woman who, instead of anger, begins to smile tenderly and lovingly agree or justify herself? Tsunade really learned quickly... Now she accepted her feelings and it became her protection. Before, she was ashamed or in denial, but after accepting, everything became so interesting...

"Hmm, how is it?" Naruto dismissed the question as he quickly considered other attack options.

"It's even funny…" He continued to behave gently. He tucked a wet curl behind her ear and grinned displeasedly:

"That's why you've been running away for twenty years... Poor thing...

"Not twenty! I told you…" the kunoichi was finally indignant, "It happened already when I was Hokage. Don't you dare use Henge anymore - it's too embarrassing!

Ha ha... Let's see...

He finally found a weak spot... That Henge case is still not easy to accept.

"Naruto... I'm serious!" I don't feel comfortable with this...

- I thought you liked it...

Tsunade blushed brightly...

"Y-you…" but all she could do to counter him was an embarrassed sigh.

"Well… Yeah… Just… I don't want you to think anything…"

"Not bad..." Naruto chuckled inwardly. She did not disappoint him again, but ...

— Pervert!

"Wh-what!?" You yourself actually... Ah!~

But, Tsunade didn't have time to finish... His finger touched his lips, and then the whisper reached its destination:

"I like that about you too. Nobody will know...

Tsunade blushed even deeper, and then hissed in annoyance:

You wrote everything down!

"Ha, really…" Pressing his lips to her hot neck, he quietly answered:

"I was just having fun. Don't be afraid, no one will see anything... Probably...

From his impudent chuckles, Tsunade got angry and pinched his knee:

- Fool!

- Hmm...

— Aaah!~

Squeezing her ripe breasts, Naruto enjoyed the gentle moan before suddenly changing the subject.

- Do you think you're pregnant?

"Ah~? Tsunade tensed up. He let her go.

"W-well… Hardly," she clung to his face again and answered with a slight bitterness:

"I told you… In World War II, I was unlucky… I was on the verge of death, faced with an ambush…"

Naruto listened gloomily, this time he wanted to know everything.

"Back then, it was very terrible..." Touching her stomach, Tsunade sighed sadly.

"Orochimaru helped me, but he didn't think about the consequences." And how could he? Then I had to choose: either speedy healing, or death ... I don't blame him ... But, it backfired on me in the future ...

Tsunade's eyes dimmed.

She had long been accustomed to Naruto's harassment, she even liked them and cheered up, but now she was sad again ...

- Hm...

Naruto put his hand on top of hers and laced his fingers together as he smiled warmly.

- We'll manage. I promise you you can carry my baby.

Although these words sounded pompous, and even ridiculous, he knew that this was very important to her.

— Ah~

From such nonsense, Tsunade perked up literally before our eyes. Her joy and pleasure belonged to him, so why not let her enjoy? If for this you had to say such banal things, what's the difference?

Women's ears are a great weakness...

Naruto didn't doubt her words and didn't ask for details. Already this was enough to draw conclusions. If even after such sex, she denied her pregnancy - everything is much more serious than it seems.

After his encouraging and tender words, a loving smile blossomed on a beautiful woman's face. It seemed that at that moment she was ready for anything to make what was said become a reality ...

"I believe you…" Tsunade snuggled up to his groin and groaned sweetly and softly said:

"You know, it would be so wonderful if we could...

She obviously started to turn on and try to repay - another cute female trait.

Turning her wish into reality has become her obsession...

- Yah? Naruto chuckled playfully.

Doesn't it bother you that I'm younger?

- Who cares? Tsunade rested her head on his shoulder and whispered dreamily.

"I don't care anymore ... I just want to be with you, and I don't care about the rest.

But even though she said all this, the presence of Henge still weighed heavily on her. Tsunade definitely wanted with all her heart to appear before him again, young and beautiful, without any illusions. Unfortunately, even she couldn't do it.

And he seemed to know what was in her heart...

"I will take care of your youth, and the opportunity to conceive. Don't worry about anything. All you have to think about is us.

Touching her glossy lips, Naruto smiled thoughtfully.

- Understood?

"Mm..." Tsunade's eyes sparkled with love. His words made her feel so warm and pleasant... Strong hands on her stomach filled her heart with confidence. Feeling his strong body on her back, the kunoichi felt protected and strong to move on. Finally, Tsunade found her footing and became a full-fledged woman. Understanding this turned into an involuntary smile...

Who could have known that things would turn out this way after so many years?

Naruto didn't miss the opportunity to have some fun:

"But you condemned me and tried to run away ... Look now, what a submissive pussy ...

- You! Tsunade turned around and said in annoyance.

- I did everything right!

— Really?

"W-well, it's just… I didn't know that you were so serious… It's like an animal took it and didn't ask… Who treats women like that anyway?" Tsunade pouted offendedly and reproached him.

- Where should I go now? You raped me!

Naruto laughed uncontrollably... How sweetly she demanded responsibility. Like an innocent girl...

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