Hokage Master

Chapter 422: Temari and Shizune's Connection

Chapter 422: Temari and Shizune's Connection


The past week has changed many - not only for Naruto, it turned out to be eventful. As for Hanabi... Not that he had time to think about her.

Maybe he suspected the depth of her changes, roughly determining the psychological motives, but the Hokage was still not a god, able to calculate every step of the goal and read other people's thoughts. That is why he did not realize the situation as a whole, but could only assume and build theories. But, for sure, he knew that it would not hurt to talk with Hanabi, especially after what had happened. He was going to do it a little later, and give her time to think...

The conquest of a woman was not always based on a rude attack. Hanabi's case is one of those.

Meanwhile, some of his women, bored by being alone, began acting strangely. However, the concept of "weird", for many of them, was completely normal ... Take Temari, for example, with her pregnancy. To accept her new position and the power of the Master, at the beginning, was not easy, but in the end she was happy, as a result of which, a week without him turned into discontent and irritation. Maybe mentally Temari and broke down on him, but in ordinary life her son got it. Although, no one canceled the influence of hormones. She was too accustomed to visiting his office ...

Temari had not worn her wedding ring for a long time, and since Shikamaru was absent, she did not really think about divorce. If he showed up, it is likely that she would immediately leave him.

Naturally, Temari understood who got rid of her husband and, in general, did not mind. Shikamaru became completely indifferent to her, almost like a stranger. Past feelings and even contempt - turned into a void. Maybe she also perceived her son as a child, but the truth is that she no longer treated him like a mother. Pregnant from a strong and worthy man, Temari wanted to be born a new and more perfect child. She no longer wanted to stay in her former home, among the Nara clan.

The proud kunoichi became a very cynical, even cruel woman to some extent. Now, even in the clan, she began to treat people down. Giving orders and controlling subordinates with a tight grip - her reputation was rapidly changing. Shikamaru's authority had barely matched her influence before, and now there was almost nothing left of him. Temari changed management to her taste, regardless of other people's opinions, suppressing the supporters of her ex-husband without any pity.

Temari did not spare the guilty, and severely punished all opponents of her new administration. Recently, in the eyes of people, she has become a real tyrant, but at the same time, most of the humiliated men admired her endlessly. It is not surprising, because unlike the quick-tempered, somewhat rude, but at the same time fair and not particularly prominent girl from the past, the current Temari has reached the extreme of her perfection. She blossomed as a woman in every way. Kindness and honesty turned into selfishness and bias towards everything.

Cold and strong, inaccessible and dangerous, her very aura seemed to rise above ordinary people. She looked down at them, as befits a woman of the strongest being.

Rejuvenated, elevated her pride to the level of pride. Temari has become a real bitch. Naruto's darkness had changed her beyond recognition.

Short skirts, defiant clothes, loose hair, cosmetics ... Now Temari dressed as she liked, but at the same time strictly and tastefully. She no longer considered herself a miserable housewife and a fool cheated by marriage. Always like a needle, in lace and ready to receive her Master.

Nothing else stopped Temari from managing the whole clan from behind the scenes and forcing others to work. She did whatever she wanted and refused anything boring. After all, now she not only respected herself as a woman and considered herself better than others - everyone else began to look like mere pawns to her.

Rejuvenated and knowing true sex, Temari became an ideal woman, whose mere presence spread an irresistible spell of sexuality around. Inaccessible, but owned by only one. Now it has become a coveted fantasy of many.

But none of them knew that she was, in fact, a whore who devoted herself to the Seventh Hokage and his child, bowed before him and trampled on the memories of good things. Only in appearance Temari seemed proud and sublime, but in front of him she fell below nowhere and bowed in a way that the most faithful servants did not bow. But that's what made her so attractive.

Such is nature ... Most males lustfully lust for inaccessible and bitchy women, as well as whores and selfish bitches. If these two essences are intertwined into one, an ideal is born. Lovely and supple are suitable only as a wife, and such - only for the sake of hot sex!

Strict in appearance, hiding a sick pervert inside themselves - everyone's dream. Just as women are drawn to bad guys, so men are eager to find a sexual pervert in order to make all their fantasies come true.

But, only the strong and resolute get what they want, while the weaklings are given to be content with only leftovers. Being indecisive, how can you get your hands on a bitch and keep her on a short leash? The most selfish owners take everything for themselves and leave nothing for others but rubbish.

Pregnant, unsatisfied and not feeling his rudeness for almost a whole week, Temari was angry and constantly came to the Residence to sort things out. Unlike Ino, who usually preferred to get angry alone, waiting for him to pay attention to her, Temari resolutely took everything into her own hands, and even if she could face punishment, she boldly showed her interest in the Master. That's probably why she got his answer so much more often. Someone needs to learn...

Unfortunately, every time, throughout the week, Temari only had to deal with Shizune, who did not mind at all discussing one exciting moment with her rival ...

Faced with Temari's serious and confident demeanor, Shizune admired her courage and even began to act more respectful towards her. At the same time, if earlier Temari treated her with a certain amount of hostility, then after a short conversation on the topic of pregnancy and fidelity, having appreciated all Shizune's feelings towards her man, she began to treat her much more seriously.

Holding back her hostility, Temari frankly shared the course of her pregnancy, and since she was the only one of the two who had already given birth, she gave Shizuna some advice, because she still could not conceive.

Temari had absolutely no doubts about the perfection of her Master's genes. Therefore, in her opinion, the only reason for the impossibility of becoming pregnant from him was hidden only in the body of a woman.

Shizune did not deny it, and therefore, with a bitter smile, she blamed herself, sigh sadly about age ...

Seeing her so sad, Temari, to her own surprise, felt sympathy and regretted the harshness of her words. Initial distrust and irritation were replaced by understanding. Even if she changed and became proud, this did not extend to people who were close to him. Still, Shizune, although a rival, she seemed to her quite pleasant, or even, one might say, equal. Then Temari realized that she had no one to talk to about him ... All this time, like Shizune, she kept everything to herself.

So, strangely and somehow embarrassingly, they quickly found a connection with each other, and talked about things that could not be told to anyone else ...

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