Hokage Master

Chapter 474:

Chapter 474:

Tsume had no more strength left, she was completely shattered...

"Khhh..." falling to the floor, the mature and proud kunoichi lowered her head, and finally exhausted herself. Her body continued to tremble. Her chest shook and slowly calmed down like a flame fading in her cloudy eyes.

Drops of blood oozed from the lips, spreading in lines across the floor...

Kneeling in front of him, with her head bowed, her hair disheveled, and her chain taut, Tsume was defeated again without him even having to speak. She could no longer look into his eyes - she was overwhelmed with impotence ...

Sumire looked at everything that happened with a mixture of shock and awe. Her mouth opened and then closed again, fortunately, she was wearing a mask. But, in her eyes it was possible to determine all these genuine emotions that she had never experienced ...

"M-master… He… God…"

She couldn't even properly describe what she saw. It was the first time in her life that Sumire faced such a situation.

Tsume's desperate impotence seemed to fill the air. The oppressive atmosphere of the cold room became even more eerie.

Even the fall of the Akita couldn't compare to this...

He didn't lift a finger! She so growled and struggled, pulled the chain, and rushed at him, and he just stood there... He stood and looked...

Sumire never thought that things would come to this... A mature and strong woman, right in front of her eyes, behaved no better than a wild beast.


In his presence, even the shadows of these women seemed to shrink in fear, and the chains that bound them became huge and frightening...

Sumire didn't know who Tsume was, Naruto didn't tell her anything. But, from the very beginning, she did not show sympathy for her. Akita's condition and the "punishment" that followed caused her to look down on these miserable slaves. But who knew that everything would suddenly change so dramatically?

Tsume really shocked... The complete opposite of the submissive and cowardly Akita. Therefore, Sumire even got scared.

Her awakening was like the awakening of a sleeping monster... It was frightening, but only at the beginning... He shackled her like a dog, and his unshakable aura gave Sumire great confidence.

They were all under his absolute control!

This rebellion turned out to be nothing more than a show run by her adored Master...

Although she was hiding behind his back, but now, Sumire was not even afraid to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

What could Tsume do? Pitiful and defeated - she was doomed to the most miserable end...

A truly sad sight...

Even Akita could no longer pretend to be a victim and quietly wait on the sidelines. Tsume's insane and violent act frightened her and brought her to her senses. She did not expect such a furious reaction from her. First, she was covered with water equipment, and then something like this happened ... Events unfolded incredibly quickly and frighteningly furiously.

Fear soaked her bones and chilled her muscles...

But, unlike Tsume's wild outburst of hatred, Akita was rather worried about herself, and she was not afraid of Tsume, but only of Him ...

All the time, while she growled and fought, Akita was even afraid to move. But in the end, she was still able to relax. Fortunately, nothing of the incident touched her, and she was able to recover after he ruthlessly doused her with water.

Akita was no longer indulging herself with foolish fantasies of freedom, so deep down she scoffed at Tsume's useless efforts. Unlike this proud woman, she could accept reality and bow her head.

And Akita was not mistaken ... Maybe she thought cowardly, but the result is obvious ...

As a result, Tsume is on her knees and is nothing, while she, although humiliated, is still whole and unharmed. At least it's not all that sad.

What good is pride if it only gets worse in the end? Akita had no doubt that her new Master would definitely not leave it like that.

Tsume humiliated herself, and Akita was not at all surprised by this, rather, she even considered it her luck. Much to her joy, the Hokage didn't take it out on her, so she could breathe a sigh of relief.

For some reason, he didn't even say anything, but just looked ...

Now, she planned to sit quietly and not interfere. Tsume did her a big favor by taking the brunt of it. If this continues, then she will be able to use her, curry favor with him, and become the main slave. Why? Because she knew how to obey! The worse Tsume shows himself, the better for Akita. Her stupidity can become a stepping stone to a better life. So she thought, but, of course, in the depths of her soul ... Now she could not plan anything.

It only remained to hope that she did not remember her act and would not break down on her, and even better, that the Master would win back on Tsuma so much that she would no longer pose a threat.

Being in someone else's power is already terrible in itself, but if Tsume also starts harming her, then Akita could only pray for protection from the Master. That's just, she was afraid of any of his decisions and knew that he could simply spit on her and throw Tsume at the mercy of her. After today, she couldn't even imagine what this cruel sadist was capable of...

Because of her own actions, Akita found herself not only in someone else's power, but also shackled, in the same room, along with a potential enemy. There is nowhere to even run away, and there is no one to ask for protection ...

Akita knew the nature of Tsume, and most of all feared revenge. Her chances of winning were extremely low, even without chakra. The reason why Akita plucked up the courage to attack that time was down to Tsume's total impotence. And if not for the emotions, she would not have dared to do such a thing. In any other situation, she would not even dare to look askance at her, but now... Everything could turn into a disaster, and Tsume quite had the reasons and the ability to crush her like a kitten!

It was frightening...

Akita could only curse her stupidity. She had already regretted hundreds of times about how she hurt Tsume. With this selfish act, she ruined her already precarious position...

However, if you have to choose between yourself and Tsume, Akita will not hesitate to make the best choice.

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