Hokage Master

Chapter 475: How far I have fallen...

Chapter 475: How far I have fallen...

"Hmm, what a view..."

Naruto still stood and watched, mocking this pathetic pair of slaves in his heart. He looked not only at Tsume, but also at Akita...

How could he not understand what she was thinking? This cowardly girl was like an open book to him. But why would he give her what she wants? On the contrary, he was going to make sure that these bitches would never be able to live in peace, and not because they could unite and be saved, but only because of how nice it would be to break them in the end.

Watching two dogs fight, making them vie for your attention or pit them against each other... What could be more enjoyable?

Of course, with Akita it will be easier than with Tsume, but that's the point. If one observes the success of the other, then she will have no choice but to bow her head, and gritting her teeth, succumb to circumstances.

It can be said that the company of cowardly and courageous women, at the moment, looked just perfect. In addition, they could not leave each other, as they were stopped by collars and chains.

Locked in each other's company, feuding bitches... What could this lead to? Naruto really wanted to know and see the denouement.

Observation, bleed, manipulation - all this can be used, and get an unexpected result. That's not even considering Tsume's weakness in the form of a daughter...

"Well, I think they're ready..."

For the first time since that furious show, Naruto spoke up.

- Lay is over? Now... Shall we talk? His cold voice made Akita cower in fear.

Tsume's shoulders trembled, she gritted her teeth but didn't answer...

"Hmm..." Naruto suddenly frowned and then took a step and grabbed her hair sharply!

- Look at me bitch! - without any pity, he lifted her by the disheveled curls, and forced her to look directly into his eyes!

— Kh! - from such a humiliating treatment, the extinguished flame of rage in Tsume's heart began to flare up again, but ...

— Hmph! Naruto suddenly snorted and slapped her cheek furiously!

A ringing slap in the face was accompanied by humiliating pain!

"Kh-h! - Tsume's entire fuse instantly dissipated, she could not even clench her teeth, and began to moan in pain ...

Naruto continued to hold her hair and look into the kunoichi's reddened eyes. Resentment, anger, humiliation splashed in them, but even more - pure fear!

Although she was silent, she could not hide the emotions on her pale face.

Drops of red blood dripped from torn lips. Naruto spotted one large droplet and, unexpectedly for Tsume, approached, and then brazenly licked it with his tongue!

- Mm! Not bad...

He licked his lips and viciously grinned...

Tsume instantly shuddered! For her, his act was no different from another mockery! How humiliating it was ... He won, and laughed right in her face!

But what could she do?!

"Disgusting bastard..."

Her lips curled in disgust...

"Heh..." Naruto flashed his bloodied teeth, savoring the sweet taste of her pathetic emotions. Now Tsume was panicking, still afraid, but at the same time showing a cute charm on her slightly reddened cheeks. He had already seen her embarrassment, but now that she was completely naked and on a chain, it was especially attractive.

"Such, I like you much more…" With a self-satisfied chuckle, the Hokage paused, continuing to enjoy her piercing gaze. If it was possible to kill with thoughts and eyes, then right now, he would die on the spot ...


No other woman in this world has ever looked at him like Tsume. It was both terrifying and mesmerizing...

"How low I have fallen..." - he was aware of himself, his vices and that speed of corruption, accessible only to the most greedy and lustful monster. Tsuma just got unlucky...

But what difference does it make if it brought such pleasure? Naruto lived the life of a radical and eccentric hedonist, and was never bound by morality. For him there was no difference between the life of an ant and a man. Except, women: their bodies, their emotions... It was the only thing that could make him feel alive.

Otherwise, what is the difference between putting a dog to sleep and killing a useless subordinate?

For him: people, stones, grass - everything caused only boredom.

The Hokage treated good and evil with disdain, using them only to achieve his selfish goals. He came into this world to quench his thirst and never backed down because he had absolutely no fear. How can you be afraid of losing a boring life? Risk and pleasure, that's the meaning of existence. For an all-powerful creature, this is the only way to achieve harmony.

Nothing could shake his resolve. Neither justice, nor honor, nor faith in something higher dominated him.

The pitiful aspirations of ordinary people meant nothing in his eyes. But, ironically enough, he still followed the path of a person, satisfying their inherent hunger, differing only in that he could drop everything, for this, do not worry about the price and other people's opinions.

If he had chosen the path of strength and strove for eternal life, then this world would have been on fire long ago. Naruto wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice the entire planet if it could satisfy his thirst. Unfortunately or fortunately, he was not attracted by genocide and eternal life.

He lived for one day - a day of pleasure.

If there is not enough life to satisfy his appetite, Naruto will certainly find a way to extend it. Therefore, this world was very lucky that such a selfish person was hardly interested in power and recognition, all he cared about was his own "I".

Tsume had to look into his eyes, and everything she saw there scared her to shiver!

She met many people, many lustful and vile men, but none of them was even in a thousandth part as terrible as he ...

No doubt, no compassion, just a cold determination and an original vice that no mortal dreamed of. His gaze was so determined and commanding that it made one involuntarily doubt oneself.

Creepy as hell...

He acted as if there was nothing wrong with his actions, as if it was meant to be!

From such a piercing and depressing look, Tsume's entire body was shackled with uncertainty. She was starting to get the feeling that her defeat was something natural, and it was completely normal to submit to it - this was what scared her the most! The feeling of humility and acceptance is not at all what she wanted to put up with!

It seemed that Naruto saw all this internal struggle in the eyes of the kunoichi, and therefore remained silent for so long, watching and reveling in her emotions.

He continued to smirk, making Tsume even more afraid of his intimidating personality. In truth, he was waiting for at least something, but this stubborn girl continued to pretend to be dumb.

- What a pity...

Since it turned out like this, Naruto didn't get upset at all, because such a reaction, in fact, is even better than meaningless shouting. The longer she is silent, the more pleasant it will be to make her speak...

"Tsume, don't be mad at me, I'm taking care of you…" he acted "affectionately", but his eyes…

"Look for yourself, if you need to go to the toilet again, fortunately you don't have any pants on..." Naruto grinned evilly at her shaved pussy, "Didn't I do you a favor?"


Tsume's eyes blazed with fiery hatred, but even that didn't make her respond!

Naturally, she remembered her miserable situation at that time. Peeing in front of a man, what could be more humiliating?!

You can't get rid of this anymore!

Naruto attacked on the main weakness - her pride.

But, she still did not give up, because her instincts told her that silence, at the moment, was better than useless words.

He had her very life in his hands, so what's the point of discussing something? It was only by looking at him that Tsume realized that it was useless to talk about something with him, because he was just waiting for this!

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