How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 101: Grand Festival 3.5

Chapter 101: Grand Festival 3.5

Clara's question blared through the air, making me a bit stunned by the prospect it gave. I could understand the Seo part since I technically did sleep on her bed, or more like her thighs, but that's besides the point.

What was up with getting the princess pregnant?

Does she even realize what she just said?

Freedom of speech might be a bit loose here in the academy, but there were certain lines you can't just cross, right? And one of those very thin lines involves remarks against royalty.

Did an absurd rumor like that actually spread around the academy?

I know children of nobility, which make up the majority of the academy students, love rumors, but unless you have a death wish, talking about something like that-rumor or not- would guarantee heads flying and families disappearing.

Noticing my stunned gaze, Clara chuckled a little. "It was a joke... please don't look at me like that."

'Was risking your neck for a joke worth it?' I thought, incredulous.

If somebody else had heard her, she would've been sent to a public execution by now.

"Not the best joke to make...." I said, shaking my head slightly. "You're playing with fire, Clara. Rumors are one thing, but involving royalty can get dangerous fast."

Clara's smile didn't waver. "You're right. It's risky. But sometimes, a little humor helps to lighten the mood, don't you think?"


"Besides... I believe a certain portion of the rumors about you is quite true, no?"

"You don't say...."

She was rather cheeky, even though it was our first time personally having a full on conversation like this.

The smug look on her face contrasted with the business-minded woman I knew from the game.

Well, this was one of her perks in the game.

'Some players actually liked the contrast of her business persona to her cheeky teasing one' Placing her among the top heroines in the popularity poll.

Clara only teases people she finds amusing and likable, so it was a positive guarantee for me. Since our brief auction fight at Skyhigh and the duo exams when I denied her invitation for partnership, I hadn't really interacted with her.

I had thought she would hold some kind of grudge against me, but I'm glad that wasn't the


She then put on her business-like smile and demeanor.

"So~ to what do I owe the pleasure for you to personally make your way out to greet me, Mr. Hell?" she asked curiously.

From her point of view, me interacting with her randomly like this must have seemed really weird. After all, aside from the few interactions we had in the past, not much really happened in between.

We didn't even become friends, and calling us acquaintances was a bit much—we were more like strangers who knew each other and nothing else.

This girl was described to be on par with Snow in terms of intelligence, so she must have realized I didn't just interact with her for some random reason.

Our encounter today might seem random, but for her, maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe she thought I deliberately set up this situation.... That was what her eyes were scrutinizing me with.

Since it's probable she already allied herself with Snow, I might have to consider a few more of my words in order to get some information from her.

"I just wanted to ask you a question...."


"Yes, but before that...." I glanced behind me, noticing the amount of people gathering, trying to listen in on our conversation. Clara's eyes widened slightly at the crowd.

'These nosy nobles...' I thought. I was a noble myself, but didn't they have better things to do? What happened to the training sessions some of them had?

"Let's go somewhere a bit quieter and more private."

She nodded and followed behind me. As we parted through the crowd, who quickly averted their obvious gazes and ran off to do their thing, Clara's voice echoed behind me.

"So, I'm your next target now, Mr. Hell~?"

The way she spoke was loud and slow, making all eyes and ears near us land upon me. Conversations sparked once more, and the eyes of the male students surrounding us became fiery as they stared at me with hatred and jealousy.

Turning around, I could see the smug face she had, even though she covered her mouth with her right arm.

'I take it back. She does hold grudges....'


We found a secluded corner in the training hall, away from prying eyes and ears. Clara leaned against the wall, arms crossed, waiting for me to speak.

"What is it you wanted to ask?" she inquired; her tone less teasing now.

There were many things I wanted to ask her, but certain limits had to be made if I didn't want to be seen as too suspicious.

If we follow the story of the main scenario and based on the events that happened with the student council so far, it would be safe to assume that Snow and Clara were proceeding with their original plan.

A plan that would guarantee a perfect win for Snow. But whether that would work or not depended on certain aspects of the plan they'd managed to accomplish.

"The Gatefall Bridge... did you manage to buy the rights to it?"

The moment those words left my mouth, Clara's eyes turned serious.

The lighthearted vibe she had been giving off was replaced by the cunnin fox I knew her as in

the game.

Her pupils dilated slightly as her mana expanded, trying to put pressure upon me.

I stood my ground, meeting her gaze without flinching.

The sudden shift in her demeanor was expected, but it was still very intimidating.

"You..." Although she didn't have enough mana to actually bring me to my knees, the density and sharpness of it did cut a few skin off me as the winds around her felt sharp.

"How did you know about that?"

'She's scary...'


Her first impression of him was that he was someone amusing-a guy who wasn't one to back down in a fight, a random knight who was a bit more peculiar and mysterious than the rest...

and a powerful individual who didn't showcase his talents.

The overall summary Clara had on Riley was one thing:

'He was a fool....'

He was someone who held both power and authority, and yet he ignored and tended to hide

such a powerful asset behind his back.

He was someone who could easily make his way to the top, someone who was meant to rule

and someone meant to be the greatest, and yet... he was none of that.

Instead, he chose to remain exactly who he was since the beginning of the school....

"The Gatefall Bridge... did you manage to buy the rights to it?"

There was only one possible answer as to why he suddenly asked that question.

'He knows...'

How did he know?

Her mind raced with questions about the possibility of a leak in her conversation with the princess... but there was no way that was going to happen.

They were inside the princess's private quarters when they talked about the plans and offers the princess made for the upcoming elections next semester.

Aside from her, the princess, and the princess's loyal maid, there was supposed to be no one who knew about the deal they had regarding the Gatefall Bridge.

'Did the princess share the information with him?'

It was a plausible explanation due to the close relationship the princess had with Riley.

But they clearly established a binding contract to not let go of this information until she secures the bridge for herself. That was part of the contract and part of the very deal they

shook hands on.

"Then is it her maid?'

Clara wondered if it might be the princess's maid, but 'That girl was too loyal to betray the

princess... she also signed the contract as well.'

There was no way she was the one who leaked it.


"How did you know about that?"

Looking into his deep neutral blue eyes, devoid of any fear despite the pressure and threats

she was making,

Clara felt a mix of frustration and admiration.

Riley's calm demeanor was like an unbothered parent witnessing a child's prank.

His gentle, apathetic face contrasted sharply with hers, which was full of rage and curiosity.

If word about her intentions on the bridge got leak her academy life was done for.... Clara took a step back, trying to compose herself. The intensity of her emotions was something she rarely let slip, but Riley's unexpected knowledge had caught her off guard. She had always prided herself on being one step ahead, on knowing more than anyone else in

the room. But now, standing before Riley, she felt exposed.

His gaze remained steady, unyielding. "Information has a way of reaching those who seek it," The repeated, his tone calm and measured.

"That's not an answer," she snapped, her voice betraying a hint of desperation.

"It's the only one you'll get from me," Riley replied, his expression unchanging. "You should

know by now that secrets don't stay buried for long in this academy." Clara's fists clenched at her sides, her mind racing. She had underestimated him.

'To think that he was also a player in this intricate academy....'

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