How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 102: Grand Festival 4

Chapter 102: Grand Festival 4

The Gatefall Bridge was the academy's lifeline, its very veins that helped supply the lifeblood keeping it alive.

It was a bridge primarily used for commerce and business. Every day, hundreds if not thousands of carriages passed through this very bridge, carrying carts and wagons that supplied the academy's economy.

Without the Bridge, no business could sustain itself within the academy. It was an essential artery, ensuring that goods, resources, and wealth flowed seamlessly into the institution.

This bridge was not just a physical structure but a symbol of the academy's prosperity and connectivity with the outside world.

The bustling traffic on the bridge represented the thriving trade that the academy depended on. Merchants and traders from far and wide brought in a diverse array of goods, from exotic spices to essential supplies.

The constant movement of carriages and the hum of commerce underscored the bridge's significance in maintaining the academy's economic stability.

Playing a crucial role in the daily lives of the students and staff. From food and clothing to academic materials and magical artifacts, everything required for the smooth functioning of the academy passed over this bridge.

It was a vital link that connected the academy to the broader economy, ensuring that it remained a self-sufficient and prosperous enclave.

Overall.... It was a strategic asset to have, a point of control that could influence the academy's political and social dynamics.

Whoever controlled the rights to the Gatefall Bridge held significant power, capable of affecting the flow of resources and the balance of influence within the academy.

This made it a coveted prize, sought after by those who understood its true value.

For Clara and her allies, securing the rights to the Gatefall Bridge was more than just a business move; it was a strategic maneuver that could shift the balance of power within the academy.

Although Clara's family were technically nobles of their own kingdom with ties to its royal blood, the ancestral heritage of the Lumiaria family was built on the blood and sweat of merchants.

'The Gatefall Bridge, a vital artery of commerce, probably smelled like money to them.' The bridge wasn't the only lifeline the academy depended on. Other forms of business and financial assets ensured the academy's continued operation.

Airships passed trade, gateway portals facilitated instant transport, and deals with investors and sponsors, including the leaders of neighboring countries, brought in additional revenue.

Yet, the Gatefall Bridge stood as the most efficient and reliable means to ensure a steady inflow of money into the academy.

Around 60% of the academy's economic flow passed through the Gatefall Bridge.

Without it, the academy would likely face immediate financial collapse unless a significant benefactor intervened.

Currently, there were many problems surrounding the bridge, including its very ownership. Technically, the academy should have had the rights and ownership of the bridge, but since it spanned a narrow river connecting it to lands under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Empire, the lines between who the rightful owners were became blurred.

The academy couldn't just voice their claims on the bridge in front of such a powerful nation, nor could the Eastern Empire proclaim it as part of their jurisdiction when other powerful nations ensured the integrity and independence of the academy.

Since it involved the flow of money itself, the bridge was a valuable asset, and its control was a matter of significant interest.

For many years, it was a constant, sensitive matter between the academy and the Eastern Empire. Both parties understood the importance of the bridge, and neither wanted to concede its control.

The academy needed the bridge to maintain its economic stability, while the Eastern Empire saw it as a strategic asset that could enhance their influence and wealth.

The situation changed dramatically when Principal Leilah took power.

Recognizing the stalemate and the potential benefits of a new approach, she proposed a bold solution.

The academy announced that it was willing to sell the bridge, but with one crucial condition: 10% of the annual profits generated by the bridge would be given to the academy.

This proposition was a game-changer. It offered a potential resolution to the ownership dispute while ensuring a steady income stream for the academy.

By selling the bridge with this profit-sharing agreement, Principal Leilah aimed to turn a contentious issue into a mutually beneficial arrangement.

It was a bold statement that the Eastern Empire couldn't just ignore. After all, it was too good of an offer to pass up.

Not to mention the fact that it was an open sale, meaning everyone had the right to try their hand at acquiring the rights to the bridge.

'This included the hungry merchants who had been quietly waiting for the right moment to strike.'

Many influential families and factions within the academy, as well as external entities, saw this as an opportunity to gain control over the bridge.

The bidding process and negotiations became arenas for power plays and strategic alliances. This competition brought a heightened sense of urgency and tension, with each party striving to outmaneuver the others.

If the story unfolded as it was now, Clara would win the rights with Snow's help.

Snow, a key player with considerable influence and resources, had been instrumental in

helping Clara acquire crucial information behind the players on the board.

Their alliance seemed formidable, and they were basically poised for victory.

However, judging from Clara's reaction so far, it appeared that Snow hadn't yet fully grasped the budget of the players on the board.

Clara's surprised and guarded demeanor indicated that there were still uncertainties and gaps

in their plan.

Their win wasn't set in stone yet.

A guarantee with no promises-that was basically what Snow offered to her.

"15,000,900 gold."


"That's the total budget the Union Merchantry can muster."

Clara's eyes widened at my words, locking onto me like a threatened fox. "What are you getting at here?" she asked, her eyes filled with both curiosity and suspicion.

'She's quick on the uptake, isn't she?'

Well, that works in my favor, so I won't complain. I gave her a neutral look, assessing her


It was only now that I noticed she had cast a soundproof spell around us, even though we were

in a particularly private place.

She doesn't want to risk any chances, it seems.

The Union Merchantry, the Eastern Empire, the Coalition of Blacksmiths, the Magic Tower of Luciel, and finally, your family...

In total, there are about seventeen groups aiming for the rights to the bridge.

But only five out of those seventeen are actual key players. Everyone else is insignificant

against such powerful giants.

"Clara Luminaria... I will tell you all the budget limits of your opponents"

"In exchange...." I paused, allowing a strand of her hair to slip through my fingers, as I fixed

her gaze onto mine.

"Give me

moment of your time, in the future."

Hearing my proposition, her eyes sparkled with even more confusion.

With this, I can have a guarantee of my own.


In the gardens near Killian Hall, Janica carefully watered the beautiful flowers that were about

to bloom. These were [Winter's Light] flowers, which only bloomed at the first snowfall of winter, their delicate white petals glowing softly under the night sky.

These flowers were quite common in her hometown and held a special place in her heart.

Humming a quiet song that her mother used to sing to her as a child, Janica watched the

flowers slowly begin to open.

With the winter days approaching, a certain excitement bloomed within her.

"I wonder how Lucas will react when he sees that I've successfully bloomed a Winter's Light

here," she pondered, a smile forming on her lips.

The memories she had with Lucas and this flower were precious to her.

Although Lucas had grown and changed into the handsome young man she knew now, deep down, he was still the same hard-headed kid she had grown up with. Chuckling to herself, Janica set her watering pot upright and gently touched the flowers.

After tending to the flowers, she brought her gardening tools back to the nearby storage house. She then cleaned herself up a bit before donning her training uniform.

The Winter's Light flowers were not just any flowers; they were a symbol of her past, a link to her cherished memories with Lucas, and a testament to her dedication and care.

She hoped that Lucas would see and appreciate the effort she had put into bringing a piece of

their shared past to life in the academy.

As she finished preparing, a sense of satisfaction filled her.

The gardens looked serene, and the flowers were well on their way to blooming.

It was time to head to her training session, but she felt a deep sense of accomplishment knowing that she had successfully nurtured something beautiful and meaningful. Walking through the morning corridors of Killian Hall She had a look of regret etched across her face as she remembered the small fight she had with Lucas the other day. Walking through the morning corridors of Killian Hall, Janica's face was etched with regret as she recalled the small fight she had with Lucas the other day.

'But that jerk... even though I only wanted to help' she grumbled to herself.

Although part of her reason for interrupting his training yesterday was because she wanted to spend time with him, overall, it was because she was greatly worried about him. "Please, just stay away from me for now, Janica," he had said. 'He didn't have to say that to


Shaking her head as her eyes grew watery, her steps became heavier and heavier with each passing moment. 'He allows the princess to be near him all the time, yet... that jerk dares to...' 'Ahhh! I hate him!......For now, at least....' she thought, frustration welling up inside her.

As best friends, they had always had a few banters and disagreements, but this time, wasn't

Lucas clearly at fault for everything?

What she did that time was only logical.

After all, what kind of friend would just stand by and watch their best friend try to take on a

high-tier frost spell alone?

Her mind replayed the incident. Lucas had been pushing himself too hard, practicing a

dangerous frost spell that could have serious consequences if not handled properly. Janica had intervened out of concern, not wanting to see him hurt.

But instead of appreciating her worry, Lucas had lashed out, telling her to stay away.

'He's such an idiot,' she thought, wiping away a tear that threatened to fall. 'Why can't he see

that I'm just trying to help?'

The corridors seemed longer than usual, each step echoing her mixed feelings of anger,

worry, and sadness.

She remembered how they used to laugh and support each other, how they shared secrets and


But now, it felt like there was a chasm between them, one that she didn't know how to bridge.

Even if he was the one who requested it and somehow survived the attack, it was still dumb and stupid. Lucas could have died that day if she hadn't interfered. 'That jerk is strong, but he wouldn't have come out of that without any fatal wounds... And that princess... why does she keep bothering him anyway?' Janica muttered to herself.

As her mind stressed out, Janica sighed deeply while looking outside through the gigantic

windows of the hall.

Realizing that she wouldn't get much training done with all the stress she was feeling, she sighed even more deeply.

"Should I just return to the garden?" she wondered. It was the only place that helped her


She pondered for a bit, halting her steps, but then shook her head in response. Being there would only make her remember her happy memories with Lucas.

If she mixed the young, innocent Lucas with the current, annoying Lucas, she might never

have a place to relax ever again.

Continuing to walk, Janica found herself feeling increasingly conflicted.

On one hand, she wanted to clear things up with Lucas, to find out why he was acting so

distant and why he was letting the princess get so close to him.

On the other hand, she didn't want to seem needy or clingy.

'Maybe I should talk to him,' she thought, her resolve hardening. 'Not to argue anymore, but

to understand.'

Janica hesitated at the base of the staircase leading to the upper dormitories, her gaze fixed

on the familiar figure in the distance.

The unique golden blonde hair and the handsome profile confirmed her suspicion-it was

Riley. He was engaged in conversation with a girl she couldn't quite place, her curiosity


Not wanting to intrude but unable to tear her eyes away, Janica instinctively pressed herself against the corner of the stairs, partially hidden from view.

Her mind raced with questions. "That's Riley, right? What is he doing here?"

It wasn't unusual to see students lingering near the staircases, but the way Riley and the girl

were positioned, just around the corner and slightly obscured, suggested they might not want to be overheard.

Janica debated whether she should approach them or continue on her way.

She strained her ears, trying to catch any snippets of their conversation. Riley's expression

was unreadable, as usual, but the girl seemed animated, gesturing with her hands as she

spoke. Janica's curiosity grew stronger, but she hesitated to interrupt.

As Janica cautiously edged closer, her thoughts raced. Riley's presence here contradicted her

expectations of him diligently fulfilling his council duties.

The sight of him engrossed in conversation with a strikingly beautiful woman stirred a mix of

emotions within her.

Her heart skipped a beat-not just out of fear and worry, but also a hint of excitement.

'Is he going at his new hunt again?' Janica wondered silently.

Rumors of Riley being a womanizer and a charmer had circulated before, though she had

initially dismissed them.

Her first interactions with him had suggested for him to be respectful and a genuinely kind

person at heart, which made those rumors seem unfounded.

Now, however, doubts crept in.

Janica leaned in a little closer, trying to catch snippets of their conversation without being

noticed. Riley's demeanor was difficult to read as usual, his expression neutral yet engaged.

The woman, on the other hand, seemed animated her features accentuated by a lively expression.

Janica couldn't place her, but her presence next to Riley sparked a twinge of unease and curiosity in equal measure.

Janica's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as she continued to observe Riley and the woman from her hidden vantage point near the staircase. 'Why is he caressing her hair...?' Her eyes widened as she saw Riley's gentle gesture, noticing

how the woman blushed in response. Janica felt a pang of curiosity and confusion, not expecting to see such intimacy between them.

'H-his face is so close to hers.' Janica leaned in slightly, trying to catch any whispers between


Her heart pounded with a mixture of shock and curiosity. "What am I looking at right

now!!!?" 'W-why is she not resisting his advances?' Janica's thoughts raced faster than ever. She

couldn't believe what she was witnessing, her innocence battling with the reality of the scene unfolding before her.

And then it happened-a fleeting moment that sent Janica reeling.

'J-Just now, did they... kiss???' Her eyes widened further, her cheeks burning as she struggled

to comprehend what she had just seen.

Feeling overwhelmed by the flood of emotions and questions, Janica knew she should leave.

It wasn't right to spy on others, especially when it came to matters of the heart. Yet, the temptation to stay and unravel the mystery was just too strong.

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